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2010/02/28 09:59:40瀏覽3678|回應0|推薦5 | |
![]() 美國第16任總統亞伯拉罕林肯在1865年4月14日被行刺死亡,他生前雖然貴為總統,任職總統期間亦為美國人民做過很多好事如解放黑奴,而死後他的家人、美國人民及美國各地教會之神職人員每天也為他禱告,希望他安息,但林肯之靈魂卻未能上天堂,而是做了遊魂鬼! 他的鬼魂還經常在美國總統辦公室白宮出現,第29任美國總統柯立芝之夫人、第30任美國總統胡佛、第32任美國總統杜魯門、第39任美國總統里根及女兒、荷蘭女皇於1941年及英國首相丘吉爾於1942年出訪美國期間均聲稱見過林肯鬼魂在白宮出現。 除了白宮外,林肯鬼魂也發現在行刺死亡的地點華盛頓福特劇院與行刺者布斯之鬼魂對罵;有時林肯鬼魂也會在他的墓地出現。 白宮鬧鬼 林肯現身 人鬼殊途,人死了,應該是煙消雲散,再不然,就是其魂魄飄到另一個不屬于陽間的世界上。 但是,為什么有些人死后卻陰魂不散,一直出現在生人眼前,讓人見鬼呢? 僕役感應其存在 美國白宮,世上最有權勢的總統官邸,但是,卻也不能阻止鬼魂駐留于此,與現任總統共享空間。 這些鬼魂,不是別人,大多數是前白宮主人或其家人,最頻密出現的一位,正是激發起美國南北戰爭,解放黑奴的前美國總統林肯。 擁有200多年歷史的白宮,共有132個房間,眾多房間中,就只有一間以前總統的名字命名,那就是林肯房(Lincoln Room)了。 而林肯先生最常現身的,就是這間以自己名字命名的房間。 林肯房位于白宮東廂二樓,房間採用墨綠色為主色,傢俱保留著英國維多利亞風格。林肯在世時,這間房間是他的私人辦公室,他曾在此為南北戰爭而操心,也在此簽署解放黑奴的宣言。 也許是放不下這個國家吧,逝世多年后,林肯的一縷幽魂,仍情繫此房,白宮歷來多位僕役或白宮職員,甚至總統本人,都曾見過其身影或是感應到他的存在。 美國前總統羅斯福在此房辦公至夜半三更時,伏案而作的他老是感覺到有人站在他背后,但是回頭總是看不到人。 白宮多名職員,有者憑著第六感,有者則驚鴻一瞥其身影,而相信林肯的鬼魂仍住在白宮中。 白宮待從薩沃伊也曾碰見林肯的鬼魂,他在清早上二樓淋花,甫開燈之際,驚見林肯穿著灰色細條子西裝,正一手搭著另一手,交叉著雙腿坐在沙發上。再眨眼一看,鬼魂就消失了。 英國首相丘吉爾訪美時,曾在房內瞥見林肯的身影。里根總統的愛犬常對著林肯房門吠叫。克林頓總統的公關馬莎也曾透露,白宮的工作人員通常都與林肯房保持距離。 萬聖節與民同歡 除了林肯外,也有出現的幽靈還包括1812年英美戰爭時死于白宮的一名士兵,他手持火把在白宮出沒。前總統威爾遜的夫人想去修理白宮的玫瑰園時,竟見到麥迪遜總統夫人的鬼魂,警告前者勿騷擾她心愛的花園。 長期擔任白宮總引導員的加里沃爾特有過怪異的經歷,即與數名警察站在白宮台階上,一股陰風從他們之間吹來,一扇門便自動打開。 最絕的是,白宮並沒有把鬧鬼的傳聞給掩蓋下去,在白宮官方網站,甚至有“白宮幽靈”的銜接,萬聖節時甚至來個與民同歡,讓電視拍攝白宮的靈異事件。 白宮管家沃爾特斯坦承,這個大房子偶爾會傳出令人毛骨悚然的怪聲,他本人對鬼魂之事也是半信半疑,但這所老房子的確流傳著許多神秘故事。 不過,據說,白宮在1952年對二樓進行大規模裝修后,鬼魂出現的次數已減少了。法破解的事情,即使鬼魂真的存在,與生人在某一空間某一時間相碰,也並不奇怪,在我們無法理解靈異事件之前,與其把它當作迷信嗤之以鼻,倒不如當作趣聞看看! 清明時節雨紛紛,在這個涼颯颯的時節,就讓一些靈異故事陪你度節吧!本系列特別蒐集了世界多個國家的著名鬼屋的資料,恐怖之餘,不失有趣,至于信與不信,就由你了! Abraham Lincoln’s Ghost Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenthPresident of the United States of America. He is best known for leadingthe United States during the American Civil War. He greatly opposedslavery and is known for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863and as a strong promoter of the thirteenth amendment which abolishedslavery which had been passed before his death. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s theatre on April 14, 1865. Since then, manypresidents have reportedly seen and felt Lincoln’s presence in theWhite House. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, and HarryTruman have all reported unexplained rappings on their bedroom roomsand believe that it was Lincoln. Calvin Coolidge’s wife has alsoreported that on several occasions she had seen the ghost of Lincolnlooking through a window of the Oval Office with his hands behind hisback. One of the maids of the White House also claims to have seen hisghost sitting on a bed taking his shoes off. Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands,while spending a night at the White House, heard a knock on the door ofher bedroom. When she had answered it, she saw Lincoln’s ghost staringat her in the hallway. She had fainted and when she woke the ghost haddisappeared. Another visitor to have seen Lincoln’s ghost was WinstonChurchill while he was spending a night at the White House during WordWar II. After returning from taking a bath, Churchill discoveredLincoln standing by the fireplace in his room. Churchill spoke toLincoln’s ghost and said, “Good evening, Mr. President. You seem tohave me at disadvantage.” due to the fact that Churchill had beennaked. Lincoln’s ghost had smiled softly disappeared. After the Truman administration,there haven’t been many sightings of Lincoln’s spirit. Some say thatthe reason for this is due to the remodeling that took place duringTruman’s presidency. However, President