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Every girl should be treated like a princess because she is really one.
2008/05/30 11:30:36瀏覽981|回應2|推薦3

Every girl should be treated like a princess because she is really one.

P---pretty--Every girl is pretty.

R--respect--Every girl needs to be respected.

I--indepentent---Every girl should be independent and confident both in fianance and emotions.

N--never-ending--Every girl wishes to have a never-ending relationship with her love ones.

C--contribution--Every girl is identified as a responsible one whenever she makes some contributions twoard something she values.

E--enchanted--Every girl is enchanted by a person  she  trusts  or she acts like herself and feels safe

S--special--Every girl wishes to be special in someone's heart

S--sleeping beauty--Every girl knows there will be a prince who saves her life with a true love kiss while she is a sleeping beauty

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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I'm the knight
2008/07/29 13:34
protecting my princess with endless passion and love
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2008-07-29 13:38 回覆:
You are so brave and passionate. But please take good care of yourself due to the reason that your princess needs you for entire life.

Be a KING, my boy
2008/05/30 18:18

Every boy also shoud be treated like a KING

K--king---Every boy should be kind to others.

I--Independent-- Every boy should live on his own.

N-- nobe-- A noble character should be a must

G-- Good-- A boy should has a good deed

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2008-05-30 22:53 回覆:

hahah. you know, I burst into crazy laughters when I read the messages above.

Haha, thanks for brightening up my day with a crazy smile.