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2021/11/04 13:54:45瀏覽1438|回應0|推薦0

《傻痴G20賤奴大秀團照 主子卻為生存拼死反抗》
據悉,一組威尼斯貴族(Venetian Nobility)和亞洲王族達成協議,陰謀集團家族必須從所謂全球機構的權力和控制權中清除。相反,地球人民將賦予實權,因此,正如長期以來預言般,「溫順的人將繼承地球。」
另一個跡象是,美國企業總統發言人簡絲(Jens Psaki)(幾乎可以肯定是大衛·洛克菲勒龜孫子扎克伯格的變裝)儘管接種了疫苗,但還是「感染新冠病毒」並隔離10天,甚至可能永遠隔離。
中情局消息指出,卡馬拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)「拼命想在她和丈夫被揭發並隨船沉沒之前脫身,」這一事實凸顯了拜登假政權的持續崩潰。
消息繼續說,即將發生的另一件大事,是公開宣佈美國前副總統和中情局局長迪克·切尼(Dick Cheney)的死亡。「他於6月29日去世,他們說是因年邁的關係。此情報是四天前剛剛在內部發佈的。」他們說:「還沒有向大眾或主媒發佈。」「等這個消息出來後,將會真正的改變遊戲規則。」
另一個公開被盯上的壞咖是失寵的前紐約州長安德魯·科莫(Andrew Cuomo),他週四被控在奧爾巴尼的行政大樓裏非禮一名前助手,如果被定罪,可能會入獄一年。

米高·謝倫伯格(Michael Shellenberge)說:「我們實際上是以現金福利、住房和其他服務的形式向人們支付費用,讓他們住在街上的帳篷裏,服用易上癮藥物,公開排便與犯罪行為。」
根據聯合國糧食短缺組織主任大衛·比斯利(David Beasley)的說法,這表明事情已變得多麼不正常:馬斯克2%的財富可以解決世界饑餓問題。
阿格里真托:Piazza Cavour
亞歷山德里亞:Piazza Della Libertà
阿爾蓋羅:Via Vittorio Emanuele incrocio Via Cagliari
安科納:Piazza Cavour
奧斯塔:Piazza Chanoux
阿雷佐:Piazza S. Agostino
阿斯科利皮切諾:Piazza Del Popolo
阿斯蒂:Piazza San Secondo
巴里:Piazza Ferrarese
巴列塔:Piazza Aldo Moro
巴薩諾德爾格拉巴:Piazza Libertà
貝盧諾:Piazza Dei Martiri
貝爾加莫:Davanti La Procura
比耶拉:Piazza Martiri Della Libertà
波隆那:Piazza del Nettuno
布雷西亞:Piazza Della Vittoria
布雷薩諾內:Piazza Duomo
布林迪西:Piazza Della Vittoria
布魯尼科:Piazza Municipio
布斯托-阿西齊奧:Piazza San Giovanni
卡利亞里:Piazza Garibaldi
坎波巴索:Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
卡薩萊蒙費拉托:Piazza Castello
卡塞塔:Piazza Carlo Di Borbone
卡斯泰爾夫蘭科韋內托:Piazza Giorgione
卡塔尼亞:Fontana Dell’Elefante
卡坦扎羅:Platz Matteotti
切爾維亞:Piazza Garibaldi
切塞納:Platz Del Popolo
奇維塔諾瓦:Piazza XX Settembre
奇維塔韋基亞:Piazza Della Vita
科莫:Piazza Cavour
克雷莫納:Piazza Stradivari
克羅托內:Piazza Resistenza
科奈爾:Piazza Galimberti
費爾特雷:Piazza Maggiore
菲拉拉:Piazza Trento
佛羅倫斯:Piazza Della Signoria
福賈:Piazza Umberto Giordano
福爾:Piazza Della Vittoria
傑拉: Piazza San Francesco
熱拿亞:Varco Etiopia
伊格萊西亞斯:Piazza Lamarmora
英佩里亞:Piazza San Giovanni
耶西:Piazza Federico II
拉迪斯波利:Piazza Rossellini
拉奎拉:Piazza Duomo
拉丁納:Piazza Del Popolo
萊可仕:Piazza Sant’Oronzo
利佛諾:Piazza Del Municipio
洛迪:Piazza Della Vittoria
曼圖阿:Piazza Sordello
馬薩:Piazza Aranci
馬泰拉:Piazza Vittorio Veneto
墨西拿:Piazza Cairoli
摩德納:Piazza Grande
蒙泰貝盧納:Piazza Del Municipio
蒙札:Trienter Platz
尼扎蒙費拉托:Platz Garibaldi
努奧羅:Piazza Sebastiano Satta
奧爾比亞:Piazza San Simplicio
奧里斯塔諾:Piazza Roma
奧斯蒂亞:Piazza Cesario Console
巴都亞:Piazza Duomo
巴勒莫:Piazza Castelnuovo (Palchetto Della Musica)
