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2006/11/29 23:03:29瀏覽755|回應2|推薦5

更詳細的版本見兩位作者的國際貨幣基金工作論文; 聯合早報的中文翻譯"但是,這一論點其實是有失偏頗。"其實英文是"But this debate misses the point. "這個辯論沒有抓到重點."資產強化到能抵禦扎實的利率政策"應該是能"承受"(withstand)

What Monetary Policy Does China Need?

Marvin Goodfriend and Eswar Prasad

China’s remarkable growth has been financed recently by a rapid expansion of money and bank credit that is producing an increasingly unsustainable investment boom. This renews concerns that the country may not be able to avert a replay of the painful boom–and-bust cycle such as the one it endured in the mid-1990’s.

Monetary policy is usually the first line of defense in such situations. But China’s monetary policy has been hamstrung by the tightly managed exchange-rate regime. This regime prevents the central bank – the People’s Bank of China (PBC) – from taking appropriate policy decisions to manage domestic demand, because interest-rate hikes could encourage capital inflows and put further pressure on the exchange rate.

There is, of course, a vigorous ongoing debate about China’s exchange-rate policy. China’s rising trade surplus has led some observers to call for a revaluation of the renminbi to correct what they see as an unfair competitive advantage that China maintains in international markets. Others argue that the stable exchange rate fosters macroeconomic stability in China. But this debate misses the point.

What China really needs is a truly independent monetary policy oriented to domestic objectives. This would enable the PBC to manage domestic demand by allowing interest rates to rise in order to rein in credit growth and deter reckless investment. An independent monetary policy requires a flexible exchange rate, not a revaluation. But what could take the place of the stable exchange rate as an anchor for monetary policy and for tying down inflation expectations?

We recommend a low inflation objective as the anchor for monetary policy in China. Theoretical research and the practical experiences of many countries both show that focusing on price stability is the best way for monetary policy to achieve the broader objectives in the charter of the PBC: macroeconomic and financial stability, high employment growth, etc. The low inflation objective need not involve the formalities of an inflation-targeting regime, such as that practiced by the European Central Bank and the Bank of England, and is similar in approach to that recommended for the United States by US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

How could such a framework be operated effectively in an economy in which financial sector problems have weakened the monetary transmission mechanism? This is a key concern because, notwithstanding recent reforms, the banking system remains fragile. Nevertheless, we believe that a minimal set of financial sector reforms – essentially making banks’ balance sheets strong enough to withstand substantial interest-rate policy actions – should suffice to implement a low inflation objective.

Although full modernization of the financial sector is a long way off even in the best of circumstances, the minimal reforms that we recommend could strengthen the banking system sufficiently in the near term to support a more flexible exchange rate anchored by an inflation objective. Indeed, price stability, and the broader macroeconomic stability emanating from it, would provide a good foundation for pushing forward with other financial sector reforms.

The framework we suggest has the important benefit of continuity. The PBC would not have to change its operational approach to monetary policy. Only a shift in strategic focus would be needed to anchor monetary policy with a long-run target range for low inflation. Monitoring of monetary (and credit) targets would still be important in achieving the inflation objective. Furthermore, it should be easier to adopt the new framework when times are good – like now, when growth is strong and inflation is low.

There is some risk that appreciation of the exchange rate if greater flexibility were allowed could precipitate deflation. What this really highlights, however, is the importance of framing the debate about exchange-rate flexibility in a broader context. Having an independent monetary policy that could counteract boom-and-bust cycles would be the best way for China to deal with such risks.

Contrary to those who regard the discussion of an alternative monetary framework as premature, there are good reasons for China to begin right now to build the institutional foundation for the transition to an independent monetary policy. Indeed, early adoption of a low inflation objective would help secure the monetary and financial stability that China needs as it allows greater exchange-rate flexibility.




 古扶林 巴拉薩















·Marvin Goodfriend是卡內基梅隆大學蒂伯商學院教授,曾經擔任美國聯邦儲備銀行里士滿分行的高級副總裁及政策顧問。Eswar Prasad是國際貨幣基金組織研究室金融研究處主任。

( 時事評論兩岸 )
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Military Star Card
2023/09/14 17:25
This is really nice information i have read this and i found it really good. MyECp(nguyenlietlt74@gmail.com)

Ramsy Bolteal
2023/02/11 13:43
中國貨幣政策是中國貨幣當局為了達到一定的宏觀經濟目標,而採取的管理和調節貨幣與信用的政策。它同樣由最終目標、政策工具、操作指標、中介目標等因素構成。中國的貨幣政策,隨中國的政策與發展實踐而不斷髮展變化的,具有中國特色。貨幣政策最終目標多偏重於經濟增長與穩定物價的統一。貨幣政策操作工具主要有信貸計劃、中央銀行貸款、利率政策、存款準備金等。Dunkinrunsonyou survey(bolteal47ramsy@gmail.com)