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《中國對假羅馬教皇不屑一顧 俄羅斯要求永久廢除美聯儲》
好了,現在讓我們來看看為何軍六確定女王是遭謀殺的原因。軍六負責人指出,她的死亡就在其私人秘書被謀殺的幾天後。「與女王非常親近的人同時向我們報告說,女王除了老年問題外,身體非常好。」他指出,女王被謀殺後,聯盟剛剛任命特拉斯為首相,而不是可薩世界經濟論壇指定的傀儡里希·蘇納克(Rishi Sunak)。他補充說:「女王並不是自然死亡的。我知道這一點,因為她會事先告訴我。」

https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/indonesia-police-inspector-general-ferdy-sambo-suspended-bodyguard-dead-gunshot-wounds-2820001#:~:text=JAKARTA%3A%20The%20Indonesian%20National %20Police%20have%20exposed%20a%20%20shot%20%20er%20shot%20in%20the%20General%20House%20under%20suspicious%20suspects
世界是由四個公司統治的:黑石公司(Black Rock)、道富公司(State Street Corp.)、先鋒集團(Vanguard Group)和富達投資(FMR),由幾個家族持有,包括洛克菲勒、羅斯柴爾德、奧納西斯、甘廼迪、麥克唐納、迪斯尼、邦迪、布什及柯林斯。這些公司在人口販運、槍支、毒品、賣淫、全球恐怖主義和偽旗行動中發大財。他們坐在國際貨幣基金組織、所有央行、世銀和美聯儲的管理委員會中。他們還持有石油、食品、醫藥、化工和技術巨頭。

羅馬天主教會高層也即將採取果斷行動,因為大多數大主教知道「教皇弗朗西斯」是聽命於《瑪門》(Mammon)的特工。卡洛·維加諾大主教(Archbishop Carlo Vigano)說:「在短期內,教會將不得不處理貝爾戈里奧(Bergoglio/「教皇弗朗西斯」)和他的腐敗合作者小圈子造成的災難。」

