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The fact that people are full of greed, fear, or folly is predictable. The sequence is not predictable.

In wealthy Germany, growing up poor is a ’dead-end street’

Chancellor Angela Merkel touted Germany as a country "where people live well and happily." But those words ring hollow to the one in five children living in poverty in Europe’s top economy, with little prospect of climbing the social ladder.

At the Lichtenberg youth center in east Berlin, youngsters get ready to prepare dinner together. "We notice it a lot especially among the teenagers, they ask us: ’When can we eat? I haven’t eaten all day," said the center.

Their parents often lack the money or the time to provide regular meals, so the center aims to give them a space "where they can feel at home".

Some 20 percent of under-18s live in "relative poverty," according to the family ministry, defined as living in households that have to get by on less than 60 percent of the average German household income.

Decrying what it calls "hereditary poverty" in Germany, a study found that just some three to 16 percent of households managed to cross the poverty line and improve their lot.

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