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2008/11/24 10:00:42瀏覽412|回應0|推薦4
(一) 偶然,徐志摩 (中譯英)

I am the cloud in the sky,
reflecting in your heart by chances.
You need not to be surprised,
not even joyful.
For suddenly, I will disappear.

You and I meet in the darkness sea.
You have your destiny, I have mine.
It is good you remember.
It is better you forget
...the sudden sparkling we once had.


Silver String

That night when we said good-bye
You tied a silver string on my heart
The other end is your smile
Our thinking is on the string

That night when we said good-bye
You tied a silver string on my heart
The other end is your heart
Our missing is on the string

So we took the silver strings
Weaving in our memory
When the autumn comes
My heart has yours.
Yours has mine.

If you have to go tomorrow
Please leave me a silver string
For I want to follow it
To find your smile in the golden rays
( 創作詩詞 )
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