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2006/12/10 19:16:01瀏覽676|回應2|推薦8

美國布希總統12月7日與英國首相布來爾舉行聯合記者會,當被問到他能否承認過去在伊拉克戰爭中的的失誤時,布希回答"我確知我們成功的不如我們想要成功的快.我確實知道進展不如我所望的迅速""I do know that we have not succeeded as fast as we wanted to succeed. I do understand that progress is not as rapid as I had hoped. "


Brilliant! Sheer genius! I tip my hat to the master of rhetoric behind these words! By applying this approach to my problems and those of the people in my life, I am able to see the world in a much more positive light. For example:

  • I am disappointed by the pace at which I am winning the powerball lottery. (我對我贏得大樂透頭彩的速率感到失望)
  • I have not succeeded as fast I had hoped in convincing my wife that twice-daily blowjobs are necessary for our mutual happiness.
  • My nephew who dropped out of high school and is now dealing crystal meth? We are all disappointed by the rate at which he is finishing his doctoral dissertation.
  • My plan to grow wings and antlers is slightly behind schedule.

There now, I feel better already!

( 時事評論國際 )
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2023/02/25 17:02
I will try to figure it out for more.


Michael Dowell
2023/02/03 12:48
this information is really well for us.. Myherbalife(Dowell565micheaa@gmail.com)