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美國拉丁巨星[葛洛莉雅伊斯特芬]─流行抒情曲─[You Can't Walk Away from Love]
2022/07/17 00:23:07瀏覽402|回應0|推薦11

美國拉丁巨星[葛洛莉雅伊斯特芬]──流行抒情曲──[You Cant Walk Away from Love/你無法擺脫愛]


Here I am before you naked in your eyes
Hoping with each kiss you will never see through my disguise
I have been made to believe that no one could love me for me
The good and the bad first to the last
No matter the cost, no matter the past

Your eyes only see what they wanna see
Your heart makes the truth what you want to believe
Passion turns pain into ecstasy
You cant walk away from love

Loving you more than I do myself
Revealing the things I would never tell
Daring to risk even life itself
You cant walk away from love

There will be no other lips against my skin
No need to regret, how can pleasure ever be a sin?
I tried to make you believe you meant almost nothing to me
Through all the lies chasing a dream
Finding at last the woman in me

Your eyes only see what they wanna see
Your heart makes the truth what you want to believe
Passion turns pain into ecstasy
You cant walk away from love

Loving you more than I do myself
Revealing the things I would never tell
Daring to risk even life itself
You cant walk away from love

Your eyes only see what they wanna see
Your heart makes the truth what you want to believe
Passion turns pain into ecstasy
You cant walk away from love

Loving you more than I do myself
Revealing the things I would never tell
Daring to risk even life itself
You cant walk away from love

Your eyes only see what they wanna see
You want to believe
Cant walk away from love



2001年2月 43歲半的古巴/美國拉丁流行巨星葛洛莉亞伊斯特芬(Gloria Estefan)推出第二張正式英語精選輯[Greatest Hits Vol.II]

收錄1994-2001年的作品 製作人仍是老公Emilio Estefan, Jr., 樂評良好.

由於這段期間葛洛莉亞聲勢下滑, 單曲表現不如1980年代跟90年代初

因此大碟表現並不理想 只登上美國榜#92 英國#60

不過一直相當支持她的西班牙則登上排行榜#15 拿到金唱片

瑞士亦然(#17 金唱片)


首支主打是2001年2月1日發行的[You Cant Walk Away from Love/你無法擺脫愛]──但只作為宣傳單曲

此曲由葛洛莉亞&Emilio Estefan, Jr.譜寫,

Emilio Estefan, Jr.+Randall Barlow製作成一首流行抒情曲,編曲並融入中東元素.

此曲也收在2001年6月上映,安東尼奧·班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)安潔莉娜·裘莉(Angelina Jolie)主演的電影[Original Sin


[You Cant Walk Away from Love]登上Billboard副榜──電台播放榜#75







(Movie Version)



AC Version



(Original Movie Version)











( 休閒生活音樂 )
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