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2020/04/11 08:28:44瀏覽3762|回應26|推薦21

在薛丁哲方程式。薛丁哲方程式的精義在概率波。概率波是什麼意思?意思就是宇宙萬象存在的真貌不是我們所以爲的那樣,像手指上戴著的鑽戒,看得見摸得著,no no no no no,鑽戒是因爲你看、你摸,才存在的,不是鑽戒先存在,你才看得見摸得著。不看不摸的時候呢?鑽戒無所謂存在,只是個波。什麼東西的波?不是什麼「東西」,是概率的波,叫波函數;是個複數,它絕對值的平方就是事物存在在時空該點的概率,對整個時空的總體積分值是一(1,one,「存在」)。

什麼樣的東西是概率波?無論大小,什麼、任何東西都是概率波,事實上整個宇宙就是一個概率波。「存在」,是一種特殊現象;波,才是事物的本質;觀測,凝凍出事物的存在;否則?否則萬物都只是概率波。無法接受?沒關係,反正接不接受你我都是概率波,it’s not up to us。屁股只要一摸就有就值得高興,我懷疑的時候都會摸一下看(屁股)在不在。

Brian Greene 因 Covid-19 在家開始講述 Daily Equation 以來這輯我以爲最好, QM 精義盡在其中:

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2020/04/16 06:27
GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2020-04-16 06:31 回覆:

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2020-04-16 06:34 回覆:

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
Is Taiwan a country... or part of China?
2020/04/16 05:16

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2020/04/16 02:16

Here are the latest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the Bay Area:

  • Alameda County: 964 cases, 36 deaths
  • Contra Costa County: 600 cases,12 deaths
  • Marin County: 171 cases, 10 deaths
  • Napa County: 38 cases, 2 deaths
  • San Francisco County: 1,013 cases, 17 deaths
  • San Mateo County: 747 cases, 21 deaths
  • Santa Clara County: 1,666 cases, 60 deaths
  • Santa Cruz County: 96 cases, 1 death 
  • Solano County: 140 cases, 2 deaths
  • Sonoma County: 160 cases, 2 death
GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2020-04-16 02:18 回覆:
163/683=24% of CA statewide deaths

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2020/04/15 13:28

爲什麼空間三度,不是二度或四度?越講到後面越深,不過仔係聽的話不難理解。請特別注意他只管位置(X)和動量(P)的 Hamiltonian,其餘不理,也不重要。借用 Hamiltonian 的概念最後的解答是:因爲三度空間是交互作用可能/可以在 locality 發生的場域,或許這就是爲什麼我們宇宙空間三度的真因 —— 兩度不牢靠,四度無作用:


GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2020-04-15 13:31 回覆:
我是在爲 19 樓的空間維度問題尋找答案...
GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2020-04-15 13:56 回覆:

正當 Laplace 的重力場論和愛因思坦的廣義相對論爲牛頓力學一解百年大惑之際,1920 年代崛起至今方興未艾的量子力學重又以量子纏結(quantum entanglement)把牛頓一輩子憂心忡忡懸而未決的 “spooky action at a distance” 帶回人類知識領域中那塊叫做 unknown 的 realm 裡...

這是 Sean Carroll 的結語,我以爲他要講下去,沒想他說此輯到此,謝謝各位,下次開講時間。懷疑

不過量子纏結事實歸事實,真象未明是真,Sean 不講不能怪他。得意

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2020-04-16 02:15 回覆:

YouTube 怪怪的,昨天 embed 出不來,今天出得來:

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2020/04/15 07:47

研發的首批家用機器人 prototype 寄到她家,先拿一隻出來玩。說是安慰/伴侶用可愛型人工智慧機器人,可以當小孩、老人的寵「物」,而且能幫助兒童成長或撫慰長者心靈。一隻 $3000:

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
第三個問題,等他臉書 post 出來後上去問
2020/04/15 05:24

Brian, in one of his YouTube post, Dr. Alvin Ash explains why macroscopic object (like a tennis ball) can’t be not-measured (he doesn’t like the word “observation”) at any/all time, because not-superposing with environment is impossible in a real world full of macroscopic objects. He even mentioned that a screen is itself a kind of measurement, that’s why an electron or photon’s wave function collapses and consolidates into a dot on the screen in double-slit experiment.

But then why Einstein says “Does that mean the Moon is not there when I am not looking at it”? I bet he KNEW the moon is there unless he didn’t understand superposition with environment happens everywhere, quantum system decoherence is unavoidable in macroscopic world.