帕爾馬:Platz Garibaldi
帕維亞:Piazza Della Vittoria
佩魯賈:Piazza IV Novembre
佩薩羅:Piazza Del Popolo
佩斯卡拉:Piazza Della Rinascita (Piazza Salotto)
皮亞琴察:ffentlicher Platz (lato Respighi )
皮內羅洛:Platz Luigi Facta
皮奧恩比諾:Piazza Verdi
比薩:Platz Vittorio Emanuele II
皮斯托亞:Piazza Del Duomo
波代諾內:Piazza XX Settembre
波坦察:Piazza Mario Pagano
普拉托:Domplatz (Piazza Del Duomo)
拉古薩:Piazza Libertà
拉溫那:Piazza Del Popolo
卡拉布里亞雷焦:Piazza Italia
雷焦艾米利亞:Piazza Della Vittoria
列蒂:Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
里米尼:Piazzale John Kennedy
羅馬:Piazza del Popolo
薩萊諾:Piazza Portanuova
聖雷莫:Piazza Colombo
薩斯沙利:Piazza D’Italia
薩沃納:Piazza Sisto IV
西恩納:Piazza del Campo
敘拉古:Platz Santa Lucia
松德里奧:Platz Campello
塔蘭多:Platz Garibaldi
杜里諾:Piazza Castello
特拉帕尼:Piazza Vittorio Veneto
特里維素:Piazza Dei Signori
烏迪內:Piazza Della Libertà
瓦雷澤:Piazza Monte Grappa
威內托:Campo San Geremia – Palazzo Della Rai
韋爾切利:Piazza Cavour
維羅納:Piazza Bra
維辰札:Campo Marzo
維傑瓦諾:Piazza Ducale
維泰博:Piazza Del Plebiscito
沃蓋拉:Piazza Meardi

【原文】November 1, 2021 Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports
G20 Slave “leaders” pose for photos while their masters struggle to survive
A group of slaves known as the “leaders” of the G20 group of nations have been gathering in Rome and next Scotland to pose for pictures and pretend they run the planet. However, the so-called $150 trillion COP26 plan they have been gathering for is dead in the water. The masters who ordered them to follow this plan are being hunted down and will soon lose power, CIA, Mossad, MI6 and Asian secret society sources agree.
“The G-20 becomes the showpiece for a dysfunctional global order,” is even how the establishment mouthpiece, the Washington Post, describes the situation.
The fact is the families that own the so-called “global” architecture such as the UN, the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the Chinese Communist Party, the United States Corporation etc. are bankrupt.
A group of Venetian nobility and Asian Royal Families have come to an agreement that these families need to be removed from power and control of so-called global institutions. Instead, the people of the planet will be given control, and so, as was long prophesied “the meek shall inherit the earth.”
A visible sign of this is that Queen Elizabeth, the head of the committee of 300 (often called the secret government of the West) is not attending COP26.
