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心情隨筆|心情日記 2023/01/31 09:03:35 |
每當看到其他教會許多熱心愛主傳福音的朋友,在路上或是咖啡廳 熱心向他人傳講耶穌得救的福音。自己內心就感受到他們的愛主的心。 但是 自己卻無法上前開口向他們說明 (或許大家一定要努力研究 受洗方式的正確性是什麼 ,因為和靈魂得救有重大關係)因為太唐突也是當場不可能接受,反而造成一些爭論。 只能夠暗暗的禱告,求神帶領他們,各教會的牧者和信徒得神恩典能夠查明 聖經上的受洗方式,千萬不能竄改或簡略任何洗禮步驟,因為得救是和自己有關係, 洗禮有赦罪的功效, 做錯了就沒有功效,將來得救就有問題,所以不是因為歸屬哪個教會的或者成為教會的那個職位工人就會有把握得救。 每個人在離世的那一天,自己要去面對是否可以得救? 而得救的第一步就是要人的罪洗去才能見主,所以信了一輩子,遵守聖經一輩子的道理,但是最後靈魂離開身體的時候才知道自己的罪沒有洗掉 是因為 當初洗禮的時候沒有洗去罪,沒有得到赦罪的洗禮。 這個是非常冤枉的事情。那時候我們能夠指責任何教會任何人嗎? 沒有人可以付這個責任。 所以重新放上以前 已經寫過的文章 何為正確的洗禮 希望看到的人努力思考研究自己曾經受過的洗是否正確 神曾給代禱者的話: 唯有透過正確的洗禮,才能將罪洗淨,神透過施洗者,將我們的罪洗淨,如沒有正確的洗禮,施洗只是儀式,沒有赦罪的功效。 在其它發表文章中, 也有以下一段神給的話,一小段如下: 「 所以 真耶穌教會 是 完全參照主的示範 正確洗禮得救的方法 只要 按照聖經裡的道理 洗禮 各方面 都依照聖經 可以得救 似乎 現在 有些 不是真耶穌教會的信徒 也漸漸發現了 正確的得救方法 不過其他的 教會 似乎是佔了少數」 我也在神面前跪下為沒受正確洗禮的任何教會人士代求, 但上述唯有透過正確的洗禮....這句話是神曾給代禱者的話. 今日代禱, 問"得救的人少嗎? " 神也再次給如下話, 送給願接受的人, 「只有受過正確的洗禮 才能得救; 主的旨意本是如此, 向聰明人就隱藏起來」 這文章是多年前寫下的,現在多年後在代禱中 神又提到 洗禮和洗腳禮的道理。 一般教會沒有研究清楚 所以 基本上都沒有執行主耶穌在聖經中明白交代的洗腳禮,沒有執行替信徒洗腳禮。 希望任何看明白聖經的各教會都能改正錯誤. 另外 最早 1917 年 神親自帶領魏保羅 去用正確的方式 領收洗禮. 這個過去的歷史 神也是在代禱中親自證實 ,當初曾經傳給他正確的方式接受洗禮,因為使徒時代的門徒都是如此施洗。 只是年代久遠 方式漸漸失傳不正確 神 只有在末世 再度 啓示神揀選的人, 因為正確的洗禮方式和赦罪有重要關係。 代禱中 神解釋了受洗的正確性 是當日傳给魏保羅。 在形式上與意義上 與主死的形狀聯合 也(受洗者)與主同訂十字架 (故頭向下) 没有記載在聖經 這是神的奥秘(得救是窄門) 由神揀選的傳下 ( 代禱中 , 聽到 神親自解釋 獨一真神的正確觀念才是正確的 , 三位一體不是正確神觀。另講明受洗時,奉耶穌基督的名才正確 .) (2010,9 禱告領受主的話) 我喜悅 你們追求道理 有些教會是 是奉聖父聖子聖靈的名受洗 是不正確的 要奉我的名 受洗 奉耶穌基督的名受洗 這是正確的 耶穌坐於右邊是比喻 我扮演了 不同的角色 身份 是對等的意思 神就是耶穌基督 耶穌基督就是神 我是創造天地的主 因為喜悅這世上一切都是美好的 所以 訂了典章律法 使人遵守不犯罪 遵守之人 是我喜悅的 但是 罪入了世界 人的最後 無論是有好行為 如何遵守律法 仍然歸於死 而創世以先就有了 拯救計劃 我愛我的孩子 於是 親自道成肉身 來到世界 為眾人死 恩典時代來臨 因著我 你們得到拯救 我來不是要廢掉律法、 乃是要成全律法 因此當你們有了好行為 遵守我的道理 受了洗 脫離了死亡的罪 然後得到永生 代禱中 神解釋了洗腳禮的必要性 洗腳禮是我所親自設立的 人做完洗禮後 人在世上生活尚會犯罪 所以神藉著洗腳禮和聖靈的火 洗去人在世上所犯的罪 使人與主有份 所以洗腳禮是使我們與主有份 一生只有做一次冼腳禮就可以 表示與主有份.
即然主的旨意如此, 呼求各教會人士, 多多研究洗禮的道理, 不要受傳統要如何洗, 應找出主耶穌是要我們如何洗禮才有攻效赦罪,因這和得救有重大關係. 以前在非州,有些教會發現自己洗禮方式不對, 馬上更正自己的錯誤,重新受洗, 這才是真正查考得救福音的工人. 主也曾親口說, "在羊圈外有我的羊、 主要親自帶領招回", 故求主耶穌在末日未至之日前, 親手感動各教會工人能真正了解正確洗禮的方式為何, 一同歸入主的名下,成為屬靈一体的新婦. 見證: https://joy.org.tw/holyspirit.asp?num=4170 部分內容 蒙主的憐憫,小晨歆於1997年3月16日在望美教會信徒的祝福中,接受了洗禮,歸入了神的名下,成為神的子民。初春的山谷寒意仍濃,源自於阿里山奔流而下的陳友蘭溪,淙淙的溪水透著冰冰的涼意,在清晨的薄霧裏鄭春雨執事抱著小晨歆準備為她施洗,洗禮前的禱告中,家母看到遠從高處的天上照射出雄壯的榮光於洗禮場,使其心生莫大的安慰與感念神的大恩。 執事奉主耶穌的聖名施洗,小晨歆全身浸水,原本認為她會因為冰冷的溪水而凍得嚎啕大哭,然而出水時我們見到的竟是她一臉甜甜的笑意,沒有任何的哭鬧,就這樣恬靜地度過全程,使得在場的信徒們無不稱頌神奇妙的作為。在洗禮完的禱告中聽見上面有聲音說:「你們今天在這河裏洗禮,正符合聖經所指示,是合法的洗禮。」感謝主,我們所信的,的確是又真又活的神。 以下copy 從真教會網站 真耶穌教會基本信仰概述 第四章浸禮 https://joy.org.tw/goodnews_books_content.asp#3 信水浸係赦罪重生之典禮,必須由已受水靈二浸者,奉主耶穌聖名,在活水中給受浸者予以低下頭之全身浸禮。 一、信浸禮係赦罪重生之典禮 上一節 下一節 1.本會有三種典禮 (1)典禮當具備三個條件: A.主親自設立。 B.主曾囑咐門徒去做。 C.與得救有關。 (2)具備這三個條件的有三種: A.浸禮。 B.洗腳禮。 C.聖餐禮。 2.水浸有赦罪重生之功能 (1)使罪得赦 彼得曾對聽道扎心的猶太人說:「你們各人要悔改,奉耶穌基督的名受洗,叫你們的罪得赦,就必領受所賜的聖靈。」(使徒行傳第二章第38節)。亞拿尼亞對掃羅說:「現在你為甚麼耽延呢?起來,求告祂的名受洗,洗去你的罪。」(使徒行傳第二十二章第16節)。由上可知,領受大水浸禮,乃要使罪得赦。 (2)得以重生 保羅書信中云:「祂便救了我們,並不是因我們自己所行的義,乃是照祂的憐憫,藉著重生的洗,和聖靈的更新。」(提多書第三章第5節)。「豈不知我們這受洗歸入基督耶穌的人,是受洗歸入祂的死麼!所以我們藉著洗禮歸入死,和祂一同埋葬;原是叫我們一舉一動有新生的樣式,像基督藉著父的榮耀,從死裏復活一樣。我們若在祂死的形狀上與祂聯合,也要在祂復活的形狀上與祂聯合。」(羅馬書第六章3-5節)。誠如主耶穌所云:「人若不是從水和聖靈生的,就不能進神的國。」(約翰福音第三章第5節)。由上可知,大水浸禮有赦罪重生之功能,使罪人成為無罪的義人,使舊人成為新造的人,方有資格進入神的國。 (3)歸屬基督 「你們因信基督耶穌,都是神的兒子。你們受洗歸入基督的,都是披戴基督了。……你們既屬乎基督,就是亞伯拉罕的後裔,是照著應許承受產業了。」(加拉太書第三章第26-29節)。可見受浸歸入基督的人,都是信心之父亞伯拉罕屬靈的後裔,照著應許有資格承受天父真神天國的產業,亦即享有天國永生的福分。 二、由已受水靈二浸者施浸 上一節 下一節 舊約律法時代的潔淨禮,「必當有一個潔淨的人,拿牛膝草蘸在這水中,把水灑在……身上。」(民數記第十九章第18節)。供祭司的職分亦然,「要使亞倫和他兒子到會幕門口來,用水洗身。」(出埃及記第二十九章第4節)。何況新約時代的浸禮,是要「洗去你的罪」(使徒行傳第二十二章第16節),更要由已受浸禮而罪得赦免的人來執行,才有資格施行赦罪的聖禮。 主曾對門徒說:「父怎樣差遣了我,我也照樣差遣你們。