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16. 發表者:yilin Chen Wednesday, 2 January 2008, 11:16 AM 英國文學在還沒有接觸前,聽到學長姊說的樣子,第一個念頭就是好可怕。不過在自己接觸後,發現其實不會^^我想有部分原因是老師的確比較沒那麼要求了?!(跟學長姐的比較下)對於老師上課方式,多方利用各種輔助工具,像是PPT、網站、演戲、討論、看電影,這些都很好,可以讓我們更快了解文本中的艱深文字,一開始,的確有點消化不了電影跳著看,後來也習慣了,而且我覺得這樣更會引起我想要看完一部電影的衝動(笑)我很喜歡老師的教學方式,不過跟大家意見一樣就是期末可以演戲跟報告擇一,我會選擇演戲方式,這樣我們可以準備得更完善,呈現的效果當然也會更好囉!以上是我的一些意見,希望對老師有幫助!! 17. 發表者:陳怡君 時間:Wednesday, 2 January 2008, 06:06 PM 在修英國文學之前就有耳 (在選課之前還一度想選隔壁班的) 後來還是選了 (怕選太多課,期末會很難熬、兼顧不好。) 不過,不後悔選了 感覺很實實在在的瞭解英國文學到底是什麼。 不過,期末有點難熬,演戲和期末報告排得太近了。 (很希望下學期老師可以只擇其一) 上星期聽老師說下學期會有4星期的戲劇實務,我很期待呢! 因為那是看到全班大團結的好時機,製造大學難忘的回憶。 (青春不留白囉^^) 18. 發表者:吳薇怡 時間: Wednesday, 2 January 2008, 06:25 PM 我覺得網路上所放的資料很豐富,且也超詳細的,讓我們除了了解上課的東西之外,還可以知道其他相關的資訊。而且在進入課程之前,老師會把故事的內容大綱先大概敘述一下,也會藉由看影片的方式,讓我們較易了解上課的內容,這種方式真的很好,只是有時影片跳得太快了,有點不過癮,沒辦法時間有限,不然真想一口氣把電影看完。總覺得我們上課的時間永遠不夠用,但是我們要上的東西卻好多好多。期末,要演戲又要寫報告真的有點累人,尤其是寫報告,需要花時間找相關資料,並且看過,這樣才有東西可寫。不過, 19. 發表者:黃郁涵 時間:Wednesday, 2 January 2008, 08:27 PM 很喜歡老師的上課方式 老師所準備的資料很豐富讓我們可以課前預習也可以課後複習 藉由討論課讓同學更了解課程 不過 期末還是希望可以報告或是演戲二選一 這樣我們可以針對其一去專心準備 20. 發表者:陳力綱 時間:Wednesday, 2 January 2008, 11:09 PM 嗯~我覺得藉著看電影會更了解大致內容~所以還不錯啦~我還能搞懂! 嗯~感覺比美國文學好懂!感 21. 發表者:陳亞青 時間:Wednesday, 2 January 2008, 11:14 PM
老師讓英國文學變的有趣了~!! 我覺得表演不僅讓上課氣氛變的更好~也讓同學更積極想了解課程內容!! 22. 發表者:王偉丞 時間:Wednesday, 2 January 2008, 11:28 PM 有時候看影片其實可以不用快轉那麼多,從影片可以學到很多東西,包括演戲的動作和技術,不過英國文學比美文有趣 ,我希望到課率能再加強 1.2結的課真是吃不消 如果剛好胃痛就很難趕上來........習慣性胃痛還真麻煩 23. 發表者:洪偉翔 時間:Wednesday, 2 January 2008, 11:32 PM I’m really glad that I have this course taught by amiable you. And I would like to share my comments, opinions, suggestions, and reflections in the following paragraphs. For the contents of English Literature, I think you were absolutely well-prepared because we briefly skipped and read some more important stanzas and paragraphs. You needed to be thoroughly familiar with every literature in order to do so. And I especially like the beautifully designed also intimate ppts. They provided us much information about each story. Many concepts, terms, and analysis were completely explained and told. As for movies, considering the limited time we had, you must inevitably scan over it then point out the cardinal scenes related to the context. And I’m quite surprised at others’ comments and advice to movies. In my opinions, understanding the periodical clips of the film is not difficult as long as you have paid enough attention to classes. The exquisite ppts could help us understand the plots and characters easily. I don’t think the classmates paid enough attention as I said. With being concentrating, it had led to some problems happened in later part of this article. Group discussion was excellent for each of the group members to know and get involved with what goes on. We could declare our own opinions through the questions we had. Further, the oral report which we should give after discussing could make sure that we were actually discussing and had concluded something. I’m a little bit bothered by the Twelfth Night play and final papers. They are too close then we were forced to prepare it hastily at the same time. Some of us need to write the final papers of other courses such as Films and Literature. The whole things are just probably too much for us. But I’m still looking forward to completing these papers then. 24. 發表者:吳佩儀 時間:Thursday, 3 January 2008, 01:41 PM
