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英國歌姬[雪莉貝西]&性感女神[麗泰海華絲]的交集─[Fire Down Below/地獄之火]
2017/08/21 00:11:52瀏覽450|回應0|推薦7

英國黑人歌姬[雪莉貝西]&美國性感女神[麗泰海華絲]的交集──拉丁流行曲──[Fire Down Below/地獄之火]

Dont believe my eyes, theyre the coldest eyes

But Im not so cold, let me put you wise

Keeping the temperature so low, this is a work of art

For theres a fire down below, down below in my heart


And my crazy lips, theyre such lazy lips

But therell come to life should we come to grips

If you have anything in mind, warn you before you start

There is a fire down below, down below in my heart


Now that youre getting my number, know what Im talking about

Pile on the coal and the lumber, dont let the fire go out


Ill admit my face is the quiet type

This can all be changed when the time is right

Call out the volunteer brigade, call out the fire cart

For theres a fire down below, down below, down below

Down below in my heart


Now that youre getting my number, know what Im talking about

Pile on the coal and the lumber, dont let the fire go out


Ill admit my face is the quiet type

This can all be changed when the time is right

Call out the volunteer brigade, call out the fire cart

For theres a fire down below, down below, down below

Down below in my heart


1956年 英國威爾斯歌姬雪莉貝西(Shirley Bassey)踏入歌壇

1957年 20歲的雪莉推出單曲[Fire Down Below/地獄之火](B面歌曲是其另一名曲[You, You Romeo])

此曲由Ned WashingtonLee Lester譜寫

是麗泰海華絲(Rita Hayworth,勞勃米契(Robert Mitchum, 傑克李蒙(Jack Lemmon)主演電影[Fire Down Below]的主題曲

原由美國歌手Jeri Southern主唱 曾打入英國榜#22

貝西版是首洋溢加勒比海風味的拉丁流行歌曲 節拍搖曳


由於B面歌曲[You, You Romeo]也受到歡迎, 再次入榜 拿到#29

後來兩首歌曲皆收在1959年雪莉發行的第二張大碟[The Bewitching Miss Bassey







Muppet Show




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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