說了這話就向他們吹一口氣,說,你們受聖靈。你們赦免誰的罪,誰的罪就赦免了。」(約翰福音第二十章第21、22節)。可見,受聖靈是主差遣的證據,惟領受聖靈而奉主差遣,方有資格奉主耶穌聖名洗去人的罪。換言之,沒有聖靈者無權柄執行赦罪的聖禮。 三、浸禮的正確方法 上一節 下一節 1.奉主耶穌聖名 彼得所指示的得救正道是:「各人要悔改,奉耶穌基督的名受洗,叫你們的罪得赦,就必領受所賜的聖靈。」(使徒行傳第二章第38節)。以弗所教會的信徒,明白約翰的洗是悔改的洗,不能赦罪,「就奉主耶穌的名受洗。」(使徒行傳第十九章第5節)。撒瑪利亞的信徒,未求得聖靈同在,「他們只奉主耶穌的名受了洗」,(使徒行傳第八章第16節)。顯然可知,浸禮的正確方法,應當是「奉主耶穌聖名」。 2.在活水中全身浸入 耶穌在約但河受洗,給我們留下榜樣,盡諸般的義,經云:「耶穌受了洗,隨即從水裏上來。」(馬太福音第三章第16節)。「約翰在靠近撒冷的哀嫩也施洗,因為那裏水多;眾人都去受洗。」(約翰福音第三章第23節)。埃提阿伯的太監,明白腓利所傳的福音後,「於是吩咐車停住,腓利和太監二人同下水裏去,腓利就給他施洗。從水裏上來,主的靈把腓利提了去,太監也不再見他了,就歡歡喜喜的走路。」(使徒行傳第八章第38、39節)。由上可知,浸禮應在自然流動的活水裏。是「全身入水」受浸,所以要找「水多」的地方,且是「同下水裏去」、「從水裏上來」。浸禮能使罪得赦,無罪一身輕,故太監歡歡喜喜的走路。 3.要低下頭 「我們若在祂死的形狀上與祂聯合,也要在祂復活的形狀上與祂聯合;因為知道我們的舊人,和祂同釘十字架,使罪身滅絕……我們若是與基督同死,就信必與他同活。」(羅馬書第六章第之-8節)。可見,入水受浸,務要與主死的形狀聯合,表示與主同死、同埋葬、同復活。 當耶穌釘在十字架上,斷氣之前,「耶穌嘗了那醋,就說,成了;便低下頭,將靈魂交付神了。」(約翰福音第十九章第30節)。由上文可知,主死時惟一的動作就是「低下頭」,故領受浸禮的人,要低下頭,與主死的形狀聯合。 大衛曾作詩云:「我的罪孽追上了我,使我不能昂首;這罪孽比我的頭髮還多;我就心寒膽戰。」(詩篇第四十篇第12節)。受浸時,務要有認罪悔改的心,故以「低頭認罪」又心存感恩來受浸,必蒙主憐憫赦罪。 查經 使徒行傳 22:16 – “現在你為什麼耽延呢?起來!求告祂的名受洗,洗去你的罪。” 使徒行傳 2:38 – “彼得說:「你們各人要悔改,奉耶穌基督的名受洗,叫你們的罪得赦,就必領受所賜的聖靈。」” 彼得前書 3:21 – “這水所表明的洗禮,現在藉著耶穌基督的復活也拯救你們,這洗禮本不在乎除掉肉體的污穢,只求在神面前有好的良心。” 路加福音 13:3 – “我告訴你們:不是的,你們若不悔改,都要如此滅亡。” 羅馬書 6:4 – “所以,我們藉著洗禮歸入死,和基督一同埋葬,原是叫我們一舉一動有新生的樣式,像基督藉著父的榮耀,從死裏復活一樣。” 提摩太後書 2:15 – “你當竭力在神面前得蒙喜悅,作無愧的工人,按著正意分解真理的道。” 提多書 3:5 – “祂便救了我們,並不是因我們自己所行的義,乃是照祂的憐憫,藉著重生的洗和聖靈的更新。” the most important way to be saved Whenever I see many friends from other churches who love the Lord and preach the gospel enthusiastically ,preach the gospel of Jesus’ salvation to others on the road or in a coffee shop. I can feel their love for the Lord in my heart. But I couldn’t go forward and explain to them (maybe everyone must study hard about the correctness of the baptism method, because it has a great relationship with the salvation of the soul) because it was too abrupt and it was impossible to accept it on the spot, which caused some controversy. I can only pray secretly, asking God to lead them. The pastors and believers of various churches can find out the baptism method in the Bible by the grace of God, Do not tamper with or simplify any steps of baptism, because salvation is related to oneself, baptism has the effect of forgiveness of sins, If you do something wrong, there will be no effect, and there will be problems in being saved in the future. Therefore, it is not because of which church you belong to or the position you hold in the church that workers will be sure of being saved. On the day of death, everyone has to face whether they can be saved? The first step of salvation is to wash away one’s sins before seeing the Lord, so one has believed all one’s life and followed the teachings of the Bible all one’s life, but only when one’s soul leaves the body does one realize that one’s sins have not been washed away because one did not wash away one’s sins when one was baptized. This is a very unfair thing. Can we accuse anyone of any church then? No one can pay this responsibility. So repost the article I have written before, what is the correct baptism Hope to see people who think hard about whether it is right to study the baptism they have been baptized Gods words to intercessors: Only through proper baptism can we wash away our sins. God, through the Baptist, washes away our sins. Without proper baptism, baptism is just a ritual and has no effect on forgiveness of sins. In other published articles, there is also the following