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Miracle Through Intuition
2019/10/07 01:19:00瀏覽828|回應1|推薦33

The original text is posted on http://loveneverending.com/miracle-through-intuition/.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

--Albert Einstein   


My son and his babies Buster (R) Gidget (Left).

Around the beginning of spring, I was called for an audition in Hollywood. As usual, I drove from South Pasadena to get to my destination, but this time I took a route in a school zone. As I was driving, I couldn’t help but think about my son’s recently deceased dog Buster, who I had still been mourning(loveneverending(80):Oh,Buster! (英文))

Because I was familiar with the street, I didn’t pay any particular attention to my driving.

When I reached a red light, a police car gestured for me to turn and pull over. The officer came over and said, “Lady, did you know you were driving 40 miles an hour in a school zone where the limit is 25 miles?” I couldn’t believe that I had been driving that fast, but I couldn’t find it in myself to argue with him as thoughts of Buster occupied my mind. I was given a ticket, and the officer told me to pay the fine and go to traffic school so as to not drive up my insurance premium.

As I drove off, I still couldn’t figure out how I had been driving so quickly. It was a winding road with an ascending slope so that I wouldn’t have been driving recklessly. Finally, I decided I would just let the ticket sit and decide what to do in a month. Somehow I felt like I should argue in court, so I went to pay the fine and scheduled court date.

Three months later, I went to the Pasadena Courthouse. There were about 35 other people, most of whom were probably in the same situation as I was. As I was waiting, I struck up a conversation with the woman next to me. She explained to me that she felt the officer who gave her the ticket would show up, as he had five other cases. He wouldn’t pass on the opportunity to deal with all of his traffic cases in one day. Worried, I checked my ticket and saw my officer also have the other five cases too. I was sure my police officer would show up without the doubt.

As we were seated, I started to look around to see if my officer would show up. Only one officer had shown up. I tried to check the name on his uniform, but I couldn’t make it out from far away. Then the judge started hearing the cases. She called the officer and kept ruling in his favor, case after case. The only exception was a woman, the president of some charity. She had been driving a woman from Africa who didn’t have her seatbelt on and, given her situation, won the case.


Looking at the judge, I started to get very scared. It was obvious that she was siding with the officer, as she trusted his judgment. I felt like my chances of winning the case were growing slimmer and slimmer. Eventually, I decided to surrender when it would be my turn.

Once she had finished the officer’s six cases, she told everyone else they were free to go, as their officers hadn’t shown up. Obviously, I was exuberated not to have to pay a fine and go to traffic school. But as I was driving back, I thought how unlikely it was that this would happen. From my understanding and prior experiences, it was rare that most of the officers on these cases wouldn’t show up. But this time, the majority of people were let go because of these no-shows. It had been such an unexpected miracle, one that I was extremely thankful for.

Before I had left for the courthouse, my son and friends advised me there was no chance of winning if I protested the ticket. The advancement of technology has ensured that the officer probably had a very accurate reading on my speed. Even so, I felt compelled to go to court to fight the ticket, not to mention I didn’t want to pay the fine and go to traffic school. As unlikely as it was for me to go with my gut feeling instead of listening to reason, I’m glad I did so. It is rare that one gets to experience such a miracle with so many others.



大約在初春的時候,我需要去好萊塢試鏡。像往常一樣,我從南帕薩迪納出發,開車走上市區小路去上高速公路,但這次我陰錯陽差的開在一個高中學校的背後,有時速限制的路段。那時我滿腦子只想著最近去世的狗巴斯特,它是我兒子的寶貝,一個不一樣有著老靈魂的狗,它的離開我們異常不捨。(loveneverending(80):Oh,Buster! (英文)

零極限 Zero Limits(163):Oh, Buster! (中文)


當我開離𡥘區,遇到紅燈時,後面一輛警車示意我靠邊停下。警察走過來問:“女士,你知道你在一個限速為25英里的學區裡,以每小時40英里的速度開車嗎?” 我不敢相信我開得這麼快,但我無法跟他爭辯,因為我腦子裡一直想著巴斯特。我被開了一張罰單,警察告訴我交罰款,然後去上交通學校的課,這樣我就可以不必擔心我的保險費漲價。








( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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Sir Norton 黑幫哪裡黑?
What if
2019/10/07 18:59
It seems arguable if this qualified as a miracle. What if the officers were too moody to perform their duties. In the depth of your mind, you suspected an outlier, like abusive. You went to clarify by seeking an evidence. It is highly likely the officer backed off for not possessing a positive evidence.
馨儀:母親的借據(singi28831) 於 2019-10-14 11:32 回覆:

I am sorry that I could not get back to you earlier. I am trying to finish my first draft of the second book. I have been so focused and forget the other things.

It is my fault that I did not elaborate more to convince my readers that it is indeed a miracle in my eyes. I am good at counting every single detail, but I do not want to bore the readers here. One thing in particular, with over 30 cases to be dismissed, there are more than 7-10 policemen who chose not to show up. It is rare. I did go to court in another city for ticket citation (I did not have insurance proof in my car when someone reared end my vehicle.).At that time,  only two people were let go, because most of the police showed up. Usually, they let them go before everyone goes into the courtroom. Again, it was quite odd for this judge to bring us all in to listen to her judging the cases; she should have let us go before the hearing started. I guessed that there were too many police that did not come, and she was reluctant to let so many people go.

I value your opinion, and it helps me to widen my thought. I did put Einstein's quote at the top of the article to help the readers understand how I define"Miracle."

Thank you for your feedback.