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【不分類 】全額獎學金 鼓勵大學生企業實習 Intern
2013/02/11 12:22:41瀏覽776|回應0|推薦1
(February 08, 2013台北電)為縮短產學落差,中研院昨天發布「高等教育與科技政策建議書」,建議仿照美國及新加坡,以全額獎學金吸引國際(尤其東南亞國家)與台灣各大學學生至企業實習(Internship Program),並把國科會與教育部所提供攻讀國際名校的公費補助計畫擴展至業界。




翁啟惠指出,國外許多企業會設獎學金或獎座,吸引研發人才;或由政府匯集產業需求後,再對外徵求研究計畫,造就許多卓越研究結果。他舉例,美國曾投入38億 美元徵求全人類基因定序研究計畫,結果產生5000億的效益,創造無數工作機會,並在基因療法、早期檢測、精密儀器、奈米技術等領域都有突破。


美國企業 Internship Program 企業實習例子

Maxim's internship program employs the best and the brightest students from colleges and universities across the globe. Students pursuing degrees in various areas, including engineering, accounting, human resources, and marketing, are given the opportunity to put their education to the test in a successful, global company.
Maxim's internship program consists of:
  • Intern-specific orientation
  • Lunch 'n' Learns (e.g., a lunch with the CEO, a resume-writing workshop)
  • Intern presentations to program leaders about projects and experiences during the internship
  • An Intern Advisory Board composed of interns which provides the opportunity to develop leadership skills while serving as a resource for interns nationwide
Students participating in the internship program will also have the opportunity to partake in the following events and activities:
  • Intern-specific social events
  • Networking opportunities with other young professionals at Maxim (e.g., attending Giants or Earthquake games)
  • Community and philanthropic events (e.g., volunteering at Second Harvest, the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure)
  • Sports leagues (e.g., softball, soccer, basketball, ping pong)
  • Company picnics
Interested in joining the Maxim team? Use our US job search or international job search to look for internship openings, and apply now.
( 心情隨筆工作職場 )
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