passage of Gods words, a short passage is as follows: Therefore, the True Jesus Church is a method of correct baptism and salvation in full reference to the Lords demonstration. As long as you are baptized according to the teachings of the Bible, you can be saved according to the Bible. It seems that some believers who are not the true Jesus Church are gradually discovering the correct way to be saved, but other churches seem to be in the minority I have also knelt down before God to intercede for any church person who has not been properly baptized, but the above can only be through correct baptism....This is the word God has given to intercessors. I prayed today and asked, "Are there few people who are saved?" God also gave the following words again, and sent them to those who are willing to accept, "Only those who have received the correct baptism can be saved; the will of the Lord is like this, and it is hidden from the wise " This article was written many years ago, and now in intercession many years later, God mentioned the principles of baptism and foot-washing. The general churches have not studied it clearly, so basically they have not implemented the foot-washing that the Lord Jesus clearly explained in the Bible, and they have not performed the foot-washing for believers. I hope that any churches that understand the Bible can correct their mistakes. In addition, as early as 1917, God personally led Wei Paul to receive baptism in the correct way. God also personally confirmed this past history in intercession. Baptized in the same way as the disciples in the apostolic age were baptized in this way. Its just that the way has been lost for a long time. Its not correct. God only reveals Gods chosen people again in the last days, because the correct way of baptism has an important relationship with the forgiveness of sins. In intercession, God explains the correctness of baptism It was passed on to Paul Wei on the same day in form and in the sense of being united with the shape of the Lords death (the baptized) and the cross with the Lord (so head down) It is not recorded in the Bible, this is the mystery of God ( Salvation is a narrow gate) passed down by those chosen by God (In the intercessory prayer, I heard God himself explain that the correct concept of the one true God is correct, and the Trinity is not the correct concept of God. In addition, it is stated that when baptized, it is correct in the name of Jesus Christ.) (2010,9 Pray and accept the Lords words) I am glad that you pursue the doctrine. Some churches are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is not true. Baptize in my name. Baptize in the name of Jesus Christ. This is true. Jesus sitting on the right is a parable。 I played a different role, the identity is equal to the meaning It means that God is Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is God I am the creator of the heavens and the earth, because I am happy that everything in this world is good, Therefore, I have made ordinances and laws that people may keep from sinning, and those who keep them will be pleasing to me。But sin entered the world, and the end of man, regardless of good deeds or obedience to the law, is still death。 And before the creation of the world there was a plan of salvation。 