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美國創作才女〔金康妮絲〕──〔Crazy In The Night( Barking at Airplanes)/夜晚的瘋狂(在飛機上咆哮)〕
2011/10/28 00:16:56瀏覽233|回應0|推薦1


美國創作才女歌手〔金康妮絲〕──輕快迷人的〔Crazy In The Night( Barking at Airplanes)/夜晚的瘋狂(在飛機上咆哮)〕


(Kim Carnes)

Sometimes I really think
Im going crazy in the night
When I hide down in the covers
And I wont turn out the light
I think nothings gonna get me
But then again it might
What can I do to keep from going
Crazy in the night

I need a drink of water
But I swallow hard instead
Cause its hard to move a muscle
When youre frozen in your bed
If I could make it to the phone
Before I die of fright
What can I do to keep from going
Crazy in the night

Sometimes she really thinks
Shes going crazy in the night
When she hides down in the covers
And she wont turn on the light
She says nothings gonna get to her
But then again it might
What can she do to keep from going
Crazy in the night

Theres a monster on my ceiling
Theres a monster on the wall
There are thousands in the closet
Now theyre coming down the hall
Im so hidden they cant find me
But then again they might
What can I do to keep from going
Crazy in the night

Sometimes she really thinks
Shes going crazy in the night
When she hides down in the covers
And she wont turn out the light
She says nothings gonna get to her
But then again it might
What can she do to keep from going
Crazy in the night

And if I disappeared
Do you think theyd ever look
Would I be headlines in the paper
Or the cover of the book
Got to pull myself together
I dont want to die of fright
What can I do to keep from going
Crazy in the night

Sometimes she really thinks
Shes going crazy in the night
When she hides down in the covers
And she wont turn on the light
She says nothings gonna get to her
But then again it might
What can she do to keep from going
Crazy in the nigh






1985年春天 將屆40歲的美國創作才女歌手金康妮絲(Kim Carnes)推出〔Barking at Airplanes/在飛機上咆哮〕 獲得不錯評價

首支單曲為個人作品〔Crazy In The Night( Barking at Airplanes)/夜晚的瘋狂(在飛機上咆哮)〕


這首結合成人抒情 流行搖滾與後新浪潮風格的歌曲節奏輕快



〔Crazy In The Night( Barking at Airplanes)〕在美國流行榜拿下#15

成為她在〔Bette Davis Eyes/貝蒂黛維絲的眼睛〕後最成功的獨唱單曲


另外拿到南非#3 奧地利#8 澳洲#21

不過〔Crazy In The Night( Barking at Airplanes)〕也是金最後一首Top20熱門曲


Anyway, 〔Crazy In The Night〕是首相當精彩的流行佳作



Short Version MV


Long Version MV







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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