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西德流行團體[沉默循環]──歐式迪斯可舞曲──[Touch in the Night/夜晚接觸]
2021/10/24 00:14:20瀏覽402|回應0|推薦9

西德流行團體[沉默循環]──歐式迪斯可舞曲──[Touch in the Night/夜晚接觸]



Axel Breitung / Bernd Dietrich / Engelbert Simons

I remember all the cries

Its a secret dream lost in your love

You, your lonesome eyes are all I want to know

Helpless tears can never stop the rain

Only you can turn my life,

Can turn it just this way

Touch in the night, it feels like heaven

Touch in the night so lucky in love

Lost in your light another secret

Touch in the night whatever I do

You are angel in disguise

Deep inside my heart like the inner light

I believe in all you promise and your lies

But I feel in the end Ill lose

Only you can turn my life,

Can turn it just this way

Touch in the night, it feels like heaven

Touch in the night so lucky in love

Lost in your light another secret

Touch in the night whatever I do

Tonight I feel, I feel for you

Tonight I call, Im calling your name

Tonight I feel, I feel for you tonight



西德流行團體沉默循環(Silent Circle)在1979年成軍, 隨即解散。


1985以首支單曲[Hide Away – Man Is Comin!/躲起來-我來了]出道

同年推出第二首單曲[Touch in the Night/夜晚接觸](        Blow Up唱片公司)

由團長Axel Breitung Bernd Dietrich / Engelbert Simons譜寫,

Bernd DietrichEngelbert Simons製作成一首歐式迪斯可舞曲, 旋律琅琅上口, 節拍輕快。



Touch in the Night]登上德國單曲榜#15 瑞士榜#16  成為沉默循環事業最成功的單曲

此曲收在1986年發行的首張大碟[No.1]──後者德國專輯榜#58 瑞士榜#28

不過就跟當時很多歐洲迪斯可藝人一樣, 沉默循環聲勢很快便走下坡, 雖然他們仍持續推出單曲跟專輯。















(Special Remix Version)



Touch in the Night 3000 (Unreleased Extended)



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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