I love my children, so I personally became flesh and came to the world to die for all. The age of grace has come. Because of me, you are saved. I didnt come to abolish the law, but to fulfill the law. So when you have done good deeds, obeyed my teachings, been baptized from the sin of death, and received eternal life In Intercession God Explains the Need for Foot Washing The washing of feet was instituted by me personally after a person is baptized People still sin while living in the world. Therefore, God washes away the sins that people have committed in the world through foot-washing and the fire of the Holy Spirit, so that people may become partakers of the Lord. Therefore, foot-washing makes us partakers of the Lord. You can only do the foot-washing once in your life to show that you are partakers of the Lord Since the will of the Lord is so, I call on people of all churches to study more about the principles of baptism, not to be baptized by tradition, but to find out how the Lord Jesus wants us to be baptized in order to be able to forgive sins, because this is very important to salvation. relation. In the past in Africa, some churches found that their baptism method was wrong, and immediately corrected their mistakes and re-baptized. This is the real worker who studies the gospel of salvation. The Lord also said with His own mouth, "There are my sheep outside the sheepfold, and the Lord will personally lead them back." Therefore, I pray that the Lord Jesus will personally move the workers of all churches to truly understand the correct way of baptism before the end of the day. In the name of the Lord, become a spiritually united bride. Testimonial: https://joy.org.tw/holyspirit.asp?num=4170 Part By the Lords mercy, Xiao Chenxin was baptized on March 16, 1997, under the blessing of believers in Wangmei Church, and became Gods people. The chill in the valley in the early spring is still strong, which originates from the Chenyoulan River flowing down from Alishan Mountain. The gurgling water of the stream reveals the icy coolness. In the early morning mist, Deacon Zheng Chunyu holds Xiao Chenxin in his arms and prepares to baptize her. During the prayer before the baptism, my mother saw the majestic glory shining on the baptismal place from the high sky, which made her feel great comfort and gratitude for Gods great grace. The deacon baptized in the holy name of the Lord Jesus. Xiao Chenxin was immersed in water. She was supposed to cry because of the freezing stream, but when she came out of the water, we saw a sweet smile on her face.No Weeping and screaming, and spent the whole process peacefully in this way, all the believers present praised Gods miraculous deeds. During the prayer after the baptism, I heard a voice from above say, "Your baptism in this river today is in line with the scriptures and is a legal baptism." Thank the Lord, what we believe in is indeed the true and living God. The following copy is from the True Church website An Overview of the Basic Beliefs of the True Jesus Church Chapter Four Baptism I believe that water baptism is a ceremony of forgiveness of sins and rebirth. Those who have been baptized in water and spirit must bow their heads and baptize their bodies in living water in the holy name of the Lord Jesus. 1. Baptism is a ceremony of forgiveness of sins and rebirth 1. There will be three kinds of ceremonies (1) The ceremony should meet three conditions: A. The Lord Himself instituted it. B. The Lord had charged the disciples to do it. C. Concerning salvation. (2) There are three types that meet these three conditions: A. Baptism. B. Foot washing ceremony. C. Holy Communion. 