我覺得老師上課很認真 , 講解的很仔細 , 總是介紹很多相關內容給我們認識 . 但是也因為太多 , 反而變成記得片段...演戲其實是個很不錯的選擇 . 但是因為放在期末 , 而且又要有報告跟口試 , 讓我覺得有點壓力.... 25. 發表者:wu gigi 時間:Thursday, 3 January 2008, 07:38 PM
我覺得老師在英國文學的課程安排上很用心,利用了電影使我們更快了解書上的內容.或 26. 發表者:Yoko Yang 時間:Thursday, 3 January 2008, 10:11 PM 對我而言,雖然英國文學常常會讓我閱讀起來有障礙,但我還蠻喜歡這科的,我覺得裡面的故事都蠻有趣的,而且我喜歡那種史詩的故事或是騎士的故事,感覺主角都很英勇,會打敗壞人拯救自己的國家或心愛的女人,就像是在讀童話故事般,讓人滿足了期待與幻想。 我覺得老師的上課方式我很喜歡,以電影作為輔助,在加上老師的講解後,就可以蠻快的進入故事的主題。雖然報告跟演戲的確是蠻大的負擔,但其實這樣學到的東西吧,如果單靠文本的話,畢竟學到的只有書上的東西,要是要做報告的話,就得多去了解文本以外的資料才可以做出一份像樣的報告。至於演戲這部份,雖然我的演技不是很好,但我覺得這也是個快速融入劇情的好方法,因為懂得裡面的內容才可以把戲演好吧。而且我還蠻喜歡討論的感覺,因為可以得到不同的見解。總之,雖然這學期是有點累,但整體而言,我覺得我學到蠻多東西的,而且覺得還蠻有成就感的。 27. 發表者:黃慕嵐 時間:Thursday, 3 January 2008, 10:15 PM
我覺得老師的上課方式我滿喜歡的因為有豐富的PPT 和線上資源 每次上完一個文本都有電影搭配加深課程內容的印象 至於期末報告和戲劇我認為可以二擇一 就演戲來說會花比較多時間看劇本 做道具 排戲 拍攝等 更加深對文本的熟捻度 另一方面 寫報告就是訓練我們的寫作以及邏輯思考能力 但是兩著同時進行會很吃力 最後 再次 28. 發表者:蔡寶嶔 時間:Thursday, 3 January 2008, 11:13 PM 我覺得讀文本之後,再加上看電影輔助。有助於我們學習更快,所以我覺得老師這一點很好。而且ppt也做的很好,讓我們就算因故沒去上課,也能看ppt知道老師再說什麼。至於演戲,好累喔。。。加上報告就有點吃不消,所以希望可以折衷。 29. 發表者:郭秉柔 時間:Friday, 4 January 2008, 12:44 AM 我覺得英國文學還蠻深奧的,但我覺得老師用電影幫助我們了解故事再加上老師的講解後還蠻棒的,很容易懂,也會提升對這門科目的興趣,有想把電影租回家看的衝動,而且裡面的故事都蠻有趣的有都很有名。報告跟演戲的確是很大的壓力,期中考之餘又要分組告,完了之後要演戲,接著還有期末報告...我覺得分組報告是不錯的,但或許可以有2選1的方式會不錯 30. 發表者:林佳諭 時間:Friday, 4 January 2008, 12:53 AM 大三第一次接觸英國文學,一開始我有點搞不清楚狀況,即便再開學第一堂課老師就有明確的講解授課大綱及教學流程、以後進行的方式,還有將來會讀的文本,我還是覺得有些陌生,第一次看到英國文學就讓我想到美國文學,每個老師的教學方式不同,到真正開始接觸英國文學的時候,才發現不管是內容或者難度上都有很大的差異,這對我來說也是一項新挑戰,期初對教學方式很不適應,老師使用ppt,文本,還有我這學期第一次使用的e learning網站教學,但進入期中,我開始喜歡這樣的方式,畢竟文本很難,老師的ppt對我來說非常有用,放在網站上也很方便,有時候,看了電影讀了文本,卻還是不能理解,這文本是要我們著重哪些部分去學習,或是從哪些觀點切入,這時候ppt就是我很大的助手!有時同組組員會在課前列印,上課的時候就更能進入狀況,最大的好處莫過於,英國文學分組討論課的時候,即便老師已經把該給我們的都給了,當下看到問題時,還是不知從何去著手做切入,又或者,那個問題是我們唸了文本後根本沒有注意到的象徵涵義,暗喻,諷刺或思想,這時候參考ppt的分析就可以幫助我更進入那個問題,但老師做的ppt有點太好,還有老師真的很用心在找相關資料,第一次找期中報告資料的時候,就發現找到的好的老師幾乎都放在網站上或是ppt提到,讓我不知從何下手。 回顧一整個學期,我比較喜歡其中考之後學的東西,也或許是那時更進入狀況,莎士比亞的文學很美這一值都知道,但這是第一次深入去理解。 整體而言我很喜歡這樣的上課方式,很有步驟也很緊湊,希望下學期可以延用這樣的上課方式。 31. 發表者:蔡秀宜 Monday, 7 January 2008, 08:59 PM 我覺得這學期上英國文學很豐富, 因為老師透過電影讓我們了解故事, 雖然文本很難,但是老師用電影讓我們了解這真的還不錯,但是我希望中文可以再多一點,可以讓我們更了解故事內容^^ 32.發表者:謝馥如 Monday, 7 January 2008, 09:01 PM 我只希望演戲跟期末報告的時間可以拉遠一點,這樣剪接者負擔就會很大。上英國文學學到很多文學的知識哦:D,希望下學期的英國文學可以ㄧ樣的有趣:D:D:D 33. 發表者:高慧婷 Wednesday, 9 January 2008, 03:50 AM 老師讓我們了解英國文學的有趣,老師也找了很多資料輔助我們學習。我也覺得演戲跟報告時間太緊湊了可以選一或者換別的方式。:) 34. 發表者:陳鈺婷 Wednesday, 9 January 2008, 06:10 PM 我覺得老師的教材很豐富,您的投影片能讓我更了解文本的內容,而且達到復習和預習的功用。藉由分組討論和每一組輪流呈現自己的PPT,也可以讓我?趁此機會省視自己吸收多少知識,也可以進一步與同學互相交流意見,雖然我不喜歡上台報告,因為會覺得很緊張!不過我想這是訓練自己膽量的好時機,如何用簡短的話來表達自己的想法。同時我也喜歡老師以播放影片的方式做教學,讓我?以輕鬆看電影的方式享受英國文學。和大家一樣,我也希望期末報告和演戲擇一就可以了,不然一下應付兩樣,有點吃不消。當然我會選擇演戲,畢竟比較有趣而且更能發揮團體合作,還能看到更多精采的演出。^_^謝謝老師!祝您寒假愉快!!! 35. 發表者:劉智忠 Wednesday, 9 January 2008, 08:21 PM 喔 老師阿我雖然不是很用功 但是我想如果上課可以看把電影看完會更好 一直快轉就沒有看的感覺了 另外我覺得期末要演戲又要教報告 有點多 如果可以演戲就好那會好一些些 ppt跟演戲都很難弄 花很多的時間 不過能夠跟同學們一起努力我覺得這些是好的地方可以繼續採用 謝謝 36. 發表者: 李宜珍 Friday, 11 January 2008, 10:19 PM 我覺得老師上課準備的教材很豐富 包括powerpoint或是電影都很精采 可是希望下學期可以用別的方法取代演戲 因為我覺得演戲對我來說是個很大的挑戰 37.