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英國電子流行搖滾名團〔驚懼之淚〕──美國亞軍傑作──〔Sowing The Seeds Of Love/散播愛的種子〕
2010/03/10 00:36:48瀏覽198|回應0|推薦3


英國電子流行搖滾名團〔驚懼之淚〕──美國亞軍傑作──〔Sowing The Seeds Of Love/散播愛的種子〕



High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man
And the lovetrain rides from coast to coast
D.j.s the man we love the most
Could you be, could you be squeaky clean
And smash any hope of democracry ?
As the headline says youre free to choose
Theres egg on your face and mud on your shoes
One of these days theyre gonna call it the blues

And anything is possible when youre sowing the seeds of love
Anything is possible - sowing the seeds of love

I spy tears in thier eyes
They look to the skies for some kind of divine intervention
Food goes to waste !
So nice to eat, so nice to taste
Politician grannie with your high ideals
Have you no idea how the majority feels ?
So without love and a promise land
Were fools to the rules of a goverment plan
Kick out the style ! bring back the jam !

Sowing the seeds
The birds and the bees
My girlfriend and me in love

Feel the pain
Talk about it
If youre a worried man - then shout about it
Open hearts - feel about it
Open minds - think about it
Everyone - read about it
Everyone - scream about it !
Everyone - read about it, read about it
Read in the books in the crannies and the nooks there are books to read
Chorus !

(mr. england sowing the seeds of love)

Time to eat all your words
Swallow your pride
Open your eyes

High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man
And the lovetrain rides from coast to coast
Every minute of every hour - I love a sunflower
And I believe in lovepower, love power, lovepower !!!

Sowing the seeds
An end to need
And the politics of greed
With love


驚懼之淚(Tears For Fears是80年代初期進軍美國的英國新浪潮團體之一
在新浪潮沉寂後 驚懼之淚轉向電子流行與現代搖滾




1989年初秋 驚懼之淚推出睽違四年的第三張大碟〔The Seeds Of Love/愛的種子〕

這張專輯的製作費超過一百萬英鎊 導致樂團負上一筆債務

因為推出後相當暢銷 拿下英國冠軍與白金(>30萬張) 美國#8 也是一張白金唱片(>100萬張)
驚懼之淚的音樂製作越來越繁複 藍調 爵士 披頭風格皆囊括其中
首支單曲是8月發行的〔Sowing The Seeds Of Love/散播愛的種子〕
此曲內容針對人心貪婪 提出一般男女應該把握住愛的真諦改變自己的看法
編曲華麗 宛如一首史詩 驚懼之淚融入了披頭四的懷舊情懷
Sowing The Seeds Of Love〕拿到英國榜#5 美國榜亞軍(&現代搖滾榜冠軍 主流搖滾榜)
被珍娜傑克森(Janet Jackson Miss You Much〕擋住王座)

國際市場則是義大利亞軍 荷蘭#3 瑞典#8 德國&瑞士#11 澳洲#13 奧地利#17 法國#18

MV也拿到美國MTV 大獎的最佳突破錄影帶與最佳特效兩個獎項
Sowing The Seeds Of Love是個人對驚懼之淚音樂的初次認識









1989 Live


2007 Live



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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