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Books of the YearPage-turnersThe best books of 2011 were about China, Congo, Afghanistan, Charles Dickens, Vincent van Gogh, the "Flora Delanica", Jerusalem, Mumbai’s dance bars, quantum physics, sugar, orgasms, blue nights, two moons and other people’s moneyDec 10th 2011 | from the print edition
Politics and current affairs Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future.By Ian Goldin, Geoffrey Cameron and Meera Balarajan. Princeton University Press; 352 pages; $35 and £24.95 In this section Tide Players: The Movers and Shakers of a Rising China. By Jianying Zha. The New Press; 240 pages; $24.95 and £18.99 Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa. By Jason Stearns. PublicAffairs; 400 pages; $28.99 and £18.99 Cables from Kabul: The Inside Story of the West’s Afghanistan Campaign.By Sherard Cowper-Coles. Harper Press; 352 pages; £25 The 9/11 Wars. By Jason Burke. Penguin Global; 709 pages; $20. Allen Lane; £30 Pakistan: A Hard Country.By Anatol Lieven. PublicAffairs; 558 pages; $35. Allen Lane; £30 Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China’s Extraordinary Rise. By Carl Walter and Fraser Howie. Wiley; 250 pages; $29.95 and £19.99 Biography and memoir Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.By Ezra Vogel. Belknap Press; 928 pages; $39.95 Hemingway’s Boat: Everything He Loved in Life, and Lost, 1934-1961.By Paul Hendrickson. Knopf; 544 pages; $30. To be published in Britain in January by Bodley Head; £20 Blue Nights. By Joan Didion. Knopf; 208 pages; $25. Fourth Estate; £14.99 Van Gogh: The Life. By Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith. Random House; 953 pages; $40. Profile; £30 Charles Dickens: A Life.By Claire Tomalin. Penguin Press; 576 pages; $36. Viking; £30 Ghosts by Daylight: A Memoir of Love, War and Redemption. By Janine di Giovanni. Knopf; 304 pages; $26.95. Bloomsbury; £16.99 The Paper Garden: An Artist Begins her Life’s Work at 72. By Molly Peacock. Bloomsbury; 397 pages; $30 and £20 Economics and business Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. By Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo. PublicAffairs; 336 pages; $26.99 and £17.99 The Great Stagnation: How America Ate All the Low-Hanging Fruit of Modern History, Got Sick, and Will (Eventually) Feel Better.By Tyler Cowen. Dutton Adult; 128 pages; $12.95 Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon.By Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner. Times Books; 331 pages; $30 and £19.99 Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World. By William Cohan. Doubleday; 672 pages; $30.50. Allen Lane; £25
History Jerusalem: The Biography.By Simon Sebag Montefiore. Knopf; 638 pages; $35. Weidenfeld & Nicolson; £25 The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean.By David Abulafia. Oxford University Press; 783 pages; $34.95. Allen Lane; £30 The Anatomy of a Moment: Thirty-five Minutes in History and Imagination.By Javier Cercas. Bloomsbury; 403 pages; $18 and £18.99 Berlin 1961: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the Most Dangerous Place on Earth.By Frederick Kempe. Putnam Adult; 608 pages; $29.95 The Pursuit of Italy: A History of a Land, its Regions and their Peoples.By David Gilmour. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 480 pages; $32.50. Allen Lane; £25 The Sugar Barons: Family, Corruption, Empire, and War in the West Indies.By Matthew Parker. Walker & Co; 446 pages; $30. Hutchinson; £25 Science and technology The Quantum Universe: Everything That Can Happen Does Happen.By Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw. Allen Lane; 255 pages; £20. To be published in America in January by Da Capo Press; $25 Thinking, Fast and Slow.By Daniel Kahneman. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 512 pages; $30. Allen Lane; £25 Global Warming Gridlock: Creating More Effective Strategies for Protecting the Planet.By David Victor. Cambridge University Press; 392 pages; $40 and £25 The God Species: Saving the Planet in the Age of Humans.By Mark Lynas. National Geographic; 280 pages; $25. Fourth Estate; £14.99 The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood.By James Gleick. Pantheon; 544 pages; $29.95. Fourth Estate; £25 The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World.By David Deutsch. Viking; 487 pages; $30. Allen Lane; £25 Revolutions that Made the Earth.By Tim Lenton and Andrew Watson. Oxford University Press; 440 pages; $52.95 and £29.95