“The secret service, the police and the courts are saying enough is enough,” says an Ambassador for Venetian and Asian nobility. “Essentially the Queen is gone. She is under a two-week house arrest [OK palace arrest], and banned from Cop 26,” the Ambassador says. “The act of succession will remove Charles because of the murder of Diana,” he says. “Charles must never be king that is a widely accepted norm,” he adds. Furthermore, Prince William will not be King because he is “an obsequious little creep and we do not like him at all.” Instead, the source says, “The act of installation goes to King George VII or William’s son.”
“We removed the king of Spain because he was essentially the worlds’ biggest drug dealer,” he added.
Another sign is that US Corporate Presidential Spoketrans Jens Psaki (almost certainly a cross-dressing David Rockefeller grandson Mark Zuckerberg) has “contracted Covid 19” despite being vaccinated and has been put under quarantine for 10 days and possibly forever.
CIA sources say Mark Rockefeller Zuckerberg has also been removed from control of Facebook, which is why it has been renamed Meta which, by no coincidence, means “dead” in Hebrew.
The fact that Kamala Harris is “desperately trying to get out before she and her husband are outed and sink with the ship,” underlines the ongoing collapse of the fake Biden regime, CIA sources note.
More Clinton (Rockefeller/Hanover) puppets are being rounded up slowly but surely, the CIA says. “They will all sing like canaries for a reduced sentence,” they add. 
Another big event coming soon will be the public announcement of the death of former US Vice-President and CIA head, Dick Cheney, the sources continue. “He died June 29th. They say it was old age. This intel was just released internally four days ago. It has not been released to civilians or the MSM yet,” they say noting: “Wait till this gets out it will be a real game-changer.” 
Another bad guy to publicly bite the dust is disgraced ex-New York Governor. Andrew Cuomo -who was charged Thursday with groping a former aide in Albany’s Executive Mansion — a crime that could send him to jail for a year if he’s convicted.
“I have been told that he is about to be removed, Permanently,” a Mossad source says.
A sign of the continuing arrests taking place in Washington DC is the weekly flights from the nearby Baltimore Airport to the Thule airbase in Greenland. “This is a weekly run for many months now. Each run holds up to 280 passengers. Add this up for at least 6 months [26 weeks times 280=7,280]. That’s a lot of prisoners,” a Pentagon source says. 
There can be no doubt that bad guys are vanishing right left and center and this process will continue until THEY ARE ALL GONE, Pentagon sources promise.
Now let us look at some of the latest signs of the economic collapse of their system. The U.S. merchandise-trade deficit hit a new record of $96.3 billion in September, up from a $88.2 billion in August (The August figure was revised up from $73.3 billion).
The fact that empty containers are piling up as store shelves get bare are signs the US Corporation failed to borrow money to keep paying for its deficit past October.
This quote sums up the current US system quite well:
“We’re literally paying people in the form of cash welfare, housing, and other services to live in tents on the street, use hard drugs, defecate publicly, and commit crimes,” says Michael Shellenberger,
However, the collapse of the US has been well reported. What is still not being widely talked about is the imminent collapse of the financial system in Communist China. When that goes, it will be the domino that really does cause the current system to implode.
This writer has long dismissed talk of a Chinese collapse but now the signs are undeniable. The problem is real estate.
There has been a lot of talk about the bankruptcy of Chinese real estate giant Evergrande. That talk was temporarily silenced when the company recently averted a default by making a last-minute payment on a bond.
However, it turned out that the company did not make a payment and that it was just a hoax to prevent a domino-style collapse of the entire global financial system, according to the CIA and other sources. The fact is that China has no easy way out. The basic problem is that the Chinese real estate market has lost touch with reality, and reality always catches up with you, no matter how hard you try to avoid it.
The Chinese financial system is based on real estate, just like Japan’s was until the decade-long bubble burst in the early 1990s. The situation in China is eerily similar to that in Japan. Currently, 74.7% of Chinese household wealth is invested in real estate. But just like in Japan – where people had to take out 99-year loans to afford a house – apartments in China cost 30 to 40 times the annual salary of a typical Chinese worker.
