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2008/07/14 17:36:58瀏覽2535|回應0|推薦2 | |
由John Cusack演出的都會浪漫愛情電影《美國情緣》(Serendipity, 2001)講述所謂「緣份」到底將在一對男女身上折騰多久才會讓有情人終成眷屬?Cusack演出的Jonathan Trager是一位運動頻道製作人,好友Dean Kansky(Jeremy Piven飾演)有如玩笑一般在片中為他好友提早立好訃聞,死因:愛情。 以下是英文原文:(出處:IMDB,特此感謝) Dean: Jonathan Trager, prominent television producer for ESPN, died last night from complications of losing his soul mate and his fiancee. He was 35 years old. Soft-spoken and obsessive, Trager never looked the part of a hopeless romantic. But, in the final days of his life, he revealed an unknown side of his psyche. This hidden quasi-Jungian persona surfaced during the Agatha Christie-like pursuit of his long reputed soul mate, a woman whom he only spent a few precious hours with. Sadly, the protracted search ended late Saturday night in complete and utter failure. Yet even in certain defeat, the courageous Trager secretly clung to the belief that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. Uh-uh. But rather, its a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan. Asked about the loss of his dear friend, Dean Kansky, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and executive editor of the New York Times, described Jonathan as a changed man in the last days of his life. "Things were clearer for him," Kansky noted. Ultimately Jonathan concluded that if we are to live life in harmony with the universe, we must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call "fatum", what we currently refer to as destiny. 而以下是騰自市售DVD的中文翻譯: 康迪恩:強納森,ESPN傑出的節目製作人,昨晚因併發症去世。死因是同時失去心上人和未婚妻。享年35歲。說話語調溫柔,完全不像為愛情盲目的人。但在他人生的最後幾天,他發現自己不為人知的一面:一個隱藏的人格。就在一次偵探式的追蹤尋找他一直以為是真命天女,只跟他共渡過幾個小時的女人,可惜,搜尋於週六深夜結束,搜尋結果徹底失敗。縱使遭受打擊,勇敢的老崔依然堅信,人生並非一連串毫無頭緒的意外與巧合,而是錯綜糾葛的事件集合,冥冥中,已被細密莊嚴地編排好,他的好友康迪恩,普立茲獎得主兼紐約時報主編,描述強納森在最後幾天變了個人。狄恩說道:他似乎更清醒了。最後,強納森總結,為了跟宇宙合諧相處,我們必須保持堅強的信念,相信古人說的「命」,也就是現在所說的宿命。 而之所以將這篇文章收錄於此,是因為這部片上映的時候,一起看的同學希望本人在下不才也為她寫下這樣一篇文章,以資紀念她的一段已經逝去的感情。死因都相同:愛情。 |
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