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英國創作才女〔安妮藍妮克絲〕──2012倫敦奧運閉幕表演曲目──美國舞曲榜冠軍──〔Little Bird/小鳥〕
2013/05/16 00:01:36瀏覽232|回應0|推薦1


英國創作才女〔安妮.藍妮克絲〕──2012年倫敦奧運閉幕表演曲目──美國舞曲榜冠軍──〔Little Bird/小鳥〕


I look up to the little bird
That glides across the sky
He sings the clearest melody
It makes me want to cry
It makes me want to sit right down
and cry cry cry
I walk along the city streets
So dark with rage and fear
And I...
I wish that I could be that bird
And fly away from here
I wish I had the wings to fly away from here

But my my I feel so low
My my where do I go ?
My my what do I know ?
My my we reap what we sow
They always said that you knew best
But this little birds fallen out of that nest now
Ive got a feeling that it might have been blessed
So Ive just got to put these wings to test

For I am just a troubled soul
Whos weighted...
Weighted to the ground
Give me the strength to carry on
Till I can lay this burden down
Give me the strength to lay this burden down down down yeah
Give me the strength to lay it down

But my my I feel so low
My my where do I go ?
My my what do I know ?
My my we reap what we sow
They always said that you knew best
But this little birds fallen out of that nest now
Ive got a feeling that it might have been blessed
So Ive just got to put these wings to test



1992年春天 37歲的英國蘇格蘭創作才女安妮.藍妮克絲(Annie Lennox)發行首張專輯〔Diva/女伶〕

登上英倫排行榜冠軍 大賣4白金

1993年初 安妮推出大碟第五首單曲〔Little Bird/小鳥〕

在英國 此曲跟她為大導演法蘭西斯.柯波拉電影〔Bram Stoker’s Dracula〕原聲帶所唱的歌曲〔Love Song for a Vampire/吸引力情歌〕以雙面單曲型式發行





Little Bird〕由藍妮克絲譜寫 Steve Lipson製作

融合另類搖滾 舞曲 流行等曲風 在安妮沙啞的白人靈魂嗓音的詮釋下獨具魅力

此曲登上英國榜#3 成為〔Diva〕專輯最成功的單曲

美國流行榜則是#49 並成為安妮個人首支舞曲播放榜冠軍(&舞曲銷售#9)

國際市場方面分別為:愛爾蘭#3 加拿大/義大利#7 法國#10 德國#29 瑞士#34 澳洲#38


MV中 安妮向1972年好萊塢歌舞片經典〔Cabaret/酒店〕致敬

以女主角麗莎明妮莉(Liza Minnelli)的模樣出現


跟1995年葛洛莉亞伊斯特芬(Gloria Estefan)的〔Everlasting Love/永恆之愛〕有異曲同工之妙

2012年倫敦奧運閉幕時 安妮也受邀表演此曲







2012 Olympic






( 休閒生活音樂 )
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