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When Harry Potter Meets X - File!
2019/05/24 18:18:40瀏覽542|回應1|推薦13

When Harry Potter meets X–File! 

Plot Spoiler –  The Fantabulous Nanomorphique Adventure of M Hardoon Rotman 

The whole and nothing but the true story of “The Fantabulous Nanomorphique Adventure of M Hardoon Rotman” came into existence when the two worlds of the Magic and the Outer Space Beings collided together. 

The Story – 

Musée Pellemet, a world-renowned museum in Paris for its massive Asiatic artifact collections, was currently holding a Chinese Jade Exhibition. But right on the opening day, after it was closed for the day, a break-in happened by three Ninja warriors who stole two art pieces and also kidnapped a 10 year old girl, Cassandra Law, daughter of the Museum’s Resident Archeologist, Dr. Catherine Denver. 

This incident was described in the official police report as a simple robbery and kidnapping case by some mysterious ninjas. 

But according to Dr. Denver, her daughter wasn’t kidnapped by three ninjas, she herself witnessed the whole events as it happened, and she was sure that her daughter was taken away by an invisible man! 

Dr. Denver was totally appalled by the unwillingness of the police, to believe the truth! If the invisible man was not the target of the police investigation, as far as anyone can see, how could she ever get her daughter back! 

That night, there were also several reports from the surrounding residents of the museum that a Horseshoe Crab shaped flying ship was spotted before it disappeared into the night sky. 

Who was this invisible man? What were those two art pieces that were stolen? Where was Cassandra now? 

In search of the truth of this mysterious case, the story expanded over several continents, began at Paris, it went to Canada Quebec’s Montreal and Anticosti Island; and then, from there, it leaped to Mesoamerica’s Mayan Jungle. 

Over there, situation between life and death happened, at the end, a Mayan ball game was held at the Tikal National Park of Guatemala. 

After the Mayan Civilisation, the focus was switched to China, at a newly identified excavation site, the search for a forgotten Daoist Temple of Sung Dynasty, introverted into the molecule level of Daoism philosophy and understanding of the Universe. 

All the conflicts and fractions in the story, between man and man, men and aliens, and among aliens themselves came to an explosive confrontation in Tokyo’s new “Golden Alligator” Theatre, when men and aliens performed together on stage of the musical “Fairy of the Golden Alligator.” 

The entire story called for a massive ensemble cast of all ages, all genres, and different nationalities; plus living aliens among the humans, and with their AIs created by them. 

But no matter how complex the story was, how diversified the characters were, it could be scooped up by one logline, and that is: 

“When Harry Potter Meets X – File!” 

You heard it right! Just imagine, when the world of the Magic and the World of Outer Space Beings collided together, an extra-terrestrial firework bounded to explode up! 

Can’t wait to find out? Click the button and start reading!


( 創作連載小說 )
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2019/05/25 09:17

introverted into the molecule level,這是何義?
高手過招 - 英語電影劇本大綱(StoryTellerPJ) 於 2019-05-25 19:23 回覆:

多謝無言兄留言。的確住加拿大就有英語的美式或英式兩種拼法的問題。如果用 MS Word 寫作,會自動幫你改或會說你拼錯了!幾次後也不去管他了。

以法語的單字來說,字中凡寫法為單一的 "-s" 發音為 "z",寫為 "-ss" 就發 "s"。

另外有關 "introverted into the molecule level",我的意思是想自『奈米』的層次來理解道教。我略微解釋了一下,會貼到你的部落格的留言簿內。