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黑人天后〔黛安娜蘿絲〕與澳洲天團〔比吉斯〕的合作──英國冠軍──流行經典──〔Chain Reaction/連鎖效應〕
2009/09/26 01:37:09瀏覽210|回應0|推薦2



黑人天后〔黛安娜蘿絲〕與澳洲天團〔比吉斯〕的合作──英國冠軍──流行經典──〔Chain Reaction/連鎖效應〕


You took a mystery and made me want it
You got a pedestal and put me on it

You made me love you out of feeling nothing
Something that you do
And I was there and not dancing with anyone
You took a little, then you took me over
You set your mark on stealing my heart away
Crying, trying, anything for you

Im in the middle of a chain reaction
You give me all the after midnight action
I wanna get you where I can let you make all that love to me
Im on a journey for the inspiration
To anywhere and there aint no salvation
I need you to get me nearer to you
So you can set me free
We talk about love, love, love
We talk about love
We talk about love, love, love
We talk about love


You make me tremble when your hand moves lower
You taste a little then you swallow slower
Nature has a way of yielding treasure
Pleasure made for you, oh
You gotta plan, your future is on the run
Shine a light for the whole world over
You never find your love if you hide away
Crying, dying, all you gotta do is

Get in the middle of a chain reaction
You get a medal when youre lost in action
I wanna get your love all ready for the sweet sensation
Instant radiation
You let me hold you for the first explosion
We get a picture of our love in motion
My arms will cover, my lips will smother you
With no more left to say
We talk about love, love, love
We talk about love
You let me hold you for the first explosion
My arms will cover you

All you gotta do is get in the middle of a chain reaction
You get a medal when youre lost in action
Dont pass me by
I wanna get your love all ready for the chain reaction ...


1980年中期 進入中年的黑人天后黛安娜蘿絲(Diana Ross)的聲勢逐漸下降
雖然蘿絲不斷改變樂風 造型 似乎挽救不了下滑的音樂事業

1985年8月 41歲的黛安娜推出〔Eaten Alive/生吞活剝〕大碟

邀來澳洲天團比吉斯(Bee Gees)擔任製作

比吉斯在80年代前期與多位大牌歌手合作 譬如芭芭拉史翠珊(BarbrA Streisand) 狄昂華薇克(Dionne Warwick) 肯尼羅吉斯(Kenny Rogers) 桃莉芭頓(Dolly Parton) 均相當成功


可惜〔Eaten Alive/生吞活剝〕專輯銷售並不理想(美國榜#45)

首支同名主打由比吉斯與麥可傑克森為黛安娜打造 卻鍛羽而歸(US#77 UK#71)


1985年底 蘿絲推出仍由比吉斯譜寫製作並合音第二首主打〔Chain Reaction/連鎖效應〕

Gibb兄弟鰾示 原本他們並不打算將此曲交給黛安娜


Chain Reaction/連鎖反應〕是首節奏輕快活潑 具有比吉斯味道的流行靈魂舞曲

只是美國反應依舊不佳 只拿到流行榜得到#95
(黑人榜#85 成人榜#25 舞曲點播#7 舞曲播放#23)
不過出乎意料的 Chain Reaction/連鎖效應〕1986年在英國發行後 竟大受歡迎 登上三週后座 成為她自1971年〔I’m Still Waiting〕以來第二首不列顛冠軍

連帶專輯也升到#11 銷售頗佳
Chain Reaction/連鎖效應〕在歐洲普遍反應不錯 在澳洲 此曲也登上冠軍 並成為當年最暢銷單曲

由於國際市場的成功 Chain Reaction/連鎖反應〕在美國以混音版重新主打

這回表現較好 但也只升到單曲榜#66就下滑了



Eaten Alive〕大碟


MV中 黛安娜展示多種造型
包括戴著埃及豔后假髮 穿著迷你短裙的黑人歌手 穿著著宛如美人魚的紅色禮服
性感米粉頭妖姬 優雅貴婦 黑人時髦女郎等
蘿絲的快板歌曲中 個人最喜愛的就是Chain Reaction/連鎖效應〕
個人一直覺得這是首旋律討好 並能帶動聽者情緒的歌曲


Chain Reaction/連鎖效應〕後 黛安娜開啟了往後歐洲比美洲更出色的事業










1994 Live



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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