I like to joke in my blog by saying that since I have never seen my butt, they (I have two halves) most likely don’t exist. But I KNOW they truly exist due to superposition with something, albeit not my eyes or senses, constantly.

So the question is, since everything collapse, why do we still say the universe itself is one gigantic wave function? Do we mean that only in principle, not in reality? Is a universe without observer truly a wave function, never collapse? How about ours?

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2020-04-16 05:19 回覆:

記得嗎?「存在」(wave function collapse) 是環境(environment)在觀測(observation/measurement)時和純淨系統量子態(quantum system state)相互污染(superposition,量子態疊加)導致系統(環境也一樣)量子退相干(decoherence)的結果。

不然?不然萬化乃至整個宇宙都應是 coherent 的純淨量子態。可是觀測不必一定要人,我穿的褲子也在觀測我的屁股,屁股也在觀測我的褲子(因爲彼此接觸),所以兩者俱在。如此一來,一個無生命的宇宙如何而可能不「存在」?波函數如何而可能不崩塌?我有沒有哪個環節搞錯?


GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2020/04/15 04:02

Here are the latest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the Bay Area:

  • Alameda County: 888 cases, 23 deaths
  • Contra Costa County: 552 cases,11 deaths
  • Marin County: 170 cases, 10 deaths
  • Napa County: 38 cases, 2 deaths
  • San Francisco County: 987 cases, 15 deaths
  • San Mateo County: 721 cases, 21 deaths
  • Santa Clara County: 1,666 cases, 60 deaths
  • Santa Cruz County: 91 cases, 1 death 
  • Solano County: 135 cases, 2 deaths
  • Sonoma County: 152 cases, 2 death
GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2020-04-15 04:04 回覆:
147/683=21% of CA statewide deaths

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
問 Dr. Brian Greene 一個問題...
2020/04/14 15:57

Dr. Greene, I read your book The Elegant Universe, in which you mention that a string is one-dimensional. That makes sense as zero-dimention would be a point, amounts to nonexistent. But then if a string has only one dimension (say along X axis), that means its Y and Z dimension must be zero, i.e., a string has no thickness, even though it possesses a length in Planck scale. Just like people on "flatland" has no height along our Z dimension, we have no this one extra dimension according to four-dimensional world. Now the problem is, according to two-dimensional world, a string can't really exist, just like according to our three-dimensional world, flatland world can't be said to be existent. Further more, four-dimensional people don't think we exist. Yet all these four worlds each think they themselves do exist. So... if something is zero-dimensional, does it exist? Or we should think two-, one-, zero-dimensional world truly exist because each of them think they actually exist?
GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2020-04-14 16:10 回覆:

只在 X 軸上有數值的東西在 Y 和 Z 軸上必需爲零,否則豈可稱爲一度物?

只在 X 和 Y 軸上有數值的東西在 Z 軸上必需爲零,否則豈可稱爲二度物?

只在 X、Y 和 Z 軸上有數值的東西在 ?? 軸(四度空間裡我們欠缺的那個第四軸)上必需爲零,否則豈可稱爲三度物?

只在 X、Y、Z、和 ?? 軸上有數值的東西在 !!(五度空間裡他們欠缺的那個第五軸) 上必需爲零,否則豈可稱爲四度物?

其餘可以類推。我想 Brian 懂我意思。

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2020/04/14 11:47

紐約昨天只死八百多人,有在下降,不像前幾天每天死一千多。全美現已死兩萬多人,全球第一。傳染病學乃至抗 coronavirus 的專家也開始把之前預期的(美國)死 10 萬~ 24 萬人下調到六萬多,所以再死個四萬多人美國應可過關。屆時全球將可如預期的約 40% 到 60% 全人類感染 coronavirus,不過病毒毒性也將大幅降低到類如一般流感,死亡率當可維持在千分之一左右。

等一年過後疫苗問世,到時流感季節來臨大家感冒預防針打一打就會對新冠肺炎自動免疫,因爲那一針將包含所有 coronavirus,老的舊的以前的,和這回新(所以叫 novel)的通通包括在那一針內。

我今天有努力去上 google 查,專家說疫苗注射後生效不是立刻、馬上,而是一兩天後,好處是抗體有了抗原也會消失,所以不會再傳染給他人。我查不到的是因被染卻無症狀的人顯然自己產生抗體,這種人體免疫力自然產生的抗體能不能也像人工疫苗那樣讓抗原也從人體內消失,所以不再傳染他人?

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2020/04/14 07:05
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