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美國歌壇創作才女[卡莉賽門]──流行搖滾──[Our Affair/我們的關係]
2024/11/18 09:03:00瀏覽181|回應0|推薦9

美國歌壇創作才女[卡莉賽門]──流行搖滾──[Our Affair/我們的關係]



What a perfect night
Secrets lights up the sky
Like fireflies do
ThereÂs nothing but a silky hope
That old opiate
Between me and you
DonÂt look now
WeÂre just about there
WeÂre just one little breath away
From our affair
From our affair
DonÂt move too fast
DonÂt run scared
WeÂre just one surrender away
From our affair
DonÂt you feel like
YouÂre coming down with something
Some great fancy flu
DonÂt you feel like youÂre
Coming down with me
And it doesnÂt get sicker than you
DonÂt you feel like this is the really good part
Where itÂs still up in the air
The perfect romance is never
Stated or sated, deflated or fair
DonÂt admit it yet
And donÂt stop saying your prayers
WeÂre just one little heartbeat away
From our affair
From our affair

ThereÂs a light in my window
And a little red ladybug in my hair
Just one turn down an empty street
Away, away, away
From our affair
From our affair
ThereÂs a white-hot desire
Of which I am pleasantly aware
Just one more "wait a minute baby"
Away, away, away, away
From our affair
From our affair
From our affair




2000年5月 55歲的美國歌壇才女巨星卡莉.賽門(Carly Simon)推出第18張錄音室大碟〔The Bedroom Tapes/我的臥室磁帶〕(Arista出版)

距離上張專輯三年, 距離上張原創錄音室大碟則已有五年半時間


David Fields+Frank Filipetti共同製作十首歌, Eric Bazilian 與Teese Gohl各自共同製作一曲。


樂評良好, 被認為是卡莉事業最佳專輯之一。

《公告牌》稱這張專輯為‘為聰明、製作精良的流行音樂迷們準備的一場盛宴’, ‘憑藉五年來第一張原創作品集,賽門提醒那些不斷抄襲她經典唱片的年輕追隨者,他們是如何做到這一點的.’


《滾石雜誌》稱其為“一張爆炸性的專輯。她出色的流行刺激與寫作之間的平衡仍然是獨一無二的。[The Bedroom Tapes]中的卡莉賽門大放異彩。”

《紐約每日新聞》稱其為“她最好的​​專輯之一”,並稱“[The Bedroom Tapes]讓西蒙重新回到了她70 年代最受喜愛的作品中敏銳的評論和毫不畏縮的坦誠



由於缺乏強勢單曲,〔The Bedroom Tapes/我的臥室磁帶〕只登上Billboard專輯榜#90, 成為賽門事業少為人知的遺珠之一。



2001推出的[Our Affair/我們的關係]是宣傳單曲之一.

由卡莉創作,賽門製作+David Fields+Frank Filipetti共同製作成一首流行搖滾.


《Allmuic》稱:總是充滿浪漫和有時帶來的絕望,像[Our Affair]…這樣的歌曲會在傷口上撒鹽。

[Our Affair]拿到波士頓音樂獎年度歌曲,卡莉拿到年度女歌手.






( 休閒生活音樂 )
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