Ronald Reagan’s daughter,Maureen Reagan, claims to have seen Lincoln’s ghost several times inthe Lincoln bedroom. There are other locations wherewitnesses claim to have seen the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. One locationis Ford’s theater, where he had been shot by Booth. Witnesses said thatthey have seen both the spirits of President Lincoln and Booth in thebalcony where his assassination took place. Another location isLincoln’s burial grounds in Illinois. President Lincoln had foreseen hisassassination. Lincoln said that he had a dream of seeing a dead bodyon the floor. When asking the crowd around the corpse, one soldier hadsaid “The president is dead”. The Ghost of John Wilkes Booth A few months after his capture anddeath, John Wilkes Booth was sited in McVicker's Theatre, the MadisonSt. theatre where he had performed a couple of stints in Chicago. Noone said it was a ghost, though - they simply said that it was evidencethat he hadn't really died at all. Conspiracy theories of this natureare still going around; for years, a mummified version of the REALBooth was a big hit at carnivals. In 1866, a seance to contact Booth'sspirit was held in a house on the West side. His ghost came when called(or, anyway, the medium made it SEEM as though he did - these thingswere pretty generally bogus) and his voice was heard, but he did notappear visually, since "the devil would not permit it." In any case, the "ghost" gave a wholenew version of the assassination story, stating that he fired atLincoln from the front, but that the President turned his head, whichis why the bullet entered from the back. He also stated that he brokehis leg not in the jump to the stage but by falling from his horselater (this, in fact, happens to be correct). He went on to say that he had alsoplanned to kill Vice President Johnson (which, in fact, was someoneelse's job). He was most emphatically glad that he had killed Lincoln,but equally glad that he hadn't killed Johnson, who he liked very much(which makes sense, since Johnson was probably the most racistpresident ever; Booth's ghost was sure he would re-establish slavery).He wouldn't support his re-election, though - he argued for McClennan(a Union general who spent most of the early days of the war sitting onhis butt, then ran against Lincoln in 1864) or Robert E. Lee as thenext President and even mused about a McClennn / Lee "dream ticket." He was then asked: Q: "Are you in heaven?" A: No. Q: Are you in the other place? A: Yes. Q: Is there a devil there? A: YES! Q: Does he treat you rough? A: YES! (the tabble jiggered violently here). Q: Do you think you deserve it? A: NNNNOOO!!! He went on to admit that he was apretty bad actor (he was fairly eccentric in his portrayals of wellknown Shakespeare rolls, but the Trib called him a genius), but wasjust as good as his brother, Edwin (who was widely thought of as thegreatest Shakespearean actor of the day), and went on at great lengthabout President Johnson and the type of people who supported him in theform of "automatic writing" before disappearing abruptly. Seances like these - with knocks ontables, etc - were all the rage around the time of the Civil War.Mediums found all sorts of fascinating ways to fake them, up to andincluding pulling cheese cloth out of their more nefarious orifices andcalling them "ectoplasm." Even the most die-hard believers knew thatmost of the "mediums" were frauds. (Source Unkown) |
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