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2013/05/11 20:14:03瀏覽723|回應5|推薦4 | |
這是陳水扁在2008年可以做到的事情。 我認為每個總統都應該在任內至少一次。這個極具有戰略意義,比要求菲律賓道歉要重要。 BBC: 台灣總統陳水扁在國防部長李天羽的陪同下,搭乘軍機到訪南沙群島(又稱斯普拉特利群島)宣示台灣主權,並發表"南沙倡議"。 陳水扁先由台北搭乘空軍一號專機南下屏東,然後轉搭C130運輸機,在海空軍的護航下前往南沙群島中面積最大的太平島(又稱伊圖阿巴島)。 由於台灣總統具有三軍統帥的身份,按往例陳水扁在春節前夕都會前往一些部隊慰勞官兵,不久前他就到訪了金門最靠近中國大陸的大膽島。 宣示主權 相對於台灣歷任總統都曾赴金門的最前線位置,同樣有台軍駐守的南沙群島則從未有台灣總統到訪,陳水扁此行被視為具有特殊的宣視主權意味。 陳水扁在不久前完工的機場啟用典禮上表示,自從1946年國軍派出太平艦接收,並將其命名為太平島以來,對其有效佔領與實質管轄長達半個世紀,台灣對太平島擁主權是無庸置疑的。 他並說,修建機場是為了要縮短運補時間,並且提升海上救難、緊急醫療等能力,以確保區域海域的安全並善盡人道救援義務。 馬英九,不要重複要求菲律賓道歉,至少要給個期限吧。 --2013-05-19 看來要菲律賓道歉,沒有什麽實質意義,菲律賓人和政府都是自我感覺良好的一族。 這是Global Security的文章。我們可以看出,真正捍衛南海主權的,是陳水扁。 原因很簡單,對馬英九及國民黨而言,台灣是個大陸國家。 他們的史觀本身是錯誤的。 鄭成功對他們而言,是反清復明,不是開發經略海外的處女地。 鄭芝龍對他們而言,不是台灣人的祖先,而是騷擾中國的海盜。 -- Itu Aba Island [Taiping Island], Spratly IslandsItu Aba Island, located 10N23, 114E22, is one of the northern Spratly Islands, and since 1955 it has been claimed and occupied by Taiwan Taiping Island is located at the center of the Nansha Islands, which stretch 810 km from north to south and 900 km from east to west. The island chain is made up of 104 islands, reefs, cays, and banks, with Taiping Island being centrally located and by far the largest of all. ROC marines Six hundred and eighty miles to its north lies Hong Kong Most of China's shipping--including its tankers of imported oil--passes through or near the Spratlys. Itu Aba island is therefore of strategic importance to Taiwan, which could use the island as an attack submarine and aircraft base against Chinese merchant ships in the event of war. The Japanese based subs at the island during WWII, which proves the location is suitable for that purpose. In 2006, Taiwan announced plans to build a 1,150 meter-long airstrip on Itu Aba island to support search-and-rescue aircraft operating in the South China Sea, yet comments by other Taiwanese officials indicated that it could also be used for military Taiping Island is located at 114°22'E longitude and 10°23'N latitude. The island has a land area of only 489,600 sq. meters (about half a square kilometer). It stretches 1,360 meters from east to west and 350 meters from north to south. Its average altitude is 3.8 meters above sea level Itu Aba Island is the biggest island in the Spratlys. It is used by Taiwanese fishermen as a rest stop, occupies an important location within the South China Sea, and has a permanent ROC Navy The island derives its name from the battleship "Peace (Tai Ping)," which China sent to recovery the island after Japan's surrender at the end of the Second World War. Fishermen used to call the island "Huang-Shang Ma Zhi." The Hainan Island pronunciation for this name is "Widuabe." On other western navigation Itu Aba is a sandy cay, rising to 2.4 meters near its centre. The island is overbuilt by several buildings, used by the Taiwan's military and several radio masts. A 25 meter high tower stands near the eastern end of the island, and a peace monument is at the center of the island. A large pier is on the southwest side, but can only handle small boats. A second observation tower is shown in the sea map on the northeastern end of the island, and it is reported to be 80 ft high. The western part of the Tizard Bank consists of the westernmost Itu Aba Island, the central Centre Cay (10N24, 114E24) and the easternmost Sandy Cay (10N23, 114E28). Centre Cay is a smal coral plateau, 3 to 5 ft high and only covered by low bushes. |
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