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Don't be hard on yourself at any time
2018/05/24 11:59:43瀏覽24|回應0|推薦0
Often in the time of silence, the feeling of the good, like the rejection of all the noise in the world.

Most of the time, we will be deluded by appearances and forget the truth in the vanity of self-righteousness. This society advocates individuality, but publicity is not a personality, arrogant and unruly is not free, how much of it is not as much as expected.

We believe that the good, should be quiet and indifferent, the world to taste is a happy, not be filled with desire and care.

Always believe that the ups and downs of all things have their own reasons, as long as their own heart is not owed, it is enough.

"The Buddha said, it is you who make your way. It is you who bury you; It is you who help you; What makes you, of course, is yourself. So the Buddha said: self-inflicted, self - sexual! "So tired, we might as well have a companion; Bored, quiet mind to wander.

The stage of life, after all, is his own mountain river, and the compassion of this journey is also to live to see. The wind rises with a smile, the snow dance raises a glass to drink, we just need to look calmly, with the landscape together qinghuan, this is not a piece of wind bone?

In fact, everyone in the world has their own difficulties.

Most of the time, we will feel powerless, unable to stay in time, we can't keep the people we want to stay, life is very tired, we are carrying forward with the load.

But anyway, when the curtain is up, we always have to do well. No one can predict what will happen tomorrow. What you can do is to seize every moment and be realistic and simple.

You know, the years can be a relief, words, even more medicine. In the cloud, the existence of a rare; The hustle and bustle of the world knows that it is just right.

Don't be a flower of time in the skirt, even though the years of life will be flashy, still believe, we will meet the best of ourselves.

"The most perplexing thing in life is not that no one understands you, but that you don't know yourself." just like, you think that the world has forgotten you, but your own heart is blinded and you can't see bright.

There are too many lovers in this world, for a stream of clouds, a curtain of a month, a shadow of the people, a lifetime of lingering and waiting, unable to go out and put down, bitter oneself also disturbed others.

Why not see open some, give others a piece of sky, turn around although is the end of the world, but more open-minded and relieved, sometimes let go even more deeply, let warm sublimation.

At any time, don't be hard on yourself, because every time is precious.

The heart is simple, everything will become very simple, the beauty of time, is to cherish. And the best treasure, not if it is the people I care about, even, the silence, is also a leaf of bodhi cool.

We must learn to make peace with the world, and we should love ourselves. No matter how much criticism we have in life, we still have a pure heart.

Warm in, the day is in, if you cherish, the years are unharmed. ​​​​
( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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