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“女子” 與 “小人” 的對話-062412
2012/07/08 13:05:16瀏覽50|回應0|推薦0
This morning I was trying to take Ariel to church but failed...
me-"Ariel, go to church with mom".
Ariel - "no, I am still sleepy and want to stay home with sis and bro"
me-"but you will miss mommy"
Ariel-"I will draw a picture of you at home..."
me-"but mommy will be lonely to go by myself"
Ariel-"mom, sometimes you need to go by yourself...".

Fine, so grabbed my bag and going to leave, then Ariel talked to me, "wow, cool bag".

I could not win talking over a 4 years old kid.
( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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