【原文】September 19, 2022 Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports
China spurns fake pope while Russian demands abolition of Federal Reserve Board
The Khazarian Mafia and their slave countries are secretly trying to negotiate peace with the planetary liberation alliance but their offers are being spurned, White Dragon Society sources say. Instead, Russia is demanding the abolition of the Federal Reserve Board while China is preparing to invade Taiwan, Russian FSB and Asian secret society sources say.
Meanwhile, the undeclared civil war in the West has taken an ominous turn as MI6 discovers Queen Elizabeth was murdered with a directed energy weapon by the Khazarian Mafia. That is why the British military and intelligence apparatus have decided to ally themselves with Russia and China against the KM.
There is also major underworld action in Japan, Indonesia and elsewhere as KM rule worldwide continues its collapse.
There is a lot to cover this week so let us start with the offer to Russia made by the KM agent posing as Pope Francis. The fake pope flew last week to the Congress s of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Kazakhstan’s capital of Astana and begged for meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Archbishop Kiril, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. “Pope” Francis was spurned.
The “pope” offered to “give away the Donetsk and the Luhansk regions and make a peace deal,” according to Russian FSB sources. However, the Russians rejected the new peace offer as “just a manipulation to win time and get gas and oil resources.” They say “the Soros foundation and the Rothschilds are funding activities in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan to repeat the Ukraine scenario.”  
The FSB also notes that “the US has already signed off on funding the Ukrainian Nazis’ weapons and military bases until 2025 to prepare for a new round of war with Russia.”
The Russians suggested it was in their interests to “wait until after the winter,” before negotiating saying “Peace will start from ending the Federal Reserve Board and the current financial system as well as forming a new multi-polar world order with equality for all countries.”
The “pope” also repeated his offer to China of control of ASEAN, Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Australia and New Zealand and sweetened the pot by offering Taiwan as well, according to Asian secret society sources. All the KM wanted in exchange was continued funding for their UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation beyond September 30th.
The Chinese of course, know the people behind the pope are just trying to buy time so they could continue attempts to stay in power by killing 90% of the world’s population. That is why Xi Jinping refused to meet the pope.
They also have a very justified fear the KM would just use the meeting to kill Xi just like they killed North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and the Queen.
OK, now let us look at why MI6 is sure the Queen was murdered. The head of MI6 notes her death came just a few days after his private secretary was murdered. “Someone very close to The Queen at the same time reported to us Her Majesty was perfectly well apart from old age problems.” The murder of the Queen came just after the alliance installed Liz Truss as Prime Minister instead of the KM World Economic Forum designated puppet Rishi Sunak, he noted. “The Queen did not die by way of natural causes. I know this because she would have told me beforehand,” he added.
The KM leadership is a “bunch of creeps who now have every MI6 and SAS officer around the world down their backs on a shoot to kill on my orders,” promises the head of British intelligence.  
That is why MI6 opened a back channel with Russia last week. “We know everything about KM and the KM Russo Genocide of near on five million [more like 50 million] Russians. The mass graves are many. The KM is the root cause of all world terrorism,” MI6 notes. “We are not alone. I have had numerous covert contacts in the last few days,” he added. 
That is why the British agree with the following statement put out by the Chinese Foreign Ministry “China is ready to work together with Russia to…promote the development of the international order in a more just and reasonable direction.”
Russia’s Putin reflected similar sentiments when he said: “Attempts to create a unipolar world have recently taken an absolutely ugly shape and are absolutely unacceptable to the overwhelming number of states on the planet.”
The Russian official Tass news agency also announced Russia and China were joining the UK in repudiating the fake Covid pandemic by noting that when “Putin chatted with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping…they did not resort to anti-COVID restrictions: they spoke at close distance, without masks.”  
The Chinese further signaled to the world they knew they were under 5G electromagnetic attack and are responding by destroying the infrastructure involved as can be seen in this video of a massive cell phone facility being burned down. 
China and Russia displayed the power of their alliance last week at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Uzbekistan. There Xi issued a declaration of war against the KM by saying “We should prevent external forces from instigating a color revolution.”
Instead, he promoted “mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diversity of civilizations and pursuit of common development.”
The countries allied with or signaling alliance with the SCO now include India, China, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Belarus, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, the Maldives, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Belarus, Mongolia, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Mongolia,
The fact that Turkey, the nation with the largest NATO army after the United States, has joined this alliance spells military doom for NATO,
There was also a sign that with this huge alliance behind it, China is preparing for a move to take over Taiwan. On Sunday Taiwan was hit with a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. The earthquake was almost certainly artificial because it took place at a depth of 10 kilometers and its epicenter was the huge airbase in Hualien County on the eastern coast of Taiwan.
The US military is unable to resist, being so short of funds that active-duty soldiers need food stamps to feed themselves and their families.
Since most of the world’s major oil-exporting countries are members of the SCO, this means that the continued disruption in oil supplies to the EU and US will lead to complete economic chaos.
Indonesia, another major oil producer, is also likely to join the anti-KM alliance soon. According to Indonesian intelligence sources, a civil war is raging within the military and police forces. Indonesian intelligence officials have uncovered “gambling syndicates, prostitution, trafficking in underage children, drugs and tons of money… Specially appointed outside investigators have already unearthed hundreds of millions of dollars in offshore banks in Singapore and Hong Kong.” The articles linked below reflect a small part of the internal war raging there.
https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/indonesia-police-inspector-general-ferdy-sambo-suspended-bodyguard-dead-gunshot-wounds-2820001#:~:text=JAKARTA%3A%20The%20Indonesian%20National %20Police%20have%20exposed%20a%20%20shot%20%20er%20shot%20in%20the%20General%20House%20under%20suspicious%20suspects
“This will most likely bring down the Indonesian government before the end of October,” the source said.
Japan also secretly joins the alliance. The fact that Russia is still supplying them with gas and oil shows that the Japanese have already struck a secret deal.
High-level members of the Japanese underworld met with a WDS representative last week and said an alliance had been struck between all major Japanese ninkyo (the correct term for the widely used derogatory word yakuza) organizations. This means that the groups that tasked the KM with delivering underage children, assassinating politicians, etc., must now choose between surrender and death.
The ninkyo alliance promises to regain control of all listed Japanese companies from KM and its lackeys.
Polish intelligence sources also contacted the WDS last week and announced that they had declared war on the KM. They realize:
The world is ruled by four corporations: Black Rock, State Street Corp., Vanguard Group and FMR owned by several families including: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Onassis, Kennedy, McDonald, Disney, Bundy, Bush and Collins. These companies have made their fortunes in human trafficking, guns, drugs, prostitution, global terrorism and false flag operations. They sit on the governing boards of the International Monetary Fund, all central banks, the World Bank and the Federal Reserve System. They also own oil, food, pharmaceutical, chemical and technology giants.
They said the Polish military is ready to take over KM subsidiary ALTRIA Holdings, which manages Poland’s economy, politics, parties, politicians, courts and companies.
A Polish intelligence source noted:
Russia knows it is leading to an exit from the Matrix. It leaves behind a corrupt financial system, the media and the Internet. They expose the New World Order, EU, US, NATO, UN, CERN, WHO, CIA and MOSSAD. It’s all a great pit of serpents, full of darkness, uniting in the evil elite pyramid. It will soon be completely destroyed.”
The Roman Catholic Church hierarchy is also about to take decisive action, as most archbishops know that “Pope Francis” is an agent working for “Mammon”. Archbishop Carlo Vigano says: “In the short term, the Church will have to deal with the disasters caused by Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) and his small circle of corrupt collaborators.”
Of course, as usual, the KM does not intend to go quietly into the night despite the growing resistance. A rumor has been circulating on the internet and in the intelligence community that some kind of massive 911 or Fukushima-like event is being planned for the Jewish New Year on September 24th. Whatever they do, they won’t be able to murder or terrorize themselves from the hole they dug for themselves.
The big question, however, is whether the long-planned “space/UFO” event will happen at or near this time.
As is usual lately, we conclude with the latest evidence for UFOs and Unidentified Area Phenomena (UAP).
1. Ancient Mosaic Found in Palmyra, Syria Ancient alien spacecraft.
2. UFO seen from a passenger plane
3. Drones fly over a city and are observed by a helicopter
4. Spotted UFO fly-by on live TV news
5. Military SSP vehicle fires weapon
Finally, one more sign that we live in interesting times: “Ukrainian astronomers observe bizarre unidentified aerial phenomena over Kyiv”.
( 時事評論國際 )
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