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2007/09/07 20:40:37瀏覽2541|回應15|推薦10 | |
引用:諾拉.伊佛朗是《當哈利碰上莎莉》、《西雅圖夜未眠》、《電子情書》等經典浪漫喜劇片的編導。還有,她離婚兩次,第二次離婚經驗寫成小說《心火》(Heartburn)。 希望書評不是該書譯者翻的... 這本書充滿嚴肅又令人莞爾的人生體驗,但此書不是作者或讀者對歲月的驕傲反擊,而是柔軟心靈的真摯撫慰,其中俯拾皆是諾拉的獨特見識。 這裡收集的嚴肅與有趣的真心話,對作者或她聽眾的自尊都不留情面,但它能夠療傷止痛,而許多諾拉的獨特見解必能派上用場。 人生態度只有一種。 買的,而不要用租的。 絕不要嫁給一個你不想和他離婚的男人。 沙發布一定要用米色系的布料。 不要買百分之百的羊毛衣服,即使看起來很柔軟,而且在店裡試穿時也不覺得癢。 過了晚上十一點還打電話給你的人,你不能跟他做朋友。 封鎖即時通訊的所有收件人。 就算是全世界最好的褓母,做了兩年半之後也會精疲力竭。
過去四年來的心理治療完全是浪費錢。 【這架】飛機不會失事的。 三十五歲時你對自己身材不滿意之處,到了四十五歲你就會開始懷念。 就算你很瘦,到了五十五歲,你的腰部還是會出現一團贅肉。 腰部上的一團肉從背看得特別清楚,這使得你不得不重新評估衣櫥中一半的衣服,尤其是白襯衫。 任何事都要寫下來。 保持寫日記的習慣。 多拍一些照片。 空巢期被低估了。 你可以點不只一個甜點。 你不能買太多黑色套頭毛衣。【考慮到書名,我想正確的翻譯是:你買再多黑色套頭毛衣都不為過…因為可以遮住脖子,參照附圖】 如果鞋子在店裡穿時不合腳,就永遠都不會合腳。 你的孩子若在青春期,你最好養一隻狗,這樣你回家時還會有人歡迎你。【這樣家裡還會有人高興見到你】 資料一定要備份。 任何事都要再三檢查。 聽到有人說「我們的友誼比這個還要重要」時,千萬小心,因為事實很少如此。 自己動手做派皮根本毫無必要。 你會在半夜醒來的原因是你喝了第二杯酒。 當你決心要離婚時,立刻去找一位律師辦手續。 多付小費。 絕不讓他們知道。 如果你的衣服只有三分之一不適合你的風格,你就算是穿衣達人了。【如果你只買錯三分之一的衣服,你就比別人強了】 如果朋友請你答應他們,在他們飛機失事後,當他們孩子的監護人,你可以拒絕。 世上沒有秘密。 People have only one way to be. Buy, don’t rent. Never marry a man you wouldn’t want to be divorced from. Don’t cover a couch with anything that isn’t more or less beige. Don’t buy anything that is 100 percent wool even if it seems to be very soft and not particularly itchy when you try it on in the store. You can’t be friends with people who call after Block everyone on your instant mail. The world’s greatest babysitter burns out after two and a half years. You never know. The last four years of psychoanalysis are a waste of money. The plane is not going to crash. Anything you think is wrong with your body at the age of thirty-five you will be nostalgic for at the age of forty-five. At the age of fifty-five you will get a saggy roll just above your waist even if you are painfully thin. This saggy roll just above your waist will be especially visible from the back and will force you to reevaluate half the clothes in your closet, especially the white shirts. Write everything down. Keep a journal. Take more pictures. The empty nest is underrated. You can order more than one dessert. You can’t own too many black turtleneck sweaters. If the shoe doesn’t fit in the shoe store, it’s never going to fit. When your children are teenagers, it’s important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you. Back up your files. Overinsure everything. Whenever someone says the words “Our friendship is more important than this,” watch out, because it almost never is. There’s no point in making piecrust from scratch. The reason you’re waking up in the middle of the night is the second glass of wine. The minute you decide to get divorced, go see a lawyer and file the papers. Overtip. Never let them know. If only one third of your clothes are mistakes, you’re ahead of the game. If friends ask you to be their child’s guardian in case they die in a plane crash, you can say no. There are no secrets.
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