To make matters worse, there are about 100 million vacant condominiums owned by people who don’t live in them. They cannot rent them out because otherwise the apartment loses value because it is “used. Also, the Chinese population is aging, and not enough children are being born. If you have ever raised hamsters, you know that they will not have children no matter how much food you give them if their cage is too small.
This is exactly what happened in China when the population was suddenly crammed into small apartments. In other words, these are existential problems that cannot be solved without bankrupting the financial system and then completely rebooting it. That will have repercussions for the entire planet.
The other problem is that the current world financial system is propped up not only by loans from China, but also by debt slavery in the developing world. For example, 34 of the world’s poorest countries spend $29.4 billion a year on debt repayment, while receiving only $5.4 billion in aid. In addition, multinational corporations (90% of which are controlled by 700 people) routinely plunder their oil, minerals, etc., without even paying bribes to corrupt leaders.
According to David Beasley, Director of the UN Food Shortage Organization, this is a sign of how dysfunctional things have become: 2% of Elon Musk’s fortune could solve world hunger.
The current Western financial system is made up of oligarchs who use the central banks they own to pump money into the corporations they also own. This is why the wealth of the world is disappearing into a black hole around Lake Geneva in Switzerland, the headquarters of the Octagon Group, the real James Bond villains of the world. These criminals, knowing that their control network is collapsing, have been desperately trying to make the world compliant with a fake pandemic.
They planned to inject people with a machine-readable mark of the beast (Certificate Of Vaccine ID) and make their ability to earn a living dependent on that ID, according to a Rothschild whistleblower. Instead, their scam is now collapsing. Japan was the first major G7 country to rebel, but many others are following. There are also riots and demonstrations taking place around the world. The fact that four of the top 10 recent iTunes hits are based on Fuck Joe Biden is a clear indication of this popular anger.
This anger is reflected in all countries still controlled by the Khazarian mafia. For example, we have received the following report from Italy:
The media is silent, BUT….
There is an ASTONISHING number of big demonstrations in Italy against the Green Passport, since last week employers are fined (5000 �??) for every unvaccinated employee entering a work building and similar fines for owners of public spaces like restaurants and museums, gyms, etc. since 2 months.
The demonstrations will take place at the following locations:
AGRIGENTO: Piazza Cavour
ALESSANDRIA: Piazza Della Libertà
ALGHERO: Via Vittorio Emanuele incrocio Via Cagliari
ANCONA: Piazza Cavour
AOSTA: Piazza Chanoux
AREZZO: Piazza S. Agostino
ASCOLI PICENO: Piazza Del Popolo
ASTI: Piazza San Secondo
AVELLINO: Libertà-Platz
BARI: Piazza Ferrarese
BARLETTA:Piazza Aldo Moro
BELLUNO: Piazza Dei Martiri
BERGAMO: Davanti La Procura
BIELLA: Piazza Martiri Della Libertà
BOLOGNA: Piazza del Nettuno
BOLZANO: Waltherplatz
BRESCIA: Piazza Della Vittoria
BRESSANONE: Piazza Duomo
BRINDISI: Piazza Della Vittoria
BRUNICO:Piazza Municipio
