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美國黑人天后〔黛安娜蘿絲〕與〔瑪丹娜〕製作人的合作──美國榜冠軍──R&B舞曲經典──〔Upside Down/顛倒〕
2012/10/16 02:09:24瀏覽153|回應0|推薦1



美國黑人天后〔黛安娜蘿絲〕與〔瑪丹娜〕製作人的合作──美國榜冠軍──R&B舞曲經典──〔Upside Down/顛倒〕


I said upside down
Youre turning me
Youre giving love instinctively
Around and round youre turning me

Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round

Instinctively you give to me
The love that I need
I cherish the moments with you
Respectfully I say to thee
Im aware that youre cheatin
When no one makes me feel like you do

Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round

I know you got charm and appeal
You always play the field
Im crazy to think youre all mine
As long as the sun continues to shine
Theres a place in my heart for you
Thats the bottomline

Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round

Instinctively you give to me
The love that I need
I cherish the moment with you
Respectfully I see to thee
Im aware that youre cheatin
But no one makes me feel like you do

Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round, round
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round

Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round, round

Upside down youre turning me
Youre giving love instinctively
Around and round youre turning me
I say to thee respectfully

Upside down youre turning me
Youre giving love instinctively
Around and round youre turning me
I say to thee respectfully

I said a upside down youre turning me
Youre giving love instinctively
Around and round youre turning me
I say to thee respectfully

Upside down youre turning me




1980年5月 36歲的美國黑人天后黛安娜蘿絲(Diana Ross)發行第二張以〔Diana〕為名的大碟

這張專輯邀來當時熱門迪斯可團體‘Chic’的兩名領導團員Nile RogersBernard Edwards製作

R&B 靈魂 迪斯可與放克曲風


Diana〕登上美國專輯榜亞軍 成為羅絲個人事業最暢銷的大碟

首支單曲是6月推出  RogersEdwards的〔Upside Down/顛倒〕

這首融合R&B 迪斯可 放克於一身的流行舞曲原本是Nile RogersBernard Edwards打算寫給靈魂夫人艾瑞莎富蘭克林的

不過當後者推掉後 他們把〔Upside Down〕給了黛安娜

Diana〕是Nile RogersBernard Edwards首次與大明星合作

Upside Down〕發行後大受歡迎 登上美國告示榜單曲冠軍 賣出一百多萬張 成為金唱片


(另外也拿下黑人榜冠軍 與〔I’m Coming Out〕共同登上舞曲榜冠軍 成人當代榜#18) 

這也是羅絲另一首國際暢銷曲:在英國登上亞軍 澳洲冠軍 奧地利亞軍 荷蘭#3 加拿大#5 





Diana〕的成功讓Nile RogersBernard Edwards成為著名製作人

後來得與瑪丹娜(Madonna) 大衛鮑依(David Bowie)與杜蘭杜蘭(Duran Duran)合作

Anyway, 介紹這首R&B流行舞曲經典給各位











( 休閒生活音樂 )
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