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2019/08/08 10:42:28瀏覽5243|回應0|推薦10 | |
此時間提交的報告,與你們常見的政府領域, 和各部門發生的重大事務有關。
(1ding: 如近期德州與俄州發生的隨機的槍擊案,媒體報導放大種族歧視議題以懟川普,尤其是越近總統大選期,這類槍擊偽旗事件只會增多,不會減少- 當然, 偽旗事件的目標就是川普總統。)
要知道未來幾年你們會有更大的成果。 這個高潮包括徹底徹底拆除你所知道的陰謀集團腐敗帝國。
在此之後,你們的星球上將發生大規模的清理議程。 在此期間,許多國家選舉出各個不同政府層面的新領導人。
在這些過渡期間,陰謀集團仍然會極力涸竭你的耐心。 重要的是,在這段時間裡,你不會被他們的手段分散注意力,
“2019年8月份地球進展報告”到此結束。 EARTH INTELLIGENCE REPORT for August of 2019.
The report that shall be presented in this time shall relate to the affairs taking place upon your common governmental areas and sectors. The defeat to which you would know as your Cabal forces is imminent. As this defeat becomes stronger the intensity of backlash relating to retaliation and creations of false flag agendas will increase. They are now realizing that it now is nearly impossible for them not to have their own agents and references exposed into greater awareness. As this is being exposed, their empire continues to crumble at a quicker rate. There will be the utilization of your mainstream media that will attempt to come to the defense of these controllers. However, these controllers are plummeting through their empires being exposed and activities being aired and being exposed as well. This will lead to a greater downfall and they are utilizing all available systems that they must distract the people from their affairs relating to the detainment of their forces. This will continue throughout your summer, fall and winter seasons.
It is for you to know that there is a greater culmination ahead within the years to come. This culmination involves the complete and total dismantling of what you would know as your Cabal empire. It is foreseen that by the year 2024, your Cabal will be no more. That which you term as the “Deep State” will therefore, in mass majority, be completely out of the bigger picture relating to your collective consciousness. Therefore, it is important that the next near five years of your time will involve a greater dismantling and exposure operation to take place. Again, these controllers are not graceful. They are extremely violent, and they will not surrender themselves peacefully. This relates to many skirmishes taking place behind the scenes as the top level of your Cabal shall become apprehended. Those who are a part of these higher-level areas will be held in a form of secret tribunal. It shall not be publicized. It shall be more in the military sense. These higher-level Cabal members will be stripped off their proverbial thrones. You can see this as common world leaders as well as religious leaders that shall be stripped from their proverbial thrones. At the same time when the year 2024 comes, the situation involving your Earth’s moon shall also be fully dismantled and will be under new management. All the areas of technology that is currently being utilized through your moon to create emotional imbalance, frequency bombardment and other forms of mind control technology shall be completely dismantled by the year of 2024. After that time, the moon will no longer service as an agenda to control. The Cabal will no longer be a group of control active on your planet. They will be rendered inert. Through this time afterwards shall be the massive cleanup agenda that will take place upon your planet. The leaders elected on a government level will be different throughout many countries during this time. There will be a greater increase of technologies and innovations that will assist in a much quicker cleanup. Your own monetary system during and after this time will also move forward to bringing about the end of fiat currency. There will be several alternative monetary systems that shall be taking the place of the old fiat currency. Around the time of 2024 and the several years following shall be abolished and replaced by local currencies, digital currencies and other forms of currency that represent a harmonious exchange pertaining to service and product delivery. During these years of transition, the Cabal will still pull at your strings of patience. It is important that during this time you are not distracted by trivial means that only wish to erupt emotional temperament through all of you. Stay a steady course. Help those in need. Balance your life through love, compassion and understanding. It is what your world requires the most at this time. This concludes the Earth Intelligence Report. |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |