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美國流行女皇[瑪丹娜]─另類鄉村/迷幻民謠/電音流行曲─化為牛仔熱舞的[Don’t Tell Me]
2017/10/06 16:24:29瀏覽705|回應0|推薦8

美國流行女皇[瑪丹娜]──另類鄉村/迷幻民謠/電音流行曲──化為牛仔熱舞的[Don’t Tell Me/別告訴我]



Don't tell me to stop

Tell the rain not to drop

Tell the wind not to blow

'Cause you said so, mmm


Tell the sun not to shine

Not to get up this time, no no

Let it fall by the way

But don't leave me where I lay down


Tell me love isn't true

It's just something that we do

Tell me everything I'm not

But please don't tell me to stop


Tell the leaves not to turn

But don't ever tell me I'll learn, no no

Take the black off a crow

But don't tell me I have to go


Tell the bed not to lay

Like the open mouth of a grave, yeah

Not to stare up at me

Like a calf down on its knees


Tell me love isn't true

It's just something that we do

Tell me everything I'm not

But don't ever tell me to stop


Don't you ever tell me love isn't true

It's just something that we do

Don't you ever tell me everything I'm not

But don't ever tell me to stop


Don't you ever

Please don't

Please don't

Please don't tell me to stop


(Don't you ever tell me)

Don't you ever

Don't ever tell me to stop

(Tell the rain not to drop)


Tell the bed not to lay

Like a open mouth of a grave, yeah

Not to stare up at me

Like a calf down on its knees


Writer(s): Joe Henry, Madonna, Mirwais Ahmadzai


2000年9月 剛生下第二個孩子的美國流行女皇瑪丹娜(Madonna)發行第八張大碟[Music](MaverickWarner Bros.






2000年11月下旬 42歲的瑪丹娜推出第二主打[Don’t Tell Me/別告訴我]

此曲由她, Mirwais Ahmadzai,妹婿Joe Henry合寫, 前兩者製作成一首融合另類鄉村, 迷幻民謠與電音的流行曲

空心吉他起頭, 再逐漸步入穩定的節奏

當時娜姐正處於事業另一人氣高峰, Don’t Tell Me]發行後相當受到歡迎

登上美國Billboard單曲榜#4 成為瑪丹娜第27首Top5暢銷曲

第34首Top10熱門曲──讓她打平披頭四在Hot 100單曲榜(1958-)的成績

此曲銷售逾50萬張 拿到第24張金唱片單曲 一樣打平披頭四在美國唱片協會(RIAA)的認證紀錄



英國則拿到排行榜#4 成為其連續第十二首Top10 銷售20萬張 拿到銀唱片

加拿大/義大利/紐西蘭冠軍 西班牙亞軍 芬蘭/波蘭電台榜#3 挪威#5 澳洲#7(白金唱片) 瑞士#10 瑞典/奧地利#12 比利時(法語區)/丹麥/愛爾蘭#15 法國#16(銀唱片-12.5萬張) 德國#22 荷蘭#26 比利時(荷語區)#27 


MV則是娜姐身著牛仔打扮 在投影幕前漫步

四名牛仔舞者在幕中跳舞, 後來舞者突然出現在身邊 與娜姐熱舞


MV提名2001年MTV VMA最佳女藝人錄影帶, 最佳編舞


無論歌曲或MV, 皆是瑪丹娜事業的代表作之一







Canal+ TV Show - 2000



DWT Live 2001



Live Re-Invention Tour 2004



Live at Letterman


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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