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2013/08/01 08:45:59瀏覽429|回應0|推薦4

Roasting Coffee Bean



        現在臨老入學堂,重新上作文課。不過,這次不是中文,是英文作文。咱老師說,英文是一種"dirty language."說它髒,沒有任何貶抑的意思,而是說它收集了各種文化的用語,各種語言的用字、各種文法、而且它像樂高,隨時可以拼湊出新字。髒歸髒,可是像垃圾場一樣,到處都是寶。上了English 10, 11, 12之後,我發現它是相當有創意的一門課,難怪一進到書店,英文小說少說就佔掉一半的書櫃。我也開始重拾寫文章的樂趣。這篇炒咖啡就運用了英文寫作的兩個技巧:alliteration(頭韻法),在一個句子裡,反覆使用起頭的子音字母相同的單字,押韻以增閱讀的順暢與樂趣;其二,儘量讓每個名詞使用二至三個形容詞、每個動詞用二到三個副詞來描述,以增加文章的鮮活度。

  Roasting green coffee bean by myself is somewhat a painstaking task, for I have to stick cohesively myself to the pot, examine constantly the heat of stove, stir continuously the bean with a bamboo shovel, and scrutinize consciously the color change of bean, only to result in a bunch of smoky hair and face.
  However, it is not unrewarding in doing such thing. First of all, I don't have to worry about ingesting drink containing ochraotoxin, which is produced by a specific species of fungi named Aspergillus ochraceus, reportedly more toxic than aflatoxin to humans, and present potentially in old ground coffee or baked coffee beans. Second, I have a lot of green beans, and I don't know what else I can do for except roasting them. Finally, I am addicted to freshness: freshly roasted, freshly ground, and freshly brewed coffee in every freshly aired morning so that I have a freshly refreshed spirit. 

( 休閒生活雜記 )
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