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余光中先生從民國四十三年十一月到次年十月,用了十一個月的時間把 Irving Stone 的 Lust for Life 譯成中文。1976 到 1977 又花了一年,重新譯過,修改了一萬多處,書中的法文荷蘭文還請教這方面的專家,用功可謂深矣。可惜他把注意力大都放在外國語和艱深的難字上 (比如 verdigris faye 等等),沒有想到有可能誤譯常用的英文字詞,因而留下很多錯誤,非常可惜。下面是一個錯誤出現得特別密集的例子: 先看 Irving Stone 的原文: The second room of the shop, after one passed the picture salon in which were exhibited the paintings of Millais, Boughton, and Turner, was devoted to etchings and lithographs. It was in the third room, which looked more like a place of business than either of the others, that most of the sales were carried on. Vincent laughed as he thought of the woman who had made the last of the purchase the evening before. "I can't fancy this picture, Harry, can you?" she asked her husband. "The dog looks a rare bit like the one that bit me in Brighton last summer." "Look here, old fellow," said Harry, "must we have a dog? They mostly put the missus in a stew." (Lust for Life, by Irving Stone. Doubleday, 1944. p. 9) 余先生的翻譯如下: 走過陳列著米雷 (Millais),布頓 (Boughton) 和竇納 (Turner) 油畫的大展覽室,便到了專供蝕刻畫和石印畫展覽用的第二室。可是大半交易卻在較前二室更像生意場所的第三室舉行。文生想起昨晚最後來買畫的婦人,不覺笑了起來。 當時那婦人曾如此問她的丈夫:"哈利,我是看不懂這幅畫,你呢?這隻狗倒有點像去年夏天在布來頓咬過我的那一隻。" "哎呀,老的," 哈利說:"我們何必要一隻狗呢?狗老是找女主人的麻煩。" (梵谷傳,余光中譯,大地出版社 2001 新版 p. 4) 余先生譯 etching 和 lithograph 這些字全無困難,可是遇到常用語,問題就來了。我們且從 "昨晚買了最後賣出去的那幅畫的女士" 說起。"I can't fancy this picture." 並不是 "我是看不懂這幅畫"。這幅畫其實並無難懂之處,她是說:"這幅畫我不會想要"。 "The dog looks a rare bit like ..." 中的 "rare" 是一個加強語氣的副詞,意為:"還真有那麼點像那隻咬我的狗"。 接下來是那位女士的先生開講。"Look here" 不能翻成 "哎呀",只是 "你看看 (這裡)" 之意。"Old fellow" 和 old chap、old boy 一樣,譯成 "老兄" 就可以了。無論如何不應譯為稱呼老伴的 "老的",因為先生並不是在和太太說話。先生口中的這位 "老兄" 不是別人,就是我們的大畫家文生梵谷。 "Must we have a dog?" 並非 "我們何必要一隻狗呢?" 而是 "還非要畫隻狗在上面嗎?" "The missus" 專指 "我太太",而非 "女主人"。"put the missus in a stew" 是說 "總是使我太太不安/神經緊張",而非 "狗老是找女主人的麻煩"。 在這一個段落的最後,還有一個奇怪的錯誤:當文生告訴了奧巴克先生他計劃結婚的消息,奧巴克就說:"Well my boy, that's splendid. You just had an increase the first of the year, but when you come back from your wedding trip I dare say we can manage another." (ibid p. 10) 這句話余先生翻譯成:"孩子,好極了。今年你已經第一個加過了薪,不過等你蜜月旅行後回來,我想店裡會再設法加你。" (ibid p. 4) "You just had an increase the first of the year" 不能譯為 "今年你已經第一個加過了薪",而是 "今年初你才加過薪"。 也許是余先生翻譯引介的熱忱,遠超過了他對原文的理解,以致處處望文生義,犯錯而不自知。下面這個例子最能說明這個看法:梵谷傳一開始的地方,這樣形容畫家初戀的對象,"愛修拉是個笑瞇瞇的十九歲的姑娘,有一雙大眼睛,小巧 (細致?) 的鵝蛋臉" (p. 2) 本來有雙大眼睛沒有什麼不好,可是這雙大眼睛完全是余先生自己描繪進去的。原文說的是:"Ursula was nineteen, a smiling, wide-eyed creature with a delicate oval face...",並沒有大眼睛。"Wide-eyed" 指的是 innocent 的意思,說的是性格不是外表。眼睛小的人也可以被形容為 wide-eyed。 (人名 Boughton 的前一個音節 bought 有三種習用的發音: 1. bout "包頓";2. boat; 3. bought。"布頓" (boot) 不在其列。) |
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