2. Water immersion has the function of forgiveness and rebirth (1) For the forgiveness of sins Peter once said to the Jews who listened to the sermon: “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38) . Ananias said to Saul, “Why do you delay now? Arise, and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name” (Acts 22:16). From the above, we can see that receiving water baptism is for the forgiveness of sins. (2) be reborn Paul said in his epistle: “He saved us, not because of works of righteousness which we had done, but according to his mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5 ). “Do you not know that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death! Therefore we were buried with him by baptism into death; that we might walk in newness of life, just as Christ through to the glory of the Father, as we were raised from the dead. For if we have been united to him in the likeness of his death, we shall also be united to him in the likeness of his resurrection” (Romans 6:3-5). As the Lord Jesus said: “Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” (John 3:5). It can be seen from the above that water baptism has the function of forgiveness of sins and rebirth, making sinners become sinless righteous people, and turning old people into new creatures, so that they are eligible to enter the kingdom of God. (3) Belonging to Christ “You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. As many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. … If you belong to Christ, you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”( Galatians 3:26-29). It can be seen that those who are baptized into Christ are all spiritual descendants of Abraham, the father of faith, and according to the promise, are eligible to inherit the inheritance of the heavenly kingdom of the true God, that is, to enjoy the blessing of eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. 2. Baptism by those who have been baptized in water and spirit The cleansing ceremony in the age of law in the Old Testament, “There must be a clean man who dips hyssop into the water and sprinkles it on…” (Numbers 19:18). The same is true for the priesthood, “to bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, and wash them with water” (Exodus 29:4). What’s more, baptism in the New Testament era is to “wash away your sins” (Acts 22:16), and it must be performed by those who have been baptized and forgiven their sins before they are eligible to perform it. Sacrament of forgiveness of sins. The Lord once said to his disciples, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you. When he had said this, he breathed on them and said, Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive, their sins are forgiven .” (John 20, verses 21, 22). It can be seen that receiving the Holy Spirit is the evidence of the Lord’s sending, and only receiving the Holy Spirit and being sent by the Lord is qualified to wash away people’s sins in the holy name of the Lord Jesus. In other words, one without the Holy Spirit has no authority to administer the sacrament of forgiveness of sins. 3. The Correct Method of Baptism 1. In the name of the Lord Jesus The right way of salvation that Peter instructed is: “Repent, everyone, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts II, Section 38). The believers in the Ephesian church understood that John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance and could not forgive sins, so they were “baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 19:5). The believers in Samaria did not ask for the presence of the Holy Spirit, “they were baptized only in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 8:16). It is obvious that the correct method of baptism should be “in the holy name of the Lord Jesus”. 2. Full body immersion in running water Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, leaving us an example of fulfilling all righteousness. The scriptures say: “When Jesus was baptized, he immediately came up out of the water” (Matthew Chapter 3, Verse 16). “John also baptized in Aenon, which is near Salem, because there was plenty of water; and all went to be baptized” (John 3:23). The Ethiopian eunuch, after he understood the gospel preached by Philip, “he ordered the chariot to stop, and both Philip and the eunuch went into the water, and Philip baptized him. When they came up from the water, the Spirit of the Lord took him away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing” (Acts 8:38, 39). From the above we can see that baptism should be in the natural flowing water. To be baptized is to “submerge the whole body into the water”, so it is necessary to find a place with “a lot of water”, and to “go into the water together” and “come up from the water”. Baptism can make sins forgiven, and the innocence can be lightened, so the eunuch walked happily. 3. Keep your head down “If we have been united to him in the likeness of his death, we shall also be also in the likeness of his resurrection; knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away… If we died with Christ and believe that you will live with him” (Romans 6:8). It can be seen that to be baptized in water must be united with the image of the Lord’s death, which means that he died, was buried and resurrected with the Lord. Before Jesus died on the cross, “Jesus tasted the vinegar, and said, It is finished; and bowing his head, he gave up his soul to God” (John 19:30). It can be seen from the above that the only movement of the Lord when he died was to “bow his head”, so those who receive baptism should bow their heads to unite with the image of the Lord’s death. David once wrote a poem: “My iniquity has overtaken me, so that I cannot lift my head; it is more iniquity than the hairs of my hair; and my heart trembles.” (Psalm 40, verse 12). When you are baptized, you must have a heart of confession and repentance. Therefore, if you “bow your head and confess your sins” and be baptized with gratitude, you will be merciful and forgiven by the Lord. Bible Study 1. Acts 22:16 – “And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.” 2. Acts 2:38 – “And Peter said to them, ‘Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” 3. 1 Peter 3:21 – “Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” 4. Luke 13:3 – “No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” 5. Romans 6:4 – “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” 6. 2 Timothy 2:15 – “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” 7. Titus 3:5 – “He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.” |
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