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黑人迪斯可女王〔唐娜桑瑪〕與美國情歌聖手〔巴瑞曼尼洛〕的交集──〔Could It Be Magic〕
2010/02/25 16:31:44瀏覽148|回應0|推薦1


黑人迪斯可女王〔唐娜桑瑪〕與美國情歌聖手〔巴瑞曼尼洛〕的交集──〔Could It Be Magic
Oh baby its been so long
Ive waited so long
and now that I have you
I want you to come
come come come into my arms
oh baby I need you I need you
come come come into my arms again

Spirits move me
every time Im near you
whirling like a cyclone in my mind
oh sweet Peter, angel of my lifetime
answer to all answers I can find

Baby, I love you, come, come,
come into my arms
let me know the wonder of all of you
baby, I want you now, now,
now, and hold on fast
could this be the magic at last?

Oh hold on to me
dont let go
come into my life
dont let go

Baby, take me high upon a hillside
high up where the stallion meets the sun
I could love you, build my world around you
never leave you till my life is done

Baby, I love you, come, come,
come into my arms
let me know the wonder of all of you
and baby, I want you now, now,
oh now, oh now, and hold on fast
could this be the magic at last?
baby, I want you, come, come
could this be the magic at last?

Could it be magic?
come, cmon, cmon
come oh oh come into my arms
oh, let me know the wonder
of all of you, all of you
baby, I want you now, now,
oh now, oh now and hold on fast
oh could this be the magic at last?

Come, cmon, cmon,
come oh oh come into my arms
oh, let me know the wonder of all of you
baby, I want you now, now, oh now,
oh now and hold on fast
oh, could this be the magic at last?
could it be the magic?


1975年底 27歲的黑人歌手唐娜桑瑪(Donna Summer)以第二張專輯中廣受爭議的美國亞軍曲──迪斯可情色經典〔Love to Love You Baby〕走紅 被稱為‘愛的第一夫人(The First Lady of Love)’

1976年3月隨即推出由Giorgio MoroderPete Bellotte製作的第三張大碟〔A Love Trilogy/愛情三部曲〕

(距離上張大碟〔Love to Love You Baby〕才三個月)

拿到美國榜#21 賣出金唱片(>50萬張) 英國#41 在義大利特別受歡迎 登上冠軍

公司延續上張大碟的路線 將她塑造成一個男人性幻想的尤物

唱片A面依舊是一首長達17分鐘的性感迪斯可靈魂舞曲〔Try Me, I Know We Can Make It〕(第二首單曲)
專輯首支主打則是翻唱美國情歌聖手巴瑞曼尼洛去年的暢銷曲(Barry Manillow)的〔Could it Be Magic〕(US#6)

唐娜版則改成迪斯可編曲在 並恢復她豐厚的黑人嗓音 詮釋著這首迷人的歌曲                               

不曉得是否受到〔Love to Love You Baby〕的成功影響
歌曲中的口白是用半呻吟式的聲音唸出來的 充滿一股感官氛圍

Could it Be Magic〕並沒有〔Love to Love You Baby〕般的出色成績

只拿到美國流行榜#52 舞曲榜#3 黑人榜#21 成人抒情榜#41

荷蘭亞軍 澳洲#14 德國#23 英國#40
不過仍是唐娜早期的名作之一 因為它展現出桑瑪的歌唱實力




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( 休閒生活音樂 )
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