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Smile is the most beautiful gesture
2018/03/20 10:53:21瀏覽20|回應0|推薦0
When the first rays of the morning sun, like a woman's scattered through the bright window, into your room, you will also feel the new day's bright and warm. Come to the mirror and give yourself a sweet smile. Believe, the person that loves to smile, is the most beautiful.

On the way out, a pregnant woman with a pregnant woman in September, with a smile on her face, was greeted with a smile on her face. As I passed by, I suddenly felt the face of without makeup during pregnancy, but it was very beautiful because of that bright smile. Looking at her full of positive energy, as if the air behind her, all became happy.

It turns out that a smile is a gesture.

It means a person's understanding of life and friendliness, sincerity and love. A smile is a blooming flower in life, a happy note, and a link between people's hearts and minds. Face life with a smile, even if it is not a good thing, as long as you can afford to smile, you will feel a lot lighter apartment hk.

To smile, to make strangers feel friendly; To comfort a friend; To make loved ones feel good; Make your partner happy. Learn to smile, the world will become warm and beautiful, colorful; Learn to smile, and to be graceful, just as you are kind to yourself.

A smile is a state of mind.

People live forever, but in a few decades, you should be optimistic and happy. Being sad and negative will only make life more difficult. Positive, but will bring more hope and wisdom. The hardest part of life is not that no one understands you, but that you don't understand yourself. Often, the state of mind determines a person's life state, efforts, to be a sunflower, where the sun is facing start company in hong kong. Be a cheerful person who always likes to laugh. Be nice to others and be good to yourself. As long as the heart is bright enough, the world is bright.

Smile, is a state.

It is a quality to smile when misunderstood. It is a kind of magnanimity to laugh when you are wronged. It is a kind of generosity to laugh at a loss. It is wisdom to laugh at yourself when you are in a quandary. When helpless, you can see a smile, this is a state; It is a kind of atmosphere to laugh when in danger. It is a confidence to laugh when you are scorned. When brokenhearted can smile lightly, this is a kind of free and easy.

Don't forget to smile no matter what troubles you encounter, even when you are sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.

Make yourself a smile, the best gift you can give yourself every day. There is a smile on the face, a light in the heart; Wisdom in the mind, little trouble in nature. Smile to the sun, anzhixin, not to the prosperity myob support, only with the calm state of mind linked.

Out of time, the wind has passed, and the peace of mind is quiet; The rain came, and the heart was pure. With a smile, leave a light fragrance, with a gentle heart, to feel the world's warm; Take one of the most affectionate eyes, accompany the years quietly elegant.

Those who believe in a smile have bad luck. The most is a smile, like a ray of sunshine, a bouquet of flowers, a spring, a spring breeze, a kind of sincere hope; Is a greeting, a belief, a wisdom, a force, a blood of true feelings.

Those who love to smile, always seem more beautiful than others, like a warm spring breeze, bathed in the heart of the heart. Not sad, not hurt, wen wan atmosphere. And the heart, with the bright and sunny disposition, like a transparent window, the experience of life, not false, calm and calm.

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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