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美國鄉村樂女王[蕾芭.麥肯泰]──中板鄉村曲──[Why Do We Want (What We Know We Can't Have)]
2024/10/04 01:03:00瀏覽50|回應0|推薦6

美國鄉村樂女王[蕾芭.麥肯泰]──中板鄉村曲──[Why Do We Want (What We Know We Cant Have)/我們為什麼想要(我們知道我們不能擁有的東西)]




Some come for the music
Some for romance
You gotta be with the boy that brought you to the dance
Then across the room comes a casual glance
And you be making some dime even half the chance

Now some like to look
And some like to touch
All the things that they cant have
Way too much
Some like to get real close to the flame
once you feel the heat
You know theyre never the same

Why do we want
What we know we cant have
Why dont we want
Whats in the palm of our hands
Why we always looking
At whats just out of our grasp
Why do we want
What we know we cant have

Well Susie was out driving her new corvette
She hadnt made that second payment yet
She rear ended a Semi
But not by choice
She was a rubbernecking a new Rolls Royce





1983年8月 28歲的美國鄉村樂女王蕾芭麥肯泰(Reba McEntire)發行第六張大碟[Behind the Scene/幕後花絮](Mercury發行)

由Jerry Kennedy製作,樂評褒貶不一



1983年7月底,蕾芭推出首支單曲[Why Do We Want (What We Know We Cant Have)/我們為什麼想要(我們知道我們不能擁有的東西)],

由Don King, David Woodward創作,

Jerry Kennedy製作成一首中板鄉村抒情曲,節奏輕快討好.蕾芭的嗓音扎實活潑.


[Why Do We Want (What We Know We Cant Have)]登上美國Billboard副榜──鄉村歌曲榜#7──這是蕾芭第六首打進前十名的單曲.









( 休閒生活音樂 )
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