發表者:曾貝蒂 Friday, 11 January 2008, 11:34 PM Different from Introduction of Literature which was taught by Ms Lee, I think English Literature class is not as strict as that. It is not understandable why students complain about the skip of text to me. I think if you regard yourself as a slow learner, you have to prepare it avoiding misunderstanding the meaning and development of the stories. As I said, actually most classmates are lazily to prepare the text now, me either. However, I think it is hard to read every sentence because I’ve tried on Beowulf. It is really frustrating, I could not finish it at all. Therefore, we have to find other ways to prepare it, such as reading Chinese summary or other website sources. It will help us to realize the development and characters before the class. This semester, I am very happy to join a new group. Also, Twelfth Night is my favorite play of Shakespeare, actually, the comparison and contrast between Twelfth Night and She’s the Man was my final report in my sophomore’s composition class. I’m glad to make this topic again, and discuss it profoundly. I not only choose it as my final report but also act it in practice. During the procedure, I have learned a lot from my group members, especially Frank because he gives me a great range to do our oral report, and having discussion with him is a good time, too. Yoko is the other person whom I love to talk to. Before starting our final reports, we find sources in About the English play competition next semester, I’ve worried about it for so long. I hope that FL3B can become closer than now even though the relation of my class is closer than one year ago. After asking some classmates, they think that we can play classic work but whether it can be comedy or not because comedy always cheers everyone up. I think there must a lot of classic comedies in our textbook, and perhaps teacher you can give us more suggestion, after all, we haven’t had any experience in producing a real play. Or to play some famous scripts is interesting and challenging for us, such as Shakespeare’s plays, maybe we can find some plays which are familiar with everyone. Thanks!!! Having a perfect winter vacation~~~ 38. 發表者:高資斐 Friday, 11 January 2008, 11:48 PM 英國文學是大3才有的課程 很 39. 發表者:賴沛婕 I feel like every time when the new text begins, I cannot understand what you say, because I did not preview the text before I start it, so I cannot follow the speed you teach us. I think all is because you read the pages so soon that I cannot hear clearly about that. And you just focus on the important quotes that ignores the whole story is talking about, so sometimes I get confused about the text. Regarding the playact, for me, I really do not like to act, no matter the acting, stage light, or the backdrop, each of them I feel is hard to me, although I do consider the acting is the fastest way to learn the play, but indeed is not the Film and The Literary class, so I still not agree with that. Anyways, I still think you are a nice and patient teacher. Thank you for explaining so many fun stories this semester to us. Based on your teaching and the movies on the class, they make me more interest on English Literature.
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