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2005/09/20 07:36:34瀏覽526|回應0|推薦0 | |
給親愛的比爾,談測字與禮貌 我同意您的意見,測字只是半里眼兄臺喜歡開玩笑,牽強附會的做法;事實上,「澤民」亦有「恩澤於民」之解,「連戰」亦有「連戰連勝」,「連年止戰」之解,況且連戰字「永平」,更是「永遠平安」,但半里眼兄臺是本網愛國愛民之老前輩,兄臺總是要稍注意禮貌,恐不宜扯到政治智商,此有人身攻擊之嫌,易貶兄弟您的身價;小弟如此多嘴,企盼比爾諒解,小弟希望當您益友,企盼比爾接納,謝謝。 給珍妮,談虛心兄 上次知名不具,這次有名有姓,小弟得姪女您連續兩次的誇讚,可是樂不可支,不過拜託!下次千萬不要說我與你道不同了,好嗎!你走的是光明正大的正道,與你不同,小弟豈不走邪道;您忙您的吧!別急得回我了,忙完再說;虛心兄是忙著其他媒體,他不會不見的,小弟可未說他會永遠消失,且一直等他回來呢!但只怕宋網不夠他的胃口了,他如能回來,就盼他少用些名字,嘴巴常漱口,多寬容一些,那憑他的才氣,宋網還不仍是他的天下嗎! 給珍妮、知名不具兄臺、日月無光兄臺 能逗你開心,小弟也終於有點開心了,不過小弟倒是真想有一天能當你叔叔,多麼的光榮,珍妮的叔叔哩!其實小弟今天一直很難過倒是真的,除了我媽有可能,另一位剛認識的好友,竟然也得肝癌兩年了,都未去治,又怕家人知道;中國人為何如你,新兄,比爾,大鳥,怒雨飛龍,東南風等兄那麼的善良呢?不過你能理我,讓我更高興,以後一定想辦法讓你笑,好嗎? 知名不具兄,小弟寫了近三個月,只有這篇像樣?小弟不知該哭還是該笑,不管怎樣,總算在您眼中算進步了,終是一得,也值高興。 日月無光兄,不知小弟是否有冒犯之處,尚盼兄臺多加指導,謝謝。 梅峰(你假的大鳥叔叔) 給珍妮,不要跟外國人,辯中國問題了 今天心情為何好,小弟很想與你分享,就當我是你大鳥叔叔好了,他不在,換我當你的叔叔過過過叔癮,不要跟外國人,辯中國問題了,咱叔侄談談你的心情,多好,跟比爾談談理想也不錯呀! 給可愛的珍妮 好了,消消氣,我知您為半里眼兄臺抱不平,但比爾應該已經知錯了,你就別太說他了,總給他留點面子,他也替您說話過呀!以前您不還說他英文不錯嗎!況且您說他的第一段部份,其實您不小心也好像有過呀!大家都是好友,都是年輕人,就交個朋友不是很好,用鼓勵的話,他豈不較易接受,況且我總覺得您好像有時也有冤枉過他呀! 不要將我倆當仇人,其實您看不出比爾非常欣賞您嗎!小弟也是呀!不要不跟您一樣那麼的支持宋先生,就仇視我們好嗎!拜託!拜託!即使我倆沒有結交您這好友的福份(?),也不必結怨嗎!好嗎!比爾!真希望您能向半里眼兄臺道個歉,就啥事也沒了,萬里晴空,多好。 敬致 Bill 兄臺 非常感謝您或許(?)是對小弟的聲援,也非常高興看到,您的道歉聲明;小弟對英文的損人辭彙不大懂,剛翻了一下大陸字典,peanut head(查不到),bonehead(笨蛋),low class slim (下流的?),小弟仍然盼望以兄您的慧眼,即使是英文,最好還是避免這些損人的詞語,尤其是當兄臺正欲對用此字眼表示不滿的時候,兄臺以為何!正義兄也是義氣護友,並無惡意,其實您也了解,大家握手言和,如某兄臺所建議,多做正面的建設意見,不知兄台可否諒解小弟之直言,如有不對之處,必與原諒,謝謝。 作者: Jenny 文章標題: To : 網主和羅麗秀總編輯 Date: 1999/4/20 Time: 上午 01:47:42 隨著宋先生宣報角逐二千年總統職位的腳 步越來越近,宋網每天上網人數也在遞增當中。網上留言者,除了那一大堆為了挺扁不惜栽贓、抹黑、謾罵的扁迷和職業打手外,就是為聲援宋先生的仁人志士。 對於來鬧網的扁迷,除了那隻 birdy,和扁龜泰什麼東西外,我們對待不同意見者,已是非常民主,仁至義盡。我們不怕他們一再挑釁,無理惡意抵毀宋先生甚至是無辜的馬市長。我們有蓮花也有劍,有峰利的還擊也有說理的服人。 但是容忍是有限度的,對於像“梅瘋” 這種妝顛賣傻,把宋網論政天地當成他個人精神病治療疹所的人,請羅女士實踐公權力,保障網友,尤其是女性網友的權益與尊嚴。 此人今早所貼的大文,天地良心,Jenny 很誠實的說,除了那句長長的標題外, 對內容並沒有看一言半字。因為單從標題就知道此瘋人又要大開黃腔,毫無廉恥的大談下流醜陋的臭論。 如果大家先前對此人還有一丁點兒同情心的,相信現在也已經蕩然無存了。 這個論壇是宋友表達對宋先生支持以及 與扁迷舌戰政情之地,對梅峰這種人, 實不必有婦人之仁。所以,Jenny 建議網主和羅總編: (一)把他那編穢文刪除,不必客氣。 (二)予以嚴正警告,若其一再寡廉鮮 恥,不知自重,把他例入拒絕往來戶, 以警效尤。 上天造人實在公平,祂賜予我們耳目,也賜與我們不聞不閱的自制能力。但是即便如是,宋網也該嚴厲對付這種無恥無 廉的網友。 我們不是慈善機構,更不是助人治療精神病的疹所。這種一再不知好歹的人,只 有請他另尋去處。讓宋楚瑜之友會的園地 回歸正題為要。 作者: Bill 文章標題: Date: 1999/5/15 Time: 下午 09:30:22 Just because my compliment to Mei-Fang makes you think that I am a hypocrite and use him. You are insulting Mei-Fang's intelligence, and you sound more and more like an innocent kid. If you want to spit on my face, why don't you "just do it". No harm. I never say I am not an asshole. You go ahead, Angle!! 作者: Bill Date: 1999/5/22 Time: 上午 10:04:35 Dear Mei-Feng, I never respond to fakers, yet I feel obligatory to answer to you. I did use many nasty words to express my disagreement of nonsense arguments. But, "F-word" messages were done by a kind neter, either to confuse readers or to amuse his own secret mental satisfaction, which I actually don't care and have nothing to against. Thank you very much for your concern, and I will try my best to behave. 作者: Bill 文章標題: To "no name" guy who comented on Bill Date: 1999/5/16 Time: 上午 01:03:48 If I am an idiot, how could I have the intelligence or smarts to insult Mei-Fang's or anyone else's intelligence. I am only a plain and simple idiot. Please forgive my ignorance, who's Charles p. Curtis anyway? (I am sure I am not the only one doesn't know who he is.) Instead of quoting, please say something right out of your mind in your own words. The habit of quoting will eventually lead you to reveal your pretentious and sanctimonious side. Besides, you sound like an elementary school kid doing article-writing practice. I like 梅峰 because he is straight, honest and never lecture on people. As simple as that. 