情人節快樂 |
2009/08/25 08:03 |
不知您是中國人 還是外國人 如果以一外國人 能中文已經不簡單 要能創作出中文詩詞更不簡單 您國學素養深厚 可敬 祝您 中國情人節愉快 永浴愛河
慕光臨@prairie moon娃娃煙(SerenityWithWords) 於 2009-08-26 13:35 回覆: |
我是中國人(血緣),也是外國人(老外看來) 大學念的不是中文系, 中文能保持高中程度,便謝天謝地
可能是我貼的人頭照引起您此般猜想, 那是小有名氣的美國電視演員C. Moore 喜歡她一覽無遺的開懷大笑, 明亮如日月, 才借用來當門牌
近年來重拾舊詩詞 , 業餘嗜好, 國學素養不敢僭稱深厚, 謝謝鼓勵
也祝您中國情人節快樂! 趕快鼓吹環保 , 日後方能永浴乾淨 沒枯涸 沒氾濫的愛河
一位救災國軍官兵弟兄向媒體朋友表達的心聲 |
2009/08/25 07:58 |
小姐感謝您熱心貼文章 我已經有發表在8月22日了 http://blog.udn.com/medov/3246774 感謝關心災情
慕光臨@prairie moon娃娃煙(SerenityWithWords) 於 2009-08-26 13:16 回覆: |
慢半拍 後知後覺 感謝妳耳聰目明 快手快腳 迅速轉達國軍救災的心聲
越來越喜歡您 |
2009/06/21 19:57 |
慕光臨@prairie moon娃娃煙(SerenityWithWords) 於 2009-06-22 12:03 回覆: |
能體會您睹花思母之深情 令慈 [愛瑪麗亞及玫瑰] 可見其信仰之真誠 您字裡行間 流露一顆詩人的心 雖海波洶拍 底層以恩主為地基 平靜無波
慕光臨@prairie moon娃娃煙(SerenityWithWords) 於 2009-06-29 07:08 回覆: |
嚇了一跳, 您府上人去樓空, 誠如您暱稱 ,篇篇勵志佳作轉眼間 [不過就是塵土]。
因您部落格目前不開放留言, 只好在此貼出呼籲啟事, 無論您因何故 [不告而別], 請萬萬不要將您發揚耶穌基督濟弱扶傾的精神 充滿關懷弱勢族群的多篇文章束諸高閣, 有機會經由教會刊物像中信月刊 或耕莘文教院等機構發表, 以造福更多嗷嗷待哺的心靈。
喜歡您 |
2009/06/18 16:50 |
寫的作品。 詩人的腦子結構究竟是不同啊! 謝謝肯定,會再努力。將來有您一半功力就偷偷笑一笑了。
慕光臨@prairie moon娃娃煙(SerenityWithWords) 於 2009-06-19 13:39 回覆: |
謝謝愛護! [詩人]的嘉許可是承擔不起 倒真是喜愛詩詞逼著作者提煉文思的精緻格式
您太過謙虛了 集科技與人文純青爐火於一身 這樣高人部落格 [新秀] 教大家見賢思齊了
2009/06/14 12:21 |
記憶流水滿滿的思念 此情此景不勝的欷噓 能用您這影片嗎
慕光臨@prairie moon娃娃煙(SerenityWithWords) 於 2009-06-14 23:45 回覆: |
此影片的出處說明貼在下面 原創動畫家本來歡迎大家分享
不需要客氣 請自由取用 晚安!
[鋼琴] 動畫創作發想的故事 |
2009/06/05 13:18 |

Gibbons is a young animator from Ireland. One of his animations “The
Piano” is our Week 22 of the 2007 “Movies of the Week”. His animation
has won many prizes and has been distributed to schools throughout the
UK. It was created as his second year project at university here in the
UK. He now works for an advertising company “The Mill” in London He has
made some excellent adverts for some big brands such as the Sony and
this fantastic one for PSP (http://www.aidangibbons.com/psp.html) (節錄自 http://www.southaxholme.doncaster.sch.uk/subjects/animations/page1/main%20page/inteviews/Week%209/week9.html)
慕光臨@prairie moon娃娃煙(SerenityWithWords) 於 2009-06-05 13:25 回覆: |
First of all, what first got you into animation?
Aidan: I've had a passion for animation and visual effects since I was a young boy. When I was about 15 (part time and over summer), I started working as a runner in my Uncle's Graphic Design, Dynamo in Dublin. I started using Photoshop and Illustrator and getting my head around how 2D logos are made. I then started to learn Flash which is primarily a website software but also a great 2D animation tool. Then, one of the employees started to use a 3D package to animate television commercials. Suddenly, the whole world of animation and visual effects opened up for me. I began to animate and create things in 3D and animate them in 3 dimensions. The possibilities were endless. It was then that I began to realise that this hobby of mine was what I wanted to do for a living. I wanted to study this in University and possibly work on television commercials or even films. So when I was 18, I finished my Irish exams and went to the UK, to the University of Hertfordshire. I did this because Ireland did not have much to offer in terms of digital animation. I made 'The Piano' in my second year of my course.
