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Should America be more aggressive in....? Feb 27th 2012, 18:27
2018/03/22 00:58:56瀏覽26|回應0|推薦0


The Economist Asks

Should America be more aggressive in confronting Iran?

You voted: NoCurrent total votes: 303(筆者補充圖片長條圖:33% say Yes, 67% say No)

Background reading:

Bombing Iran is not the answer

The probability of an attack has been increasing

Nuclear diplomacy has stalled

Sanctions have gone from half-hearted to harsh


Should America be more aggressive in confronting Iran?

Feb 27th 2012, 18:27


No. And the second “No” is for this title because it seems to incite the nerve. No question of America’s unreasonable action to Iran because, OH, America DO IT ONE MORE TIME, taking their closer way to old one for then Iraq president Saddam Hussein.


I don’t think the military mean can again be used in middle eastern area. This geopolitical issue now reaches the horrible balance. The incumbent Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad still walk on the pro-nuclear road but there is only India’s terribly-old prime minister Monmohann Singh supporting Iran’s president for oil at the present time. Basically, the sanction is effeictively formed and Iran is not the kind of last year’s nation in Arabian Spring list. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has meddled with this issue for several months.


America is reluctant to see any power rising in this area while Iran insists on its own soverignty. Since IAEA already takes certain measures, we may cool down waiting for a minute and see the near future. As a whole, to rise the problem into the geopolitical issue’s circumstance must not be smart action. Well, for any reasearcher and any government in the world, no one wants to be exhausted on his own anymore.









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