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美國歌壇天后[琳達朗絲黛]──成人當代/軟式搖滾曲──[The Blue Train/藍色列車]
2023/12/02 00:03:00瀏覽65|回應0|推薦6

美國歌壇天后[琳達朗絲黛]──成人當代/軟式搖滾曲──[The Blue Train/藍色列車]


Watching the long faces riding this rundown track
And the lost places from a dream that never brings them back
And the sad truth is nothing but a cold hard fact

Im riding the blue train over the miles yet to cover
A ghost in a hurry to fade
Im taking it one way to nowhere
Afraid you might be there to find me inside this blue train

Counting the burned bridges, trailing this rusted wreck
As our back pages scatter in the dust we left
Like a pearl necklace falling from around my neck

Im riding the blue train over the miles yet to cover
A ghost in a hurry to fade
Im taking it one way to nowhere
Afraid you might be there to find me inside this blue train

Away down the low road
A ticket to an empty room
A rendezvous unknown

Im riding the blue train over the miles yet to cover
A ghost in a hurry to fade
Im taking it one way to nowhere
Afraid you might be there to find me inside this blue train

Im riding the blue train over the miles yet to cover
A ghost in a hurry to fade
Im taking it one way to nowhere
Afraid you might be there to find me inside this blue train




美國歌壇天后琳達朗絲黛(Linda Ronstadt)在1970年代以鄉村搖滾走紅

不過進入1980年代後, 除1982年個人專輯[Get Closer], 1987年與桃莉芭頓(Dolly Parton)愛蜜露哈理絲(Emmylou Harris)三人合輯[Trio]外

就沒再演唱鄉村歌曲,而重心放在搖滾, 傳統流行/爵士與傳統西班牙音樂上。


1995年3月 48歲半的琳達重回到鄉村樂根源 推出[Feels Like Home/彷彿回家]大碟(Elektra唱片出版)

專輯仍由琳達與George Massenburg共同製作

大碟走鄉村搖滾與流行搖滾 樂評出色


只是此時朗絲黛聲勢下滑 [Feels Like Home]只拿到Billboard專輯榜#75 停留12週

至今賣出19萬張 是她銷售最低的大碟之一.


首支主打是[The Blue Train/藍色列車]

由Jennifer Kimball, Tom Kimmel創作

琳達與George Massenburg共同製作成一首成人當代/軟式搖滾曲,曲風相對主流化



[The Blue Train/藍色列車]未入Billboard單曲榜#75 


加拿大單曲榜#42 加拿大成人當代榜#7












( 休閒生活音樂 )
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