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靈魂夫人〔艾瑞莎富蘭克林〕與英國天王〔艾爾頓強〕的合作────流行佳作───〔Through The Storm/歷經風雨〕
2011/01/19 01:05:27瀏覽182|回應0|推薦1

靈魂夫人〔艾瑞莎富蘭克林〕與英國天王〔艾爾頓強〕的精彩演出────流行佳作───〔Through The Storm/歷經風雨〕

In this world its hard
you know
lovers come and lovers go

people never seem to hold on to what theyve got.
Some they never stay together
you and I will be no better

we can make it last forever
we can keep this love alive.

Through the storm
through the tears

you and I
I know we can survive.
To the day
through the night

if we try we can keep it alive
we can keep it alive.

I know sometimes its been so tough

weve been so close to giving up

but our loves so strong and we keep holding on

to what we got.
Its easier to walk away
it takes a lot of love to stay

weve got all the love it takes
we know theres a brighter day.

Through the storm
through the tears

you and I
I know we can survive.
To the day
through the night

if we try we can keep it alive
we can keep it alive.

We just gotta be strong
we just gotta be strong

we just gotta be strong together

we just gotta hold on
we just gotta hold on

we just gotta hold on and go through the storm.

Through the storm
through the tears

you and I
I know we can survive.
To the day
through the night

if we try we can keep it alive
we can keep it alive.

Through the storm
through the tears

you and I
I know we can survive.
To the day
through the night

if we try we can keep it alive
we can keep it alive

1989年 47歲的美國靈魂女王艾瑞莎富蘭克林(Aretha Franklin)推出〔Through The Storm/歷經風雨〕大碟
不知是否因為與英國偶像喬治麥可(George Michael)合作奪冠的成功
這次Aretha公司請來另一個英國樂壇巨星艾爾頓強(Elton John)與她合唱首支主打 也是專輯同名單曲
製作人仍是黑人巨匠 Narada Michael Walden

Through The Storm 〕是首Pop/AC/Urban Comtenporary佳作
兩位各執一方牛耳的巨星簡直是在飆歌 不但飆得很爽 而且歌迷聽得也很過癮
在美國流行榜得到# 16 黑人榜 # 17 成人抒情榜# 3 英國#41

儘管如此 此曲精彩程度絕對不輸




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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