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性格天后〔雪兒〕與詞曲女王〔黛安華倫〕的合作─抒情搖滾─〔Just Like Jesse James/就像傑西詹姆士〕
2010/03/04 00:11:58瀏覽320|回應0|推薦1


性格天后〔雪兒〕與詞曲女王〔黛安華倫〕的合作──抒情搖滾名作──〔Just Like Jesse James/汪洋大盜(就像傑西詹姆士)〕

Youre struttin into town like youre slingin a gun

Just a small town dude with a big city attitude
Honey are you looking for some trouble tonight
Well alright
You think youre so bad drive the womenfolk wild
Shoot em all down with the flash of your pearly smile
Honey but youve met your match tonight
Oh thats right
You think youll knock me off my feet
Til Im flat on the floor
Til my heart is crying Indian and Im begging for more
So come on baby
Come on baby
Come on baby show me what that loaded gun is for
If you can give it I can take it
Cause if this heart is gonna break
Its gonna take a lot to break it
I know tonight somebodys gonna win the fight
So if youre so tough come on and prove it
Your heart is down for the count
And you know youre gonna lose it
Tonight youre gonna go down in flames
Just like Jesse James
Youre an outlaw lover and Im after your hide
Well you aint so strong wont be long
Til your hands are tied
Tonight Im gonna take you in
Dead or alive thats right
You break the laws of love in the name of desire
Take ten steps back cause Im ready baby
Aim and fire
Baby theres no way youre gonna run tonight
Oh thats right
Well youve had your way with love
But its the end of the day
Now a team of wild horses
Couldnt drag your heart away
So come on baby
Come on baby
Come on baby you know there aint nothing left to say
If you can give it I can take it
Cause if this heart is gonna break
Its gonna take a lot to break it
I know tonight somebodys gonna win the fight
So if youre so tough
Come on and prove it
Your heart is down for the count
And you know youre gonna lose it
Tonight youre gonna go down in flames
Just like Jesse James



1989年秋天 繼兩首美國流行榜Top10單曲〔After All/終究〕&If I Could Turn Back Time/假如我能倒轉時間〕後

43歲的奧斯卡影后雪兒(Cher)發行東山再起的三白金專輯 Heart Of Stone/鐵石心腸〕第三首單曲〔Just Like Jesse James/汪洋大盜(就像傑西詹姆士)〕

這首旋律討好的成人抒情搖滾由詞曲天后黛安華倫(Diane Warren)與製作人Desmond Child合寫
雪兒以她渾厚有力的嗓音(剛聽到我還以為是男人的聲音) 循序漸進 到最後激昂近乎吶喊似的演繹這首頗富戲劇性的歌曲

Just Like Jesse James〕在1990年初拿到美國流行榜#8 抒情榜#9

英國榜#11 加拿大#8 愛爾蘭#10 比利時#13 澳洲#14 波蘭#19 德國#38




傑西詹姆士(Jesse James,1847-1882)




據說雪兒原本不是很在意此曲 不過許多歌迷提到這是他們的最愛

Just Like Jesse James〕的歌名選得蠻特別的
因為傑西詹姆士(Jesse James)是19世紀美國著名的盜匪
幹過許多搶劫珠寶 銀行大案
許多戲劇 電影 小說 音樂都喜歡以他為主角


在雪兒的抒情歌曲中 此曲跟〔Save Up All Your Tears/保留你的眼淚〕是個人最喜歡的兩首
你可以聽聽看〔Just Like Jesse James〕到底跟這位汪洋大盜有什麼相像的地方









MV(Fan Made)







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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