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6月是結局的開始 夏天結束時到達清洗DS高潮《地球智能情報2021年5月》
2021/05/27 17:01:05瀏覽2546|回應0|推薦1





*"適應正在發生的大局"結果是,你將不會抗拒"完成大轉變",順利進入新維度時間線。 換句話說,恐懼病毒的人們會抵制巨大的變革,因此被篩出新地球時間線, 每個人都可以自由選擇留在新or舊世界中



超越每個男人,女人和孩子的*上流社會和上乘心態(*菁英/貴族概念=超越人民, 高高在老百姓之上)的想法即將成為古老歷史的幻象,而這段(統治階級)古老歷史對人類或地球將不再具有任何觸動的力量。



那些協助進行*幕後清理的人, 並不排除那些目前正在觀察這些信息傳播的人

你們所有人都是清潔工,他們正在幫助那些不知所措, 驚恐,被出賣,焦慮,憤怒和悲傷的人。您分享的愛會以您無法想像的方式提供更大的幫助。





地球及其人民的康復, 可以在沒有任何陰影幻的情況下開始

Earth Intelligence Report for May of 2021:
We are here to share with you good tidings relating to your current state of affairs happening upon the earth plane at this time.
We will say that there has been a greater transformation that will imminently appear upon your organic routes of public awareness.
You will find that the corrupt shadow that has been operating its rule upon the face of this world is reaching a closer time of extinguishment.
Many of the leaders and organizers of such a faction no longer have their appointed power and will be subject to trials that are in momentum to happen before the end of your summertime this year.
We understand that there is still a great deal of fear being felt by many of you at this time regarding this lockdown agenda that has been transpiring for nearly one and a half years of your time currently.
As we have always stated, fear is only a transient energy and when you transmute such an energy with love, compassion and understanding, you will become adaptive to the larger picture that is taking place.
You are looking at a refined humanity as well as a refined earth that is reaching a new destiny.
This new destiny relates to a cooperative people working together with one another to help and heal their divine mother earth as these old affairs are being tranquilized and put to rest.
The idea of superior class and superior mentality over every man, woman and child will be a figment of an ancient past that no longer holds any tangibility over humanity or the earth.
You will learn to build a new world working through the ethics and good-willed nature of equality and self-understanding.
There is a large benchmark of change that you will begin to see starting next month of your time that will usher in the culminating finale leading to the end of the shadow presences upon your planet.
Those who have assisted in the behind-the-scenes cleanup do not exclude the ones who are observing this transmission right now.
All of you have been the cleaners helping to assist others who have been frightened, betrayed, anxious, angry and sad not knowing where to turn.
The love that you share helps in greater ways than you can ever imagine.
The time has not yet passed in continuing to help those in fear. On the contrary, the love required from you is called upon and requested now more than it ever has.
New leadership, new systems, new technology, new medicine… a new life on a new earth is just upon the horizon.
This agenda has led to the greatest backfiring of the shadow factions as it has led to their dethroning and dismantling of their systems and of their rule.
This has not yet reached a full climax yet, but it shall be as you move past the end of the summer of 2021.
From there, residual sanitizing will ensue cleaning up many of the platforms and tools once used by these shadow factions that will be reorganized to serve humanity ethically and with truth behind it.
The days of corruption will be coming to an end as the entire world and its people are involved in ushering in this new world of cooperation and equality for every man, woman, and child.
It is time for the new earth to come together, a new era to begin where the healing of the earth and its people can commence without any shadow illusions in its way.
This concludes the Earth Intelligence Report.
( 時事評論國際 )
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