Culture, society and travel The Better Angels of our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined.By Steven Pinker. Viking; 802 pages; $40. Published in Britain as “The Better Angels of our Nature: The Decline of Violence in History and its Causes” by Allen Lane; £30 Adventures in the Orgasmatron: How the Sexual Revolution Came to America. By Christopher Turner. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 544 pages; $35. Fourth Estate; £25 Triumph of the City: How Our Greatest Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier and Happier. By Edward Glaeser. Penguin; 336 pages; $29.95. Macmillan; £25 Beautiful Thing: Inside the Secret World of Bombay’s Dance Bars.By Sonia Faleiro. Canongate; 240 pages; £12.99. To be published in America in March by Grove Press; $15 The Possessed: Adventures with Russian Books and the People Who Read Them. By Elif Batuman. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 298 pages; $15. Granta; £16.99 People Who Eat Darkness: The Fate of Lucie Blackman.By Richard Lloyd Parry. Jonathan Cape; 404 pages; £17.99. To be published in America by Farrar, Straus and Giroux in May; $16 Iphigenia in Forest Hills: Anatomy of a Murder Trial.By Janet Malcolm. Yale University Press; 168 pages; $25 and £18 Is That a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything.By David Bellos. Faber & Faber; 400 pages; $27. Particular Books; £20 The Art of Camping: The History and Practice of Sleeping Under the Stars.By Matthew De Abaitua. Hamish Hamilton; 294 pages; £14.99 Fiction 1Q84. By Haruki Murakami. Books 1 and 2 translated by Jay Rubin and Book 3 by Philip Gabriel. Knopf; 944 pages; $30.50. Harvill; £34.99 Other People’s Money.By Justin Cartwright. Bloomsbury; 258 pages; $15 and £18.99 Open City.By Teju Cole. Random House; 272 pages; $25. Faber & Faber; £12.99 The Marriage Plot. By Jeffrey Eugenides. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 416 pages; $28. Fourth Estate; £20 Train Dreams.By Denis Johnson. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 128 pages; $18 The Tiger’s Wife.By Tea Obreht. Random House; 352 pages; $15. Weidenfeld & Nicolson; £12.99 The Cat’s Table. By Michael Ondaatje. Knopf; 304 pages; $26. Jonathan Cape; £16.99 The Afrika Reich. By Guy Saville. Hodder & Stoughton; 433 pages; £12.99 Poetry Australian Poetry Since 1788. Edited by Geoffrey Lehmann and Robert Gray. University of New South Wales Press; 1,108 pages; $66.95 and £54.95 Memorial.By Alice Oswald. Faber & Faber; 84 pages; £12.99 Clavics.By Geoffrey Hill. Enitharmon Press; 41 pages; $29.95 and £12 from the print edition | Books and arts Page-turners Dec 15th 2011, 08:40
I appreciate you the Economist for providing this list. Really, this list shows the increasing ratio of China’s influence on this world. Also for me, “Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China’s Extraordinary Rise.” as well as “Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.” are excellent for their successfully plain description about the recent 30-year history of open economical power.
Especially, in my opinion, the level of this book “Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China”, or you can say also outstanding prominence, can be praised as the same masterpiece as that book “Mao: The Unknown History”, written by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, famous for the same reason and recommend by many scholars concerned of China Study in United Kingdom in 2006’s winter. I have surfed several chapters of this book in Taipei 101’s Page One a month ago. “Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China” is indeed regarded as the No.1 recommend of the biography.
However, unfortunately, this book, “Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.” is banned in China. According to the sayings of relative department, the only reason is that all of books about Deng must be seriously examined; but on the other side, introducing this book to Beijing’s fifth generation of China’s Communist Party, I am given the contradictory information. These big head show the positive attitude toward this book, saying this book can express the thought and formation of Deng’s policy to China. In addition, many figures concerned of book surprisingly find some truth or some “causes” behind some “incident” , which they have yet known for more than twenty years, in this thick masterpiece.