Liam: Roughly how long did it take you to complete "The Piano"? Did you have time for a social life?
Aidan: 'The Piano' was basically one of four modules in my 2nd year at Herts. I made the entire film from initial sketches to final product over a 5 month period. I mainly worked from home and worked 7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day. I still somehow found time for a social life however!
Liam: Obviously you are not an elderly man so where did your idea come from to show his life through flashbacks at the piano?
Aidan: The idea for the film came purely by coincidence. I was actually listening to the 'Amelie' soundtrack. I don't know if you aware, but the music in 'The Piano' that is given to teachers across the UK does not have the original music on it. The original music is actually a song called 'Comtine D'Une Ature Ete' by Yann Tiersen, who made the music for the French film, “Amelie”. The original film with the original music can be downloaded from my site. Basically, the dept. of Education was not able to attain rights for the music so they had similar music composed instead. Whilst listening to Yann Tiersen's track, the whole story just unravelled in my mind! The music just screamed out the theme of reminiscing, reflections and retrospection. I also have a grandfather who lives alone but was in the Army so this was a big inspiration too.
Liam: In your animation the movement of the fingers on the piano matches the music. How did you achieve this feat?
Aidan: If you are watching the original film (found on my site), then the fingers match perfectly. In fact if you play those exact keys, you will be playing Yann Tiersen's song. The Dept. of Education version does not match perfectly. In any case, I simply filmed my sister play the sheet music to Yann's song and used that as a reference for each finger movement… quite a laborious task!
Liam: The movie has three main events – the man's wife, his dying comrade and the grandson. Had you had the time what other scenes might you have added?
Aidan: Good question! I think even if I had the time, I would not include another event. I simply feel that three is enough and if I went on and on, then it might lose its magic. Short and sweet!
動畫 Muse: 法國電影Amelie的華爾滋主題音樂 |
2009/05/29 18:33 |
Amélie, music by Yann Tiersen
If anything is going to get Yann Tiersen wider attention then it is this soundtrack to the film by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, and he deserves every bit of it. Tiersen's music is not immediately recognisable as conventional film music but it is great in the context of this film, known as "Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie Poulain" in the Original French, or simply Amelie in the English speaking world where it is presented with subtitles, but don't let that put you off - the movie is easily followed and the subtitles don't detract from its charm at all. Jeunet discovered the composer Tiersen when a friend was playing one of his albums in the car. You can easily imagine Tiersen's music accompanying other films and we hope that other directors are looking in his direction at the moment.
This particular movie has lots of character and lots of heart. The casting and direction are suberb and the music is an essential ingredient in the mix. All tracks are by Tiersen except 7 (an oldie in English) and 14 (an oldie in French). Some of them are existing tracks from Tiersen's albums, and some are composed especially for the film. Amelie is a likeable girl who develops an ambition to help others. The question is whether she is willing to face her own problems. It sounds like a serious story, but the movie has a light touch with a lot of humour. "Amelie's Waltz" is the main character's theme, provided in 3 different versions and central to the movie. The first version is presented in a typical Tiersen arrangement with accordians prominent. This instrument features prominently throughout the soundtrack giving a distinctly French feel to the film. As with Amelie's theme, waltzes also feature throughout the soundtrack and give a merry-go-round impression, as though the characters are experiencing the whirlwind of life.
慕光臨@prairie moon娃娃煙(SerenityWithWords) 於 2009-05-29 18:36 回覆: |
(continued) J'y suis jamais alle is taken from the album "Rue des Cascades" and introduces French accordians from the outset. Les Jours Tristes is listed as "instrumental", this designation implying that the track was recorded live by an ensemble rather than tracks played and layered by Tiersen himself. The sleeve notes mention that a vocal version of this is available on Tiersen's latest album "L'Absente". We are then introduced for the first time to La Valse d'Amelie with its typical Mediterranean instrumentation. Comptine d'un autre ete: l'Apres Midi played on piano has simple accompaniment patterns in typical moody minimalist style. La Noyee from "Le Phare" starts with accordians and barely perceptible percussion, then strings enter when it turns into 3/4 time getting gradually more intense. L'autre Valse d'Amelie is a laid-back bittersweet accordian waltz with celeste-like chimes.
excerpts from http://www.mfiles.co.uk/reviews/amelie.htm