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英國流行團體[霸克費士]──新浪潮/合成流行/舞曲──[My Camera Never Lies/我的相機從不說謊]
2024/06/26 11:03:00瀏覽215|回應0|推薦6

英國流行團體[霸克費士]──新浪潮/合成流行/舞曲──[My Camera Never Lies/我的相機從不說謊]


Ah click click,
Ah click click

Ive been checking you up
Ive been tracking you down
Funny all the things that Ive found
Was it any surprise, didnt you realise, I must apologise
(It doesnt matter any more) to you
(Cause everything you tell me is boring)
Nothings gonna throw me now
(It doesnt matter what I say) to you
Cause youve got that look in your eyes
The camera never lies

My camera never lies
So Ill put you in the picture and cut it down to size
(My camera oh oh)
My camera never lies anymore
Cause theres nothing worth lying for
(My camera never lies)
Theres nothing worth lying for
(My camera never lies)
My camera never lies anymore

Try to cover the trail, try to head for the line
Wonder why youre wasting your time
With another disguise â??cos theres no compromise
When the negative is dry
(It doesnt matter what I do) for you
(Cause every time you take me Im sleeping)
Youre never gonna shake me now
(It doesnt matter how I try) for you
(I can see by the look in your eyes)
(The camera never lies)

My camera never lies
So Ill put you in the picture and cut it down to size
(My camera oh oh)
My camera never lies anymore
Cause theres nothing worth lying for
(My camera never lies)
Theres nothing worth lying for
(My camera never lies)
My camera never lies anymore

My camera, my camera, my camera never lies
Lies oh, oh, oh, oh
My camera never lies anymore
â??Cos theres nothing worth lying for

My camera never lies
So Ill put you in the picture and cut it down to size
(My camera oh oh)
My camera never lies anymore â??cos theres nothing worth lying
Nothing worth lying, nothing worth lying for

My camera never lies anymore (My camera never lies)




1982年3月,英國雙男雙女團體霸克費士(Bucks Fizz)推出單曲[My Camera Never Lies/我的相機從不說謊](RCA唱片發行)

此曲由Nichola Martin作詞, Andy Hill作曲,Andy Hill製作成一首新浪潮/合成流行/舞曲,



[My Camera Never Lies]在1982年初登上英國單曲榜冠軍(1981年度#7)──為團體第三首冠軍.取得銀唱片(20萬張+)


德國#31 荷蘭#22+30,




[The Land of Make Believe]收在霸克費士1982年4月推出的第二張大碟[Are You Ready/你準備好了嗎](Andy Hill製作)



紐西蘭#18 澳洲#20















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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