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Silent is Golden!
2009/11/03 00:03:39瀏覽310|回應0|推薦0

Have gone throught a period of silent times. Sometimes, silent is GREAT! Today, i read an acticle about the silent is golden! What an coincident! As i just being in the process at the moment! However, i feel thankful to God for a few ANGELs around me during these period of times!

Have u ever experienced talking to yourself? Well! If not, try it! As you may find out more about yourself! Know exactly what you want! Who you are! What you want to be!

Same principle apply to ones you care for. Sometimes, you may think that, the more you talk, the more you know each other. In fact, sometimes, it isn't. Try to be silent, and try to feel! Feel the one who you care for, what is in his/her mind! Give freedom to the one you care. Wait till he/she is willing!

人與人之間最美的“靜”界是。。。 一切盡在不言中。那時刻才是最微妙的。用心去感受。適度的沉默營造舒適的相處氣氛。給予沉默中的鼓勵吧!

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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