History can be usually expressed through the connection among the big events and short stories one by one, of course, also from one’s biography - especially the ruler’s- to know the contemporary situation. When it comes to the 30-year open reform history, Deng’s doctrine is the basic norm to know the evolution of Chinese Beijing’s politics and economy. From this book, readers can realize some difficulties when Communist Party faced the several turning points, such as party’s human resource and the inner betray, and how to expand Chinese influence on the world while facing both friendship and confrontation of Japan and United States. (Taiwan issue is few talked of). Furthermore, those who would like to feel the past time read the book talking about not only local figure but also the foreigners such as James Lilley (Lee Jie-Ming’s China Hands). As I always talk, Chinese history is interacted with numerous and various stories and beautiful literature.
By the way, “the 1Q84” , by Haruki Murakami, is my favourite novel. Also, the cost of this book cannot estimated at any price, like his most brilliant “Norwegian Wood”, which once affected me very much in my youth. Besides, both are having the relative movie soundtrack and movie worthy of admiration. The series of “1Q84” containing “Janacek : Sinfonietta” impressed so many Japanese successfully in 2009. And after about one year, the movie soundtrack “Norwegian Wood, movie directed by Chen Ying-Hsiung”, product by Jonny Greenwood and CAN, was a fashionable talk in East Asia.
For more than thirty years, Haruki Murakami has constantly been expressing writing style of his unique sense of citizen, already becoming the mutual signal of world’s many youths. According to the report on Time Magazine in Aug. 2007 and upcoming ones, Haruki Murakami recently worked hard in the internationalization of his writings by translating these into more and more languages. For example, his most favourite books among his is Great Gatsby, still under work.
Recommended 7 Report Permalink 筆者在這一年內有購進的書來研究的是Dr. Ezra Vogel 傅高義的「鄧小平傳記」。這本據說在中國大陸還是禁書,不過裡面翻閱一些時,傅先生見過江澤民本人作訪問,所推敲鄧的心理是佔很大部份的,尤其是1980年之後到鄧的過世,而在筆者這篇當年忘了而沒有提到。若為可信,江澤民在六四天安門事件時是偏中立沉默了些的。傅大博士今年已近九十歲有了,是貫通百年東亞史學者,以數本清朝以後歷史及偏黨政的現代中國與偏日本經濟的現代日本為觀點,有綜合性通論者,也有出版如朴正熙時代的南韓斷代史。筆者當年除了這本,從讀建中開始就有接觸史景遷Jonathan D. Spence的「The Gate of Heavenly Peace: The Chinese and Their Revolution 1895-1980」算是國際通用中國現代史的課本,後來筆者在讀長庚大學的時候有購閱曾任倫敦大學亞非學院的英國華裔作家張戎和夫婿Jon Holiday「Mao: The Unknown Story」公認仍至今唯一權威外國人解讀毛澤東的學者,張教授教過在東森新聞留學過英國的王佳婉主播媽媽的指導教授,肄業後就是有在筆者提的這本James & Jeffery Lilley父子合著的「China Hands」及2006年起擔任經濟學人雜誌及之後日本NHK的亞洲地緣學高級顧問 Dr. Bill Emmott所著的「Rivals」,是預測十年內的中國印度及日本三強帶動的亞洲局勢,這可以拿來和美國雷根政府的商務部長Clyde Prestowitz所著的「崛起的四大國:3bn New Capitalism」,這書是首度喊出中國、印度、巴西和俄羅斯為BRICs金磚四國的市場經濟新機運起點。對了,還有一本筆者很敢拿來和北京來往時提問的,是鮑彤確認的趙紫陽自傳錄音:國家的囚徒「Prisoner Of The State: The Secret Journal Of Premier Zhao Ziyang」,筆者在之後是拿這些當通論,及和北京的習李體制的領導討論過的事,以寫入當時在網站的你來我往。
另外筆者小聊1Q84,這本每年都被拿來問是否村上春樹有因此得諾貝爾文學獎,筆者至今放在隨身聽的就是越南導演陳英雄執導的「Norwegian Wood」挪威的森林及配合Can &Greenwood的原聲帶音樂,其實也好奇怎麼偏好Janacek : Sinfonietta 楊納傑克的小交響曲配樂。筆者小回憶起2007年時代雜誌曾經出刊一篇說村上春樹想轉型作跨國作家,這本1Q84不會是結束,也給了很好的試鍊。 |
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