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記憶永遠都在~記憶月臺 A Memory to Remember
2016/01/29 10:45:22瀏覽953|回應1|推薦41

記憶月臺 A Memory to Remember ~

"記憶月臺 "
It was May - A Memory to Remember
(記憶月台 廣告主題曲) ~ 主題歌曲欣賞
演唱:柯智棠 /作詞:蔡柏璋  /作曲:羅恩妮

It was a Tuesday morning in May,

and as I awoke, I saw the sun against your fair face.
(當我醒來 看見陽光映照著妳美麗的臉龐)

It was the years loveliest smile,

the breeze was fresh
and throughout the garden linger the scent of roses.
(微風輕撫 庭院裡玫瑰香氣瀰漫)

It was may and I cannot forget that we sang together,
我無法忘記那年五月 我們一起唱著那首歌)

The more time passes the more I remember.
(時光猶逝 記憶猶新)

The air was fresh and the song so sweet,
(空氣如斯清新 曲調無比甜蜜)

Oh it was may, it was may.
(喔 那是那年五月 那年五月)

You sang "love of my heart, love of my heart
You are going far away, you are leaving me."
(妳唱著 "我的摯愛 我的摯愛 你將遠行 離我而去")

And I will count the hours when will you return ?
(我倒數著你的歸期 你何時回來?)
With nod I said, I will return when the roses bloom again.
(我輕點頭說 "當玫瑰再度綻放之時 即是重逢之日")

And I sang "love of my heart, the love of my heart.
You are going far away, you are leaving me"
(我唱著 "我的摯愛 我的摯愛 你將遠行 離我而去")

And I will count the hours when will you return ?
(我倒數著你的歸期 你何時回來?)

And you said, I will return when I hear your voice again.
(而妳說 當我再度聽見你的聲音 即是重逢之時)

I will return, as promise, when the roses bloom again.
如我所諾 當玫瑰再度綻放之時 即是重逢之日)
全銀幕 記憶月臺  

這是【Kingston金士頓】2013年度感人廣告:A Memory to Remember.  
"記憶的紅氣球 When Red Balloons Fly | Kingston"

2013 一句 Mind the Gap 踏上記憶旅程
2014 一張當票 讓夢想開始遠航
2015 Kingston 將以一顆紅氣球 讓愛念念不忘

全新微電影《記憶的紅氣球》10/16/2015 感動獻映

微電影主題曲:柯智棠 《To Be Forgotten》
This year, Kingston brings you another memorable story about a boy and his memories.
A midnight call that yearn to be reunited; a police officer and his random act of kindness; and the red balloons with the memories it carries.
感謝 好友 不吝賜教觀賞: 體驗一下駕駛民航客機的實景(境)Live from the Flight Deck
自動式播放        記憶月臺    記憶的紅氣球
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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