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神秘華麗的歌壇吉普賽女郎〔史蒂芙妮克絲〕──搖滾榜冠軍──〔Rooms On Fire/著火的房間〕
2010/02/23 16:54:08瀏覽282|回應0|推薦1


神秘華麗的歌壇吉普賽女郎〔史蒂芙妮克絲〕──搖滾榜冠軍──〔Rooms On Fire/著火的房間〕



Written by stevie nicks and r. nowels.

Somewhere out in the back of your mind
Comes your real life and the life that you know
It seems like it was the creation of some of those same old things
It seemed to be the only thing left out in the light
She had trusted many
But been unfamiliar with
Almost everyone but you

Well maybe Im just thinking that the rooms are all on fire
Everytime that you walk in the room
Well there is magic all around you, if I do say so myself
I have known this much longer than Ive known you

She had trusted many
And then there would be someone who would enter into her presence
That she could sense for miles
She dreamed of her wanton luxury
And she laughed and she cried and she tried to taunt him
And he hated to be separated
From that picture no

Well maybe Im just thinking that the rooms are all on fire
Everytime that you walk in the room
Ooh, well there is magic all around you, if I do say so myself
Well I have known this much longer than Ive known you

Long nets of white cloud my memory
Long nets of white cloud my memory
Ooh there is magic all around you
Everytime you walk in the room

Well maybe Im just thinking that the rooms are all on fire
Everytime that you walk in the room
Well there is magic all around you, if I do say so myself
Well I have known this much longer than Ive known you


1989年春天 佛利塢麥克(Fleetwood Mac)主唱之一的史蒂芙妮克絲(Stevie Nicks)推出個人第四張大碟〔The Other Side Of Mirror/鏡子另一邊〕


專輯登上美國榜#10 銷售百萬白金

英國則是季軍 登上#3 為史蒂芙在當地成績最好的大碟 同樣賣了白金(>30萬張)


首支單曲〔Rooms On Fire/著火的房間〕是首流行搖滾

由史蒂芙跟製作人Rick Nowels合寫

歌詞則是描述她跟前男友Rupert Hine的關係
在華麗的編曲中 史蒂芙以她略帶模糊的咬字賦予歌曲一種迷人的魅力
此曲登上美國流行榜#16 主流搖滾榜冠軍 成人抒情榜#16

英國榜#16 (同樣是她在英倫最成功的單曲)
紐西蘭#12 荷蘭#15 愛爾蘭#17 澳洲#23 德國#46
Rooms On Fire〕是我對史蒂芙的初次認識



除了歌唱實力外 史蒂芙妮克絲相當懂得以造型來包裝自己

加上她走神秘異國路線 讓她在同期的女歌手中顯得頗為特出





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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