BUSTO ARSIZIO:Piazza San Giovanni
CAGLIARI: Piazza Garibaldi
CAMPOBASSO: Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
CASERTA: Piazza Carlo Di Borbone
CATANIA: Fontana Dell’Elefante
CATANZARO: Platz Matteotti
CERVIA:Piazza Garibaldi
CESENA: Platz Del Popolo
COMO: Piazza Cavour
COSENZA: Bilotti-Platz
CREMONA: Piazza Stradivari
CROTONE:Piazza Resistenza
CUNEO: Piazza Galimberti
FELTRE: Piazza Maggiore
FERRARA: Piazza Trento
FIRENZE: Piazza Della Signoria
FOGGIA: Piazza Umberto Giordano
FORLÌ: Piazza Della Vittoria
GELA: Piazza San Francesco
GENOVA: Varco Etiopia
GROSSETO: Dante-Platz
IGLESIAS:Piazza Lamarmora
IMPERIA: Piazza San Giovanni
JESI:Piazza Federico II
LA SPEZIA:Europaplatz
LADISPOLI:Piazza Rossellini
LAQUILA: Piazza Duomo
LATINA: Piazza Del Popolo
LECCE: Piazza Sant’Oronzo
LECCO: Cermenati-Platz
LIVORNO: Piazza Del Municipio
LODI: Piazza Della Vittoria
LUCCA: Napoleonplatz
MANTOVA: Piazza Sordello
MASSA: Piazza Aranci
MATERA: Piazza Vittorio Veneto
MESSINA: Piazza Cairoli
MILANO: Fontanaplatz
MODENA: Piazza Grande
MONTEBELLUNA: Piazza Del Municipio
MONZA: Trienter Platz
NAPOLI: Dante-Platz
NOVARA: Pucciniplatz
NUORO: Piazza Sebastiano Satta
OLBIA:Piazza San Simplicio
ORISTANO:Piazza Roma
OSTIA:Piazza Cesario Console
PADOVA: Piazza Duomo
PALERMO: Piazza Castelnuovo (Palchetto Della Musica)
PARMA: Platz Garibaldi
PAVIA: Piazza Della Vittoria
PERUGIA: Piazza IV Novembre
PESARO: Piazza Del Popolo
PESCARA: Piazza Della Rinascita (Piazza Salotto)
PIACENZA: Öffentlicher Platz (lato Respighi )
PINEROLO: Platz Luigi Facta
PIOMBINO: Piazza Verdi
PISA: Platz Vittorio Emanuele II
PISTOIA: Piazza Del Duomo
PORDENONE: Piazza XX Settembre
POTENZA:Piazza Mario Pagano
PRATO: Domplatz (Piazza Del Duomo)
RAGUSA: Piazza Libertà
RAVENNA: Piazza Del Popolo
REGGIO EMILIA: Piazza Della Vittoria
RIETI: Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
RIMINI: Piazzale John Kennedy
ROMA: Piazza del Popolo
ROVIGO: Vittorio-Emanuele-Platz
SALERNO: Piazza Portanuova
SANREMO: Piazza Colombo
SASSARI: Piazza D’Italia
SAVONA: Piazza Sisto IV
SIENA:Piazza del Campo
SIRACUSA: Platz Santa Lucia
SONDRIO: Platz Campello
TARANTO: Platz Garibaldi
TERNI: Europaplatz
TORINO: Piazza Castello
TRAPANI: Piazza Vittorio Veneto
TRENTO: Dante-Platz
TREVISO: Piazza Dei Signori
UDINE: Piazza Della Libertà
VARESE: Piazza Monte Grappa
VENEZIEN: Campo San Geremia – Palazzo Della Rai
VERCELLI: Piazza Cavour
VERONA: Piazza Bra
VIAREGGIO: Mazzini-Platz
VICENZA: Campo Marzo
VIGEVANO: Piazza Ducale
VITERBO: Piazza Del Plebiscito
VOGHERA: Piazza Meardi
Wir hören ähnliche Berichte aus Australien usw.
Even the Israelis – some of the most brainwashed people in human history – are waking up. The Mossad-affiliated propaganda site DEBKA confirmed this by noting that no one is paying attention to their decades-old slogans about Iran being just weeks away from getting a nuclear weapon.
In other words, the Israelis are no longer going along with the Khazarian mafia’s plan to kill 90% of humanity with an artificial Armageddon, aka World War III. As the now executed George Bush Sr. famously said, If people found out what we had done, we would be chased through the streets and hung from the nearest lamppost.
Well, folks, that process is well underway.
To illustrate this, at the end of this weeks report we show pictures of some of the treasures recently seized by the white hats in the tunnels under the Vatican;
( 時事評論國際 )
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