作者: Bill 文章標題: Date: 1999/4/19 Time: 上午 02:00:14 Jenny- Actually what amuses me most in that movie is the combination of Hollywood's technologies and the Hong-Kongnese style of martial arts. It gave me a good night. What's reality? It's just too hard for any of us to answer. I used to interpretate reality as: when my mind can interact with the matters, I called it real. For example, I see what I see, I smell what I smell and I hear what I hear. But with the development of all sorts of technologies, all these human senses can be mimiced. I don't know if one day technologies can furthur imitate humans feeling, and I cannot image how we are going to distinguish the real and the mimicry. For now, I take what I want to believe and do a bit screening. And my attitude toward everyone in this website and others is always the same. In here, we are all faked in a sense cause if there is no rules for awarding and punishing, we just cannot legitimately kick others butt cause you can become somebody else anytime. Therefore I don't bother to respond to nonsense craps but just take what I feel meaningful. And I too wish you won't waste too much time to those craps but keep posting your elegant statements. 作者: Bill 文章標題: to Jenny: Date: 1999/4/18 Time: 上午 10:14:19 Fisrt of, wish you recover soon. Life is not easy at all, take good care. Secondly, being involved into you and Mei-Feng's skirmish, you have my apology, and a few words, again for my dear Mei-Feng. From my observation, Mei-Feng is a person who cannot clearly express his thought. He tends to bring up his thought about serious issues such as equity between genders while he responded to others attack (what happens between him and Emma), and unfortunately for him that people take it as offense but not to see the issue. He criticised a thing or two about your beloved Mr. Soong, yet who ever thought that Politicians are bound to be criticised. His point was just to remind people that his belief is Mr. Soong should have apologize for his wrong doing in his early ages. I am not saying that I agree with Mei-Feng 100%, but rank Mei-Feng with other scum like "TaiXX" and declare a war is just wasting your valuble time. Have a good night, and try harder to extract the goodies from Mei-Feng. 作者: Jenny 文章標題: To : My dear "Humble" brother and all other brothers Date: 1999/4/18 Time: 上午 05:05:31 Thank you very much for all your support and compliment and flowers and poems. I am feeling much better today. Sorry that I must respond to Mei-Feng, we just cannot let him be another sword of Abian's team and ignore it. I have to fight him for the sake of Mr. James Soong. You sound more and more familiar to me, like someone I dealt with before. I am not so sure, but I have to be cautious. I don't want to be too naive, afterall, you are the one who told me that politic is ugly, right? I like to correspond with you cause your English is really good and I like to learn from you regarding the style to write and vocabulary to use. I declair war on Mei-Feng if and only if he attacks Mr. James Soong for no proper reasons. He has the right to criticize, and I have the right to counter-attack his criticism, it's fair, this is a political forum afterall. I went to see "The Matrix" today, it's a very good movie, and I learn something from it too: How do we define reality? How do we differentiate the reality world from the computer world, which is, classified as the "dream world"? The political world may be dirty as you said, but I am not really in it, I am just a supporter of Mr. James Soong, and all these involvement will end oneday when the election is finished, then, no matter who wins, I shall be back to my reality world, which is simple and tranquil. By thinking of these facts, I shall be more calm and more reasonable when facing these severe battles on the web. |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |