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鄉村波霸天后〔桃莉芭頓〕──冠軍名曲──浪漫的〔Think About Love〕
2009/09/10 02:38:49瀏覽687|回應0|推薦1

1986〔Think About Love〕精選封面



鄉村波霸天后〔桃莉芭頓〕──冠軍名曲──浪漫的〔Think About Love


Ever since the moment that I met you
Youve been on my mind

And I need to
Somehow let you know that I think about you all the time
So when you think about love, think about me
I can give you more than youll ever need
Sooner or later every heart needs some company
When you think about love, think about me
When you think about love, think about me
We were strangers
Now Im already wrapped around your finger
Oh whats a heart to do
Cause it lingers
At the thought of you want me as much as I want you
So when you think about love, think about me
I can give you more than youll ever need
Sooner or later every heart needs some company
When you think about love, think about me
When you think about love, think about me
Makes me blue
Im not holding you tonight
Cause only you can satisfy this heart of mine
So when you think about love, think about me
Cause I can give you more than youll ever need
Sooner or later every heart needs some company
So when you think about love, think about me
When you think about love, think about me
Cause I can give you more than youll ever need
Sooner or later every heart needs some company
When you think about love, think about me
When you think about love, think about me
Cause I can give you more than youll ever need
Sooner or later every heart needs some company
When you think about love, think about me
When you think about love, think about me
Cause I can give you more than youll ever need
Sooner or later every heart needs some company
When you think about love, think about me
When you think about love, think about me


Real Love


雖然媒體常喜歡開桃莉芭頓(Dolly Parton)身材的玩笑
(身高15 2cm , 三圍44/19/?,胸部簡直像兩顆躲避球!

記得以前看過報導 醫生建議減胸到38吋 
否則她過細的腰圍會支撐不住 但桃莉就是不肯 因為她認為"自然就是美"

從70年代後期開始 已是美國鄉村天后級的桃莉開始製作自己的專輯


1977年的〔Here You Come Again〕大碟銷售百萬


專輯同名單曲也拿下美國流行榜#3 成為她首支百萬金曲



1985年3月 39歲的桃莉發行第28張錄音室專輯〔Real Love/真愛〕

同名單曲成為她第19首鄉村榜冠軍(桃莉共有25首Country NO 1!)
秋天時芭頓推出第三主打〔Think About Love/想想愛〕(難得這首歌曲不是她的詞曲作品)


Think About Love〕又登上鄉村榜后座 成為她第20首冠軍

Real Love〕是芭頓跟RCA唱片合約最後一張大碟

雖然成績不錯 但公司仍沒跟她續約 之後桃莉便轉往哥倫比亞唱片了

1986年春天 RCA推出一張重新混音 以〔Think About Love〕為名的精選輯

裡面的單曲版本跟〔Real Love〕專輯中的原版有點差異

Think About Love〕後來還被已逝的台灣歌手 王默 君翻唱成中文版的〔想想我的愛〕

在我聽過的桃莉芭頓歌曲中 個人最喜歡這一首




Thin About Love





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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