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真實與現實之間 the "real" and the "reality"
2009/11/20 00:51:18瀏覽567|回應0|推薦0
The thing between real and reality, I prefer to know "reality" though the real one is more beautiful.

The thing between real and reality is: something we didn't know. And we can not know unless it shows itself.

According to Roland Barthes, "the thing" is called 座架. but no mention to this "symbol"(符碼), this "technical term", I don't the old man at all...


其中必有個橋樑將真實帶至現實端 那個羅蘭巴特稱為座架的東西
我們無法釐清 除非它向我們彰顯

有時我總是在真實端 除非透過某些人/事 直接向我彰顯 否則我就是在真實端

真實雖然華美, 可是是我們自己想像的, 並不等於現實(事實), 有時是遮蔽我們雙眼的,

我寧願知道現實(reality), 不想享受真實(real)
雖然它美 它同時又美得很苦

現實也許是以醜態呈現 但是它讓你決定下一步

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