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2010/11/11 05:39:34瀏覽562|回應1|推薦50
蔡琴有一歌,「讀你千遍也不厭倦,讀你的感覺像三月 ...」,真的可以把人當書來閱讀嗎? 最近加拿大多倫多市的公共圖書館,提供一項很特別的館藏,供大家借閱,那就是「人書」 (human books) 。

你可以借閱一本「人書」30 分鐘,和他交談,請他講他的故事給你聽,問他問題等。和一般圖書借閱程序差不多,可用借書證先預約,定好時間後,就到該圖書館和「人書」見面。

目前已有超過 60 位「人書」義工,貢獻他們的時間供人閱讀,分享經驗,其中有記者、藝術家、小說家、不同族裔的移民、腦性麻痺、癌症倖存者、躁鬱症治療中的病人等。讀者若是有聽障,館方甚至可以安排手語翻譯來幫你閱讀。這是我見過最特別的圖書館服務,以下是該項服務的規定與說明。

How to Borrow A Book


Come check out our human books.
Available for holds starting Saturday, October 23.

Who is allowed to borrow a human book?

Anyone with a valid adult or teen Toronto Public Library card is welcome
to participate. Children (12 and under) can also take part, if they are
accompanied by a parent or guardian.

What if I don't have a library card?

If you need a library card, branch staff will be happy to register you for one, for free.

Can I "place a hold" on a human book in advance?

Yes, starting on Saturday, October 23. Call or drop into one of the five
participating branches. Please have your library card number - and
phone number - ready.

How many human books can I place a hold on?

You can reserve one book in advance. Additional books can be borrowed on
the day of the program at any of the participating branches.

How do I "pick up" my hold on the day of the program?

On the day of the program, you will need to show your card to sign out
your hold, so please remember to bring it. Please arrive ten minutes
before your reservation. Any holds that are not "picked up" (i.e. signed
out) within 10 minutes of the reservation start time will be released
and made available to others to sign out.

How long can I sign out a book for?

Each session runs for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Do I have to stay for the entire 30 minutes?

Either the borrower or the human book can end the session at any time - at their discretion.

Can I sign up for sign language interpretation?

The library offers sign language interpretation with advanced notice.
Please request this service with the respective branch at least two
weeks prior to the event.


( 知識學習科學百科 )
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盹龜雞~ 五月29日 德勒斯登 夢幻城堡
人書 ~
2010/12/07 13:41
圖書館將人收藏了 , 再借用.  這和我們的老祖宗說的活字典 , 有異曲同工之妙呢.
瘦骨(2jclee) 於 2